As soon as kaisef arrived at the farm, he was separated from Lu Yueting, so he didn't know what happened to Lu Yueting, but he still left with Lu Mingxi according to their previous agreement, and then sent a signal to Lu Yueting to tell him that he had succeeded here and let him withdraw as soon as possible.

Kaisef and Lu Yueting have studied the floor plan of the farm together, so even if this is his first time to come here and take Lu Mingxi away, it is not as difficult as he thought. And it seems that everyone's attention is not on their side. Lu Mingxi and kaisef all know that it is probably because Lu Yueting has attracted Lu Xizhe's attention.

Lu Mingxi can't accept it when he thinks that Lu Yueting may use himself as bait to let them leave. He always regards Lu Yueting as his biggest enemy, and how can he allow himself to be saved by the enemy? Of course, this is his self deception. In the final analysis, he is very worried about this elder brother.

Seeing that they were about to leave the farm, she did not expect that Lu Mingxi would suddenly go back. Kaisef felt that Lu Mingxi was too playful at this time. Since Lu Yueting told them to let them leave, she was confident. If Lu Mingxi is in the past, it is likely that he will be a real help. Therefore, when Lu Mingxi turns around and wants to go back to Lu Yueting, kaisef knocks Lu Mingxi unconscious and resists him out of the farm.

In fact, kaisef is also worried about Lu Yueting. Although they are only meeting for the first time, he really appreciates Lu Yueting. So he has made a decision to hand over Lu Mingxi to ah Jiu. After that, he will go back to find Lu Yueting. Lu Yueting was handed over to him by Lu Zhanyu, so he must be with him to ensure his safety.

Ah Jiu has been here for a long time, so when he saw that kaisef carried Lu Mingxi back, he thought what happened to Lu Mingxi. Later he knew that kaisef had knocked him unconscious, but he didn't say much. In fact, he agreed with kaisef's decision. Originally, it was to save Lu Mingxi. If he was caught in the past two rashly, it would be a big loss.

It's said that kaisef will go back to find Lu Yueting. Naturally, ah Jiu won't let him go alone. So after handing Lu Mingxi over to several of his subordinates, he brings one of his most powerful and gun King subordinates, and plans to go to find Lu Yueting with kaisef.

Just as ah Jiu and his family were approaching the farm, a series of explosions suddenly sounded. In the light of the fire, the farm, which was still silent in the night, was as bright as day, and the whole sky was dyed red by the fire. Everyone was stunned by what happened in front of him. Lu Xizhe, who had been sitting in the monitoring room waiting for his men to catch Lu Yueting, jumped up from the sofa and asked, "tell me what's going on?"

Even if Lu Yueting is either his brother or his rival, he will never kill him because of this. What's more, Lu Yueting is Lu Xizhe's brother. He just wants to catch him and lock him up like his second brother Lu Mingxi until he thinks he can let them out.

But now what happened? It was true that all kinds of arms and weapons were placed in this farm before, but after Lu Xizhe bought it, there were no weapons here, so it was impossible to explode. So what happened?

The servant who was almost breathless by Lu Xizhe's collar answered in a hurry. "Master, it's exploding. Let's get out of here as soon as possible! The houses over there have been blown to the ground, and the fire is going to burn here. "