According to the data after she invaded the system, the case from a year ago to the time she found the body happened to be the tenth person, but the police didn't grasp any useful clues, gorgeous techniques and boldly put the body in the alley in the city center. All the actions were undoubtedly provocations to the police. Wang Yong took Ye Xin to the school conference room.

"Miss ye, for your safety, please don't come to the school for the time being. I will send two police officers to protect your safety." Wang Yong has heard a lot about Ye Xin. Now that there is no strict central villa area, the only way is to send police to protect Ye Xin's safety.

"No, I live in Qinghe apartment."

"Qinghe apartment." Wang Yong looked at Ye Xin a little differently. Like Ye Xin, Qinghe apartment is the most heavily guarded apartment in Beijing. All the people who check in have been strictly verified. The most important thing is that Qinghe apartment has an official background. From the first floor to the 20th floor, it belongs to the official reception desk, and above the 20th floor, it is an apartment. However, it is by no means a place where ordinary people can live.

"Is there anything wrong?"

It seems that after having nothing to do with the Ye family, many people will think that she lives a miserable life.

"No, but even Qinghe apartment can't relax its guard. After all, he can enter the school..."

Before Wang Yong spoke, Ye Xin immediately interrupted Wang Yong.

"The king knows Louis XIV rose."

Wang Yong looked at the forensic medicine and Xiao Guo on his side, and they immediately shook their heads.

"The original color of Louis XIV rose was purple black. The Louis XIV found today was dyed red by blood. The King team did not find the body these two days. Then where did the blood on the rose come from? The Louis XIV rose was given to me. Does the King team know the story of Louis XIV rose?"

"You mean he killed another man." Among the tens of millions of people in the capital, it is difficult to find one or two missing people. Judging from the ten bodies found, they are all women and come from different places. There is no relationship between work, life and background. The only thing that can be determined is that they are interested in killing and abnormal in the eyes of the world.

"Perhaps not dead yet, the origin of Louis XIV's Rose: in Ancient Northern Europe, the fiancee rose of love merchant lofan died of illness and buried her in the Amethyst at the bottom of the moon lake. After a long time, large lavender flowers grew on the crystal, which was also called rose. It is said that after Rose died, she was afraid of her lover's loneliness, so her soul turned into flowers to accompany her lover. It symbolizes dignity and authority. Flower language is that I only love you. He will never hurt me. In other words, he is looking forward to this game. I have no intention to participate in the game. "

Ye Xin's knowledge surprised Wang Yong. Finally, Wang Yong couldn't see through the 17-year-old girl in front of him. Wang Yong had many questions to ask, but he didn't know how to speak.

"I heard you applied for the forensic specialty."

"Is team Wang also interested in my personal choice?"

Ye Xin's words left Wang Yong speechless. Is he interested? He is really interested in Ye Xin's starting point, but he doesn't think ye Xin will give him a real answer.


"Xiao Guo, immediately led the technical team to take the middle school attached to normal university as the center, check all the monitoring equipment and see what strange people appear." After speechless, Wang Yong immediately ordered.

"Yes, captain." Xiao Guo said that and immediately went out.

"In forensic medicine, immediately divide some DNA from the blood on the rose to see if a match can be found."

"OK, team Wang, I'll let the laboratory analyze it now." After the forensic medicine finished, he immediately took out the phone and ordered the laboratory.

"Miss ye, I will send someone to protect you during school."

"If I can, I think it's safer to go home." Ye Xin immediately suggested that without the background of the Ye family, there is no lack of people who look down on others in the school. Now she doesn't need to hide. It's naturally a good thing to have an excuse to grow up bright and not come to school.

"I'll explain to the headmaster." Although Wang Yong knows that Ye Xin has his own careful thinking, Qinghe apartment is much safer than school.

"Team Wang is really a reasonable person. You gave me a favor and I'll give you one back."

"Oh..." Wang Yong replied curiously.

"Fifteen Louis XIV roses are the same size, and even the number of petals is the same. There are few such roses in the capital. Team Wang might as well check the origin of the roses." the other party dares to send blood roses to her when she grows up. Naturally, she should make some obstacles“ Another thing is that team Wang might as well ask people to analyze the length of time for dry ice to preserve blood roses. "

"Why does Miss ye think people may not be dead." After listening to the second half of Ye Xin's words, Wang Yong immediately asked. For some reason, he always felt that Ye Xin knew this person very well. Is it because the ideas of smart people were the same.

"A man who pursues perfection will not let the blood of a dead man spoil the Louis XIV rose, a symbol of dignity and authority."

Ye Xin suddenly found that she said a little more today. Perhaps in her heart, she hoped that the game would be more interesting.

The length of dry ice preservation may be the time when the owner of the blood on the rose lives.

When the dry ice melts, the roses wither.

"I'll take Miss ye back first." Wang Yong's eyes lit up and nodded. Ye Xin's words and words were very straightforward. Wang Yong naturally understood.

"No, I think the person who came to pick me up has arrived at the school gate."

When ye Xin left the classroom, she had sent a message to Ling Han. This box of blood roses came at the right time. Recently, she was busy and didn't spend much time at school.