"Dad, the more I think about it, the more I feel that it's like this. Lu Zhanhao doesn't want to take care of Jianning at all. He actually wants to harm Jianning." Ning Dongliang is not calm. His sister died, his brother-in-law also died and gave birth to a woman. They have the obligation to take good care of her, but

Ning Guofeng's face is also gloomy. He always thinks that Lu Zhanhao seems to have something to hide from him, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He can be said to be fooled by Lu Zhanhao. They agreed to Lu Zhanhao's terms because they trusted him, but that almost killed Jianning.

"What does Lu Zhanhao think? Jian Yueyang is his own son. At the beginning, because of the transfer of troops, he gave his son to a village woman without any culture to raise him, and let his son grow up around those ignorant people. He should be full of guilt for that child, but he is... "

This is the reason why they didn't doubt Lu Zhanhao before, and now even if they think things through, there is still this point that can't be explained. Jane Yueyang has now confirmed that he is Lu Zhanhao's own son, but why does Lu Zhanhao treat his own granddaughter like this?

"It seems that this matter is really complicated. Instead of us guessing here, we'd better ask Jianning what's going on. Jianning and Lu Zhanhao have lived together for a period of time. They should be able to feel something, or what jianyueyang mentioned before is possible. Contact Jianning! " Ning Guofeng thought about it and said to Ning Dongliang.

Jianning and his family are discussing how to save tranquility. The third and the fourth are quite powerful in this aspect, so they first discuss with Jianning. Dr. bamas can only do it after they find the trapped soul of tranquility, so now they are waiting.

What Laosan and Zhengtong mean is that Jianning's soul should be sealed in her body now, so just find that place and break the prohibition. But the key point is that they are not powerful practitioners. In fact, these things are more spiritual abilities than they are used to Some ancient appellations are used to describe these practices.

In fact, Jianning knows little about these, so now she is listening to Lao San and Zheng Tong explain to her. After just saying a few words, she was interrupted by her own mobile phone ring tone. When she took out the phone, she saw that the number displayed above was Ning Guofeng's private mobile phone. Jian Ning was slightly stunned, but immediately signaled Lao San and Zheng Tong to stop and connect.

"Ah, Jane! I'm your uncle. Your grandfather and we miss you very much. How are you doing Ning Dongliang is very kind to Jianning. He smiles when he sees his father. "My uncle won't talk to you first. Your grandfather has something to say to you. Now you can talk to him!"

"Ning Ning, I'm grandfather. After you go out, you don't come to see me and your grandmother. " Ning Guofeng language with resentment, but heard the opposite Jianning apology, he said with a smile: "it's OK, your grandmother and I are in good health, now because you eat the medicated food, I feel more healthy than before. You don't have to worry about us. You have to care more about your body. "

After exchanging greetings with Jianning for a while, Ning Guofeng's smile gradually converged. "Ning Ning ah, it's like this. I'm just thinking about something these days when I'm free. I think your grandfather is not as good to you as he thought. Would you like to see if you can come back now and have a good chat with us?"

Jianning was surprised why Ning Guofeng would suddenly say this, but she thought Ning Guofeng was not the kind of person who would sow dissension, so she said: "yes, grandfather, I have a very difficult patient abroad now, and I have to cure her before I can go back, so you wait for a while, and wait for me to go back?"