Lu Xinghao also nodded, "second brother is really superfluous, if he told Jianning that Jianning would accompany him to go, as for so sneaky wait until Jianning fell asleep and then take it away? If we didn't agree, he couldn't have taken Jenning! "

Lu Xinghao thinks that sometimes he really can't understand the second brother's idea, so he has to do this kind of furtive thing in an open and aboveboard way.

"Maybe he thought it was exciting and satisfied his abnormal psychology!" Lu Yueting shakes his head and laughs, and finally gives a very incisive summary after Lu Xinghao said it.

Jianning went back to her room and simply washed and fell asleep. Yesterday she was really tired out. I don't know how many brain cells died when she was highly concentrated. This afternoon, she worried for several hours. It's very bad that she can persist in sleeping until now.

Because this is the residence of general Baya, and there are Jian Yueyang and Lu's brothers, Jianning has no sense of crisis at all. She sleeps in absolute peace of mind, so she doesn't even know that she was carried on the plane.

When Jianning is thirsty in the middle of the night and wants to get up and look for a glass of water, she finds that her bed has changed, and there is a man sleeping beside her. Jianning is startled, her brain wakes up instantly, and almost subconsciously sits up and looks at the people around her.

Lu Mingxi also just fell asleep, did not expect Jianning will wake up at this time, so he sleepy eyes see Jianning start, can only force themselves to do it, voice with sleepy hoarseness. "What's the matter, have you had a nightmare?"

"Dream, what is this place? And why do you sleep by my side? " Jianning is not stupid. Naturally, she knows it's not her own room. It seems that she knows it's the cabin.

Lu Mingxi's sleepiness also disappeared when he was yelled by Jianning. He looked at Jianning and carefully distinguished her mood. He saw that she was really angry, but it didn't look like she was very angry. Maybe he was angry and took her away when she was sleeping!

Lu Mingxi doesn't care if he knows that there's nothing wrong. He yawns and lies back. Then he grabs Jianning and hugs her in front of him. "It's the middle of the night, darling, go on sleeping!"

"What sleep! I want water. I'm thirsty. " Jianning also knew that she had been brought out by him, which means that everyone knows it. In this case, there is no need to be angry about it.

Listening to her saying that she wanted to drink water, Lu Mingxi took out a bottle of normal temperature mineral water from the inlaid refrigerator in the bedside table on the side with a smile, "drink this first! We'll get you something you like when we land. "

Lu Mingxi was in a hurry when he came here, and he usually only drank some pure water or wine. Juice and milk were never touched, so there was no preparation on the plane.

"Just drink some water in the evening." Jianning opened the water bottle and drank a few mouthfuls. Her dry mouth finally became moist and felt much more comfortable. She handed the bottle to Lu Mingxi. He laughed and drank a few mouthfuls at the place where Jianning had just drunk. Indirect kissing!

Jianning said that he was speechless. Is this childish guy really the Lu Mingxi he knows? Jianning has serious skepticism about this, but she doesn't care about him. She just wakes up with thirst and has to sleep!

Lu Mingxi is full of warm fragrance and soft jade. It's hard to avoid some beautiful thoughts, but he is hit heavily by Jianning. "Warning you, I'm very tired. I want to have a good rest. So are you!"

Yesterday, they almost stayed with Jianning all night. Although they didn't hold on to sleep later, they got up worse than Jianning. In fact, they were all tired. Lu Mingxi smiles and kisses Jianning twice on her white cheek. Then she lies down beside her and carefully encircles her in her arms.