The official office building in Moco city is obviously in traditional style. Zhang Qianxiu doesn't know much about the architectural style of the Soviet Union, but it looks a bit like the Roman style, especially the row of columns at the entrance, but only these columns look like it. The overall style is obviously not.

At the top of the office building, there is a full dome, just like a tower on top of the building.

When entering the office building, Zhang Qianxiu thought it would be very troublesome and would be stopped for questioning, but in fact, the office staff here basically ignored Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu was so happy that he just turned around.

During this period, someone stopped Zhang Qianxiu and asked him what he was doing. Zhang Qianxiu said that the better to meet Popov, those people just asked Zhang Qianxiu if he wanted to lead the way. After Zhang Qianxiu refused, he told him how to go and didn't care.

The office building in Moko is very big. It's hard to find the reference room. The most important thing is that there is no plan here.

After turning for nearly an hour, Zhang Qianxiu secretly wrote down the floor plans of the lower floors.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Zhang Qianxiu casually found someone and told him that he wanted to find Popov. The better. The man was a little impatient, but he still took Zhang Qianxiu out of Popov's office.

Zhang Qianxiu knocked on the door of the office, and soon Popov's voice came from it. After Zhang Qian's self-cultivation, his translator said, "boss Zhang, let's go in."

Zhang Qianxiu pushed the door and went in. He saw Popov sitting by the window, smoking a cigar and enjoying the warmth of the sunshine.

When Popov saw that it was Zhang Qianxiu, he immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, you've come. After receiving your call, I'm not in the mood to deal with business. I'm waiting for you."

"Come on, sit down!"

Zhang Qianxiu sat down in the chair beside him and said, "Mr. Popov, actually I came ahead of time."

"Oh? Mr. Zhang has been here long ago? " Popov asked strangely, "is there anything else that Mr. Zhang is doing here?"

Although Popov is the first leader of Moko, there are other powerful figures below.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "it can be said that there is, or it can be said that there is not."

"Before I came here, I was thinking that if we cooperate, what I want to make is money, and Mr. Popov must also make money, but besides making money, can I give Mr. Popov other benefits, so as to promote our cooperation."

Popov was very happy and laughed: "Mr. Zhang, then you should come to ask me!"

Zhang Qianxiu said: "I think I have found the answer. Maybe it's different from what Mr. Popov thinks, but Mr. Popov is definitely interested."

Popov is not stupid either, knowing that Zhang Qianxiu will not benefit himself for no reason: "Mr. Zhang, we haven't talked about this cooperation yet. I don't know what surprise Mr. Zhang is going to give me?"

Zhang Qianxiu said: "solve the employment problem of people in Moko city."

"Although it can't solve many problems, it can at least make Mr. Popov's achievements very good. At this time, if Mr. Popov makes good achievements, it will certainly be good for your official career."

In Zhang Qianxiu's view, the Soviet Union is now in the worse, only worse, not the worst, so as long as it doesn't look so bad, that is the result.

Popov is really interested. No one knows what will happen to the Soviet parliament in the future. Everyone is too busy collecting money to care about anything else.

However, no matter what happens after the Soviet Union, the worst result is the disintegration of the Soviet Union, or the change of a group of leaders. It is impossible to be colonized. After all, that is not popular now.

If we can do it well now, we still need someone to take charge of it after this matter is over. If we can make money now, we can also make some positive achievements. That's the best.

Popov said: "Mr. Zhang, I have to admit that your proposal is very good, but we are in a bad situation now, as you can see."

Zhang Qianxiu naturally knows that the current situation in the Soviet Union is very complicated, but when it comes to employment, it's probably very simple.

With the economic avalanche, money is worthless. People can only buy food with their money. Other products are unsalable and can't be sold at all.

Things can't be sold, shops can't make money, and they won't buy goods. Naturally, factories can't produce any products. Even if they produce them, it's useless. They can't sell them!

Export? The strong item of the Soviet Union is heavy industry, automobile export? Europe has the public of Germany and Italy, etc; There are several brands of Japan and Bangzi in Asia, and the shape of Soviet cars is really unique, which does not meet the aesthetic standards of many people.

As for electronic products, light industry and so on, the Soviet Union is really not very good. TV sets and other products can be hanged by the Japanese, even their domestic people dislike them.

It is difficult to export because the economy has collapsed, there is no consumption at home, and the whole industrial system has stopped working. Combined with these reasons, employment will be completely destroyed.

Zhang Qianxiu understood this very well, but he did not want to bring back the employment of the Soviet Union. He would not think that the whole Soviet Union could not find a way to get along with each other.

If you just make the surface look better, there is no problem.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "Mr. Popov, if I say something unpleasant, the Soviet Union will certainly not be able to support it, and Russia will definitely become independent. At this time, we need to completely open up, don't you think?"

The Soviet Union has not yet disintegrated, but it has already disintegrated. Many allied countries have begun to walk on the road of complete independence.

Now the Soviet Union is basically just a shelf, and the allied countries have begun to take over power.

Russia is on its way to independence, but it has not yet elected its own leader.

Now the situation in the Soviet Union is like a family with many brothers. The parents can't support it any more, and there is not much harmony between the brothers. Some brothers have already taken their wives and children to live outside, and they are basically waiting for the separation. As long as their parents speak, they immediately discuss how to divide the family's money, debts, fields, pots, bowls and spoons.

Popov is very clear about this: "Mr. Zhang, what you said is not wrong, but at present there is no industry in our country that can do."

"It's hard to say. Even if I want to do something, I can't do it."

With a smile, Zhang Qianxiu said, "this is a good solution. You can help me acquire some powerful machinery factories, and then I will cooperate with you. Isn't it privatization now?"

"No one will take over at all. I'll contract the land, I'll build the machinery, and I'll rent the farmland to your people. I can also give them the agricultural machinery first, and then give it to me when they make money."

"I don't charge them rent for the first three years."

"But after three years, the rent must be paid, and the grain produced each year must be sold to me first, and the seeds and fertilizers must also be bought from me."

"I promise that the grain purchase price, seed price and fertilizer price I give them are absolutely reasonable."

"In this way, I will build fertilizer plants and seed breeding bases in your country."

Popov frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Zhang, it's very risky for you to invest in our country now."

Zhang Qianxiu said, "I know that. I've been thinking about it for a long time, so I didn't invest in anything else. I invested in agriculture."

"However, there is not enough land in your Moco city. You have to find a way to help me persuade the surrounding cities."

"What's more, ordinary people have to go through the winter first. I can give you food. You can find some jobs for them, such as renovating your office building. Although you can't pay them, you can give them bread."

"You can get those people to fix the roads, too."

Popov wry smile: "Mr. Zhang, do these materials, we can't get the money to buy materials now."

Zhang Qianxiu said: "it's very simple. You can find a way for me to buy cement plants, steel plants, mining and so on. As long as I have these factories and mines, I will resume production immediately. I'm afraid I can give you the cost price for these materials."

"Even if you can't afford it at the cost price, it's also simple. If you let me buy enough high-quality factories and land, I can give it to you for free."

"As long as all these are done, not to mention solving too many employment problems, all streets in Moko city will have been renovated by then. Although ordinary people can't earn much money, they won't starve to death. I will give them some money to pay the heating fee so that they won't freeze to death."

"As long as they pay the heating fee, the heating company will have money, which is a positive cycle."

He has been doing what Zhang Qianxiu said, but he didn't come to an end. The experts he got are busy every day, just busy with these things.

Only up to now, Zhang Qianxiu has not really acquired a company or factory, because the price is not low enough.

Zhang Qianxiu wanted to buy it at a discount.

It's not that Zhang Qianxiu is greedy. In the future, the Russian economy has been pushed to the ground by the United States, and the economy has never been able to get up. Now, it's not known what will happen if Russia buys the assets of the Soviet Union.

Even if we buy at a discount now, if we keep it in our hands, some industries may lose money in the future.

Zhang Qianxiu now has two main preparations for acquiring these assets. As long as the Soviet Union disintegrates and the economic situation improves, he will sell all his assets. At the same time, during this period of time, we will invest in China in the name of foreign capital and bring technology back.

If you can't find a chance to get rid of it, you can continue to play. Now that the Soviet economy has not collapsed to the end, you can take all these industries as mortgage loans and run away with money. In the future, the industries here will be able to support themselves. Maybe in the future, a complete closed-loop industrial chain will be formed in Russia. If you can't support it, you can give it to the Russian authorities to clean up, Anyway, he mortgaged enough money. You know, he bought it at a discount. It's not too much for him to take these assets and ask the bank for a 50% loan? There's another 40 percent to make.

Such a thing is really magical, but now the Soviet Union is like this, who let its whole system collapse?

Popov thinks that this can be done. Anyway, Zhang Qianxiu is also in charge of the loss. No matter how hard he tosses, the situation will not be worse than now: "Mr. Zhang, I have to admit that what you said is very attractive, but it's not enough."

Zhang Qianxiu said, "I understand. I will set up a company overseas. This company has nothing but a foreign debt of 5 million yuan."

"Companies like this don't want to give it to people. After all, it's not certain whether the debt can be recovered, so I can sell it to Mr. Popov for one meter."

Popov's eyes brightened: "the Caymans?"

Zhang Qianxiu said: "it's OK. I'll find someone to register where Mr. Popov wants, or Mr. Popov can register himself. Belfshka is very good at this."

"However, I have to acquire enough companies and factories to satisfy me in the Soviet Union this year."

"Every time I buy a factory or company, that company receives a repayment."

"The repayment is 1% to 10% of the amount of my purchase, which depends on the situation."