Zhang Qianxiu repeatedly agreed: "that's what I think, black cat and white cat. Catching a mouse is a good cat."

Jiang Berlin burst out laughing: "right, special time, special treatment. This is the time for our country to pursue development. Sometimes we have to use some special means, but we can't be too serious."

"I heard vivi say that you want to make something called a chip?"

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned for a moment and pretended to smile bitterly: "Uncle Jiang, how much did the girl say to you?"

"Don't blame that girl either," Jiang explained. "That girl is saying good things about you most of the time. I wish I could blow you to heaven."

"She said this to me, even if I didn't know it at the beginning. After I knew it, I would have some opinions on you. She just told me directly."

"I can see her thoughtfulness. She loves her since I was a child and tells me how bad she is. If I have a good impression on you, she will let me help you. If I have a bad impression on you, she will ask me to tell you about the state-owned factory."

"When she called me yesterday, she asked me to help you find a relationship."

Zhang Qianxiu didn't expect that Su Yuwei thought so much for herself quietly, and her heart was warm.

"She's really smart." Zhang Qianxiu said.

Jiang Berlin nodded: "smart! When I was a child, I said that she was a human being. If my boy had half of her, no, one-third of her cleverness, I would be happy. "

"I'm still interested in the chips you're going to make."

Zhang Qianxiu tried to ask, "Uncle Jiang, do you use a computer?"

Jiang Bolin waved his hand: "I don't understand that thing. I've seen it before. It's a magic thing. Is a chip something in a computer?"

Zhang Qianxiu had no choice but to explain the structure of the computer and the role of its accessories.

Jiang Bolin was not a genius, but he was very serious. He took out a pen and paper to take notes, drew a diagram, and asked some questions. He thoroughly understood the role of computer accessories: "roughly speaking, the most difficult thing for a computer is the chip, and the biggest problem is the memory, right?"

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: "yes, we all know the importance of chips, but now the biggest problem is memory."

At present, the most serious problem for computers is the storage device. The best computer is 486, with a price of about 20000. The memory is only 4m, and the capacity of hard disk is 128M.

1024m is equal to 1g, and 64g is not enough for later mobile phones, while 128G and 526g can be seen everywhere.

In terms of 64g memory, which has less storage space, it is more than 500 times higher than the computer memory in 1990. How big was the computer in 1990? How big is the mobile phone in the 21st century?

If it's a 21st century computer, ordinary hard disks are all based on t,

What's more, in the 21st century, any photo is a few meters, and a song is dozens of meters. If this capacity of songs were put into 1990, a few songs would fill the hard disk of the computer.

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: "yes, at present, whether it's the hard disk that stores things or the running memory, it's dragging its feet. It can't store too much things. Even if the CPU wants to calculate things that are too complex, it has nothing to store."

"How can you conclude that CPU is the most important thing in the future?" Jiang Berlin asked suspiciously.

Zhang Qianxiu denied that he said, "Uncle Jiang, I didn't say that CPU is the most important thing. Other things in the computer are also important. It's just that CPU technology is the most advanced."

"As early as 1965, a man named Moore put forward a law, which roughly means that the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every two years."

"At present, the best CPU on the market is 486. There are 1.2 million transistors in it, which will double in two years. In the future, there will be tens of billions of transistors in the CPU, which is probably the circuit. If you put it on a thing as big as a finger shell, you need a very precise and high-end machine to produce it. This kind of machine is called a lithography machine."

"If our country doesn't have any say in the photoresist, we can only go to other people to buy it. If other people don't sell it, we won't be able to use it, and we will get stuck."

"If we can make photoresists, even if we can't, as long as some of the important technologies are ours, then all the countries in the world will not be able to hold our neck."

Jiang Berlin deeply looked at Zhang Qianxiu and sighed: "what Weiwei said is really right. You have a lofty heart and lofty ambition. When I talked with her, I thought she was exaggerating. Now it seems that what she said is really right!"

Jiang said, staring at his thumb nail: "the biggest finger shell is just a little bit big. I really can't think of what it would be like to put 10 billion lines on it."

"If... One day, our country has such high-tech technology... It will be great!"

In fact, Zhang Qianxiu had no bottom in his mind.

Making chips is his ultimate goal. As for how to achieve this goal, he has no plan at all. What he says to Su Yuwei is from his heart, but it's just a dream; There's no way with Jiang Berlin.

Even what technologies are used to create lithography opportunities? What technologies are needed to make chips? Zhang Qianxiu didn't know anything about it.

But this ultimate goal, after all, is in Zhang Qianxiu's mind. As long as he has money, he wants to have a try.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "at present, these technologies are only available in foreign countries, but our country can't do it yet, but I want to try and do a little bit for our country."

Jiang Berlin rarely showed a smile and said, "if all the 1.2 billion people have your ambition and are willing to work hard for it, why is our country strong?"

"I think of a sentence from Mr. Liang! A strong youth makes a strong country, a wise youth makes a wise country, and a rich youth makes a rich country! "

Zhang Qianxiu said modestly, "Uncle Jiang flatters me. This is my ultimate goal. I'm going to spend five to ten years to accumulate capital, then five to ten years to catch up with them, and finally five years or so to completely surpass them."

"It's a long plan. I don't know if I can get there, but as long as I live a carefree life, I will stick to it."

Jiang Berlin nodded: "how many people do you think this plan will take? How much? That's the most important thing. "

Zhang Qianxiu pondered a little, and said: "at least millions of people, including assembly line workers and related employees, may even reach tens of millions. In addition, there are about 100000 researchers, or even more; In terms of capital, 100 billion is too little. "

Jiang Berlin was stunned, then "ha ha" laughed and said: "my heart is higher than the sky! But... I like it. "

"Your plan should be 25 years. I should still be alive at that time. I really hope you can succeed."

"But then again, if vivi hadn't told me about you in advance, I would have driven you out as a madman or a liar."

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: "it's understandable that as a teenager, I can't afford tens of thousands of yuan for all my belongings. I only have two or three employees, but I'm talking such crazy things. I used to talk to Miss Su, and I dare not tell others. Uncle Jiang, you are the second one."

Jiang Berlin nodded understandably: "it's understandable. Even if I'm psychologically prepared, I still feel that it's incredible. If you succeed, it's a miracle. But if our country wants to develop, it must use countless miracles to develop and surpass. No madness, no survival!"

Zhang Qianxiu did not expect that he and Jiang Berlin would talk about these things: "yes! No madman, no survival! Only when we turn the impossible into the possible can we have great development. "

Jiang Bolin took a deep breath and said, "I'm crazy. You can accept this factory. In the future, I can help you find some relationships and give you the greatest support."

"What you want to do in the future is too high-end. I won't tell you which factory you want to accept, but if you encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me."

"Internal staff, if you can't manage them, you'll be fired. They'll go to the government to make trouble. I'll give them to you. There are some leaders in the city. Weiwei and his father know each other, which is quite reasonable."

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned. He couldn't react. He chatted all day and found such a big bargain?

But this is what Jiang Bolin said. Zhang Qianxiu didn't dare to take it too seriously. What if he didn't admit it at the end of the day? This is the first time he and Jiang Berlin have met.

"Well... Uncle Jiang, it's convenient for me to ask. Who do you know?" When Zhang Qianxiu finished asking, he felt that the question was too abrupt. He quickly added another sentence and said, "if it's inconvenient, you'll take it as if I didn't ask."

Jiang Berlin said with a smile: "do you know what Weiwei's father used to do?"

"Not officially?" Zhang Qianxiu didn't really know.

Jiang Berlin sighed and said: "at that time, when his family gave birth to the second child, he was able to be the head of your county immediately. At most, he had to endure for two or three years."

"What a pity! The second son of his family was not healthy when he was born. In the end, he didn't live a hundred days, so he retired. "

"His temperament is similar to mine. He lives in the village to grow his fields, but he is comfortable."

"But when he was in the army, he liked to read books and made people silly. At that time, the army tried every means to keep him. He wanted to come back to live on the Kang with his wife and children."

Zhang Qianxiu never thought that Su Yuwei's father had such a big background: "I really didn't expect that uncle Su was so powerful."

"Great "I admire him very much," Jiang said. "Most of us know each other and talk to each other. Two of us are comrades in arms of the same regiment."

"This is the great hermit in the city!" Zhang Qianxiu sighed.

Jiang Bolin shook his head: "this is not hidden in the city. He just thinks that there is nothing to say. Sometimes when we get together, he comes in slippers. Weiwei's father has a thorough understanding of these."

Talking with Jiang Bolin until noon, Zhang Qianxiu got to know Su Yuwei's family better.

Su Yuwei's grandfather is an old scholar, and her father is also a poet. After going to the army, he was trained by the army, and even won first-class merit once, second-class merit five times, and group honor three times.

First class merit is almost in exchange for her life. It's lucky that Su Yuwei's father is still alive.

Su Yuwei can be so outstanding is not without reason, perhaps this is what they say gene is good.

Zhang Qianxiu asked Jiang Bolin to go out to eat, but Jiang refused and took Zhang Qianxiu to the factory canteen for dinner.

Daliang sugar factory's management and employees all eat the same food, and they all need to line up to have a meal. However, everyone has their own circle. There is a corner where all employees will not come. Only the management will sit here.

The food in the canteen is not delicious, but the taste is OK. You can see a few pieces of meat.

For today's people, these pieces of meat can definitely be regarded as an "extra meal".

After dinner, Jiang Bolin handed Zhang Qianxiu a brown paper bag: "there are the answers you want. I have all the questions about the state-owned factory. The Daliang sugar factory I manage also has these questions. At present, the profit of Daliang sugar factory is good."

"My solution is also written in it. You can take it for reference."

Zhang Qianxiu took the information bag: "thank you, uncle Jiang."

With a smile, Jiang Bolin said, "I like young people like you. The future of our country needs young people like you to rush and venture in all walks of life. If you don't have the courage, our country will never develop."