But what uncle Lin didn't expect was that Lu Junhao, a coward, stole away the next morning when he was unprepared. Uncle Lin felt that he had lost his wife and lost his soldiers. So later, when the owner of the cloud family, that is, the father of yunlanxi, passed by and lived in their home, he designed the owner of the cloud family. At that time, the master of the cloud family was too drunk to remember clearly, so he saw the woman beside the bed and the blood on the bed the next day and thought that he had got yunlanxi's mother's first time. In fact, his behavior yesterday almost caused yunlanxi's mother to have a miscarriage, because he had a miscarriage.

At that time, the owner of the cloud family was very fond of yunlanxi's mother, so she left the town with their family. In fact, yunlanxi could not have been a child, but Miss Lin really liked Lu Zhanhao. Although she mistook the irresponsible Lu Junhao for Lu Zhanhao, she still didn't want to kill the child, and finally yunlanxi was left.

The master of the cloud family really likes Miss Lin, but she can't stay with her all the time. She just left after more than a month. He came back after the birth of yunlanxi. In order to give yunlanxi an identity, Miss Lin deliberately lied. Yunlanxi is a premature baby, and he is the master's baby. Yunlanxi used to think so.

"When yunlanxi first met me, he was really kind to me and treated me like a brother. But later he came back to the cloud home, and the cloud home owner's eldest son had a conflict, cloud Lanxi want to fight for a title for his mother, so he wants to get the cloud home. The master of the cloud family slowly began to be afraid of his son, so he began to investigate yunlanxi. However, he didn't expect to find out that yunlanxi was born at full term, so the master of the cloud family wanted to kill yunlanxi. He didn't need to be soft hearted to children who were not his own blood. But I didn't expect that he would give yunlanxi a chance to kill their father and son just by talking about yunlanxi's life experience in detail, so the so-called Killing Father and brother is not the same thing at all. "

Jane Yueyang's words really shocked everyone. Although Lu Mingxi had a bad feeling before, he didn't expect it to come true. He subconsciously denied it. "No way, it's not true!" If it's really like what Jian Yueyang said, isn't he, Lin Che and Lu Xizhe all Jianning's cousins?

"Are you kidding, dad? How is that possible? Yunlanxi is the son of the cloud family. This can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong. " Lin Che also felt that this matter was too ridiculous for him to accept.

Jane Yueyang knows that they are also very painful, but this is the fact! "Although I don't want to be like this, Lu Junhao is really your own grandfather. Why does yunlanxi hate us so much is because he thinks that my father abandoned his mother, so he has a series of revenge. Yunlanxi's character is a copy of his uncle's, isn't it? Who would believe that you are not father and son? "

Lu Junhao is also shocked. So are Lu Beichen and Lu Zhanyu. Mo Linfeng and Lian Cheng don't know what to do when they look at Lu Mingxi and Lin Che who are lost. The person they love is actually their sister. What's the difference between them and Lu Beichen? Lu Beichen can get away early, but they

"Although it's unbelievable to say these things, it's a fact. I can hide everything. But after Lu Yueting's absence, I think it's better to say them. The grudges of the previous generation have affected us. What about you? I don't want to go on making such mistakes. " Jane Yueyang sighed.