But in Jian Hao's opinion, this is not the case. He was careful to say this to Jianning before. He was afraid that Jianning would misunderstand his parents. He was eager for the love of his parents, but he also liked his sister, so he didn't want to have any misunderstanding between himself and Jianning because of these things. See Jianning silence, Jianhao's face also took a bit of desolation.

Lu Yueting saw Jianning's expression and knew what Jianning was struggling with. Seeing Jianhao's misunderstanding, he had to cut in and said, "Jianhao, don't misunderstand your sister. She didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, what you said just now may make your sister worried. Is she not good enough for you these days? That's why you have this idea."

After Lu Yueting's reminding, Jianning finally realizes that her silence may become another meaning in Jianhao's eyes, so she explains in a hurry. "Hao Hao, don't get me wrong. My sister doesn't mean anything else. Just like brother Lu Yueting said, I'm just afraid that I'm not good enough for you and that you may misunderstand something."

With a smile, Jianning continued: "we are brothers and sisters, and there are so many people around me who love me. They will not reduce their love for me because of your presence. Similarly, they will not love you because of my existence. So don't think as much as before. What do you do when you are still a child

Jane Yueyang felt that it would be bad if she was silent at this time, so she also said after Jianning and Jianhao said these things. "Haohao, you are the child that your mother and I have been looking forward to having again after we gave birth to your sister. When your mother is so calm, when she knows that she is pregnant with you, she wants to come back immediately and share the good news with us, which shows how much she loves you. Dad didn't know you were my and your mother's child before, so he certainly didn't expect you, but you are my and quiet son, which makes me feel that I have become the happiest person in the world. "

The big hand rubbed on Jian Hao's head. "Your sister is my first child and your mother's only child at that time, so we gave her everything, just hope she can grow up happily. Now that we have you, your sister has grown up. She has all the advantages of your mother and me, so she will treat you better than us in the future. "

For Jian Yueyang's praise, Jianning said that she was speechless. Since she became Jianning now, she has really become a kind and good person. She can't do anything unkind for others. Although it's not good to rely on others too much, it's really good to have someone to rely on, especially if you can really trust him completely.

"You are a hypocritical boy. You don't feel how your sister treats you. You are not afraid to make your sister sad when you say these words." Because Jianhao is Jianning's younger brother, Lu Mingxi can be very good to him, but there is also a premise, that is, when there is no contradiction between Jianhao and Jianning, otherwise he will definitely put forward his position to support Jianning, just like now.

Jian Hao came out to laugh at Lu Mingxi for his bed wetting. He complained about Lu Mingxi. When he heard Lu Mingxi say this, he glared at him, but he didn't turn a deaf ear to his words. Instead, he apologized to Jian Ning seriously.

Jianning didn't want to blame Jianhao, but Jianhao seems to really accept their words. In fact, Jianning's biggest fear is that Jianhao doesn't believe them at all. Fortunately, Jianhao is not such a child. "Elder sister certainly won't blame you, you also don't want to listen to Mingxi elder brother frighten you." With that, Jianning glared at Lu Mingxi.

Lu Mingxi naturally feels that he is very wronged, but he knows in his heart that Jianning must remember his good. Sometimes, Lu Mingxi's coping style seems better for children like Jianhao.

The happiest thing for Jane Yueyang is that her two children can really accept each other and live together. Now they are about to see the tranquility. Before that, they should deal with all these things well. When they see the tranquility, they will not let the tranquility worry.