Jianning leads Jianhao and Lu Mingxi to hang Xu and his grandfather's position side by side. Hang Xu has confessed to his family since he admitted that he likes Josh face to face that day, and old man hang doesn't seem to object to their association, so at this time, Josh stands beside hang Xu.

"Hang Xu, it's sister Ning and brother Lu." Josh didn't like this kind of social intercourse very much, so he always didn't pay attention. He saw Jianning and Lu Mingxi first, and then cried out cheerfully.

Master Hang is waiting for Jianning and Lu Mingxi, so he turns to meet them as soon as he hears this. Jianning and Lu Mingxi can only speed up their pace to meet them. Anyway, master Hang is also an elder.

"Mr. hang, long time no see. How are you It's natural to be polite. When you meet Mr. hang, it's natural to ask about your body.

"Thanks to the medicine that Miss Jane prescribed for me, I feel like I'm five years younger. Now my body is much better than before. I wanted to thank Miss Jane in person, but I didn't expect that you happened to come to D city." Mr. Hang is a cheerful old man, so it's very comfortable to chat with them.

People didn't know the identities of Jianning and Lu Mingxi, but when they saw that even master hang was so respectful, they began to inquire. Slowly, the identities of Jianning and Lu Mingxi were made public.

For a time, more and more people came to exchange greetings. Some people knew something about Lu Mingxi and Jianning. Both of them were unmarried, and Lu Mingxi left the Lu family a few days ago.

But some people don't know! They thought Jianning and Lu Mingxi were a couple? Although there is no wedding, it doesn't mean the two can't be a couple!

Therefore, some people noticed that Jian Hao was held by Jian Ning, so they began to make up their minds. This child looks like Jian Ning so much. Is it the child of Jian Ning and Lu Mingxi?

So someone couldn't help it and said with a smile: "Miss Jane, young master is really handsome. He looks like you. He must be a very obedient child! He'll be better than his father in the future

As soon as this was said, all the people who knew were stunned. For a moment, there was a cold scene that shouldn't exist. Everyone stared at that person silently, and then looked at Jianning to know what she would do.

Jianning really didn't pay attention to this detail. She just thought that Jianhao looked very kind, but she didn't think that Jianning looked like herself. Jianning looked a bit like her mother, but Jianhao didn't look like quiet, but she didn't look like jianyueyang. Jianning didn't often look in the mirror, so she didn't realize it.

At this time, it's like a word to wake up the dreamer. Jianning finally realizes what's wrong with Jianhao. The child looks like himself, but he doesn't look like jianyueyang and Ning's family.

Jian Hao is only four or five years old now, so when you see it, you will naturally think that this child is your own son. At this time, she is standing with Lu Mingxi. When you see Jian Hao, you will lean on Lu Mingxi, so maybe he doesn't look like two people. You can also say that he looks like Lu Mingxi.

Jianning's face changed instantly. She naturally knew that her parents had only one child of her own, so Jianhao should not be her younger brother. Although she was not the original Jianning, she was a miracle doctor. Of course, she knew that she was not the original one, so Jianhao could not be her child, so there seemed to be only one left.

Jian Hao is likely to be his half brother or half brother. Tranquility disappeared five years ago, so it's not impossible for Jianhao to have a baby with other men. As for whether it's the kind left by jianyueyang, Jianning has reservations.

Everyone should realize that things are not as they imagined. Seeing Jianning's expression, the person who praised Jianhao just now knew that he was flattering and patting on the horse's leg this time, so he laughed a little far fetched and looked at Jianning's eyes.

Lu Mingxi knows that sooner or later, Jianning will know about it. He didn't tell Jianning before, but he just doesn't know how to say it. After all, it's about Jianning's parents, his father-in-law and mother-in-law. It's hard for him to do as a son-in-law.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Jianning is not feeling well all the time today. Please don't mind. I'd like to introduce this child named Jianhao, who is the child of one of our friends." Lu Mingxi swept the crowd coldly, then said with a smile.

Jian Hao has been lowering his head to make a shy appearance, but in fact, the corner of his lips has risen a radian, he is very grateful to the nonsense man.

Of course, he will not be Jianning's son. Although he would rather be Jianning's son, the fact is the fact after all, and he can't change anything.

Lu Mingxi's words are like an amnesty order. After hearing this, we dare not surround them. We all know that Lu Mingxi just gives us a step down.

"Since Miss Jane is not feeling well, would you like to go to the rest room for a while?" Mr. hang naturally knew the relationship between them. How could he have such a big child? Even if the child was Jianning's, his father would not be Lu Mingxi. But don't mind Lu Mingxi's appearance at all, so this child should not be Jianning's.