"Ah Che, in a twinkling of an eye, you've grown so big that your mother thought she would never see you in her life? Your father and I had to send you to your uncle. At that time, your father was more insecure. " Mrs. Yun doesn't know how Lin Che and Yun Lanxi get along with each other, so she can't judge anything. But today yunlanxi and she said these, it shows that the relationship between them is not good, presumably Lin Che still can't ignore the fact that his parents don't want him.

At the beginning, yunlanxi gave Lin Che to his cousin, Lin Zhenhai, partly because the cloud family was in a mess at that time, but more because he didn't really care for Lin Che, and Lin Zhenhai couldn't have a child, so he gave his son to Lin Zhenhai as a favor. Compared with those orphans, Lin Che and Lin Zhenhai were more or less different There is a little blood relationship, which is why Lin Zhenhai will try his best to cultivate him.

Of course, there is no family relationship between them. Yunlanxi is scheming against Lin Zhenhai, and the latter is scheming against him. Why Lu Mingxi was kidnapped at the beginning is that Lin Zhenhai wanted to get rid of Lu Mingxi. In that case, only Lin Che was left in yunlanxi. How can the relationship between yunlanxi and Lin Che compare with Lin Zhenhai?

It's just that it's really "too clever to use all the tricks". Lin Zhenhai didn't expect that there would be a Jianning in the world, interrupting his good deeds everywhere. Let Lu Mingxi and Lin Che are good to survive, on the contrary, his own failure was Lin Che to house arrest up.

"What do you always say? Don't talk about what happened at the beginning. " Yunlanxi knows something about Lin Che's character, so she stops in time. Saying too much will make Lin Che feel disgusted. On the contrary, stopping in this way may make people mistakenly think that he doesn't want to say more. In fact, he is a father who is not good at expressing his feelings. He cares and cares for his children, but he always has a cold face .

Lin Che's eyes towards yunlanxi did have a moment of doubt, but it immediately seemed that nothing had happened, but it did not escape yunlanxi's eyes. If Lin Che suddenly changed his mind, he would doubt it, but this kind of doubt made him feel that his intention had been achieved.

"Ah Che, you come here to let your mother have a good look at you. After you were born and carried away, my mother has been looking forward to picking you up one day. I didn't expect that she has been waiting for so many years. Now that you've grown up, we've missed your growth. But your uncle is your father's best brother. We don't worry if he teaches you. " Lady Yun looked at Lin Che and said lovingly.

I don't know whether Mrs. Yun is telling the truth or deliberately trying to exonerate Yunlan river. Yunlanxi had already calmed the cloud family, but he didn't take Lin Che back. This is very strange in itself. How much he cares about his son seems too fake. But if you don't bring your children back because you trust your cousin, it's another story.

Lin Che looks at the cloud orchid stream doubtfully and seems to be asking him if what Mrs. Yun said is true. Yunlanxi sighed: "in fact, we agreed to let your uncle take care of you for a while, but he wanted to adopt you because he couldn't bear children. We didn't agree at that time. Later, he knew that I still had Lu Mingxi, and he didn't want us to recognize you. "

Yunlanxi's words are true three times and false seven times. It's not a complete lie, but Lin Che won't believe it. At this time, he also showed a kind of dubious appearance. He looked at both yunlanxi and Mrs. Yun with a kind of scanning eyes. But these two people had to admit that they were both acting masters, and they didn't panic at all. Mrs. Yun cried miserably, expressing her helplessness and guilt for Lin Che. If Lin Che didn't know that she had lost her love for her mother and son, she would have been cheated by her acting skills.