Lu Zhanhao's birthday is at the end of October. Although Lu Zhanhao has long been a famous person in China, he has always kept a low profile compared with other people.

First of all, Lu Zhanhao himself is not the kind of person who likes luxury and high profile. Second, because he had a lot of scruples about his son Lu Dongwei, he tried to reduce the opportunities for Lu Dongwei to get in touch with those celebrities.

Lu Zhanhao didn't guard against his son. He was just afraid that Lu Dong would be bewitched by a few nice words for the man who didn't have a good brain. When he did, he didn't want to pay for Lu's family?

This time, it's different. Since Lu Dong is not his son, he naturally doesn't have to worry about anything. Moreover, Lu Dong Wei is dead, and his sons already have their own fixed contacts.

Jianning has participated in many large-scale banquets before, especially the birthday banquets of big people like Lu Zhanhao, so she is not timid at all.

Lu Mingxi seems to be very busy recently. Jianning can hardly see him and doesn't know what he is busy with. Half a month ago, he officially became a senior official of city A. It's reasonable to be busy now.

Also very busy is Lu Xinghao. He seems to have some important tasks to carry out, so he hasn't seen him in the last half month.

Lu Zhanhao's preparations for his birthday are completely handed over to Lu Yueting and Lu Xizhe. Lu Xizhe has never done this before. This is the first time that Lu Zhanhao has handed over such an important thing to him.

In order to perform well in front of Lu Zhanhao, Lu Xizhe will do well and try his best to make everything perfect. Therefore, he has been very busy recently.

Lu Yueting is in charge, but compared with Lu Xizhe, he is more relaxed, so Jianning is still long enough to see Lu Yueting at home.

Today, he just came back from Liancheng. His legs are basically good. Now it's time to do rehabilitation. The man was determined, so Jane didn't have to worry at all.

As for Mr. Edward, Jenning is also in the process of diagnosis and treatment. His leg is different from Liancheng. Moreover, for some reasons that are not clear, Jenning deliberately slowed down the speed of treatment.

Anxin and Su Sheng have absolute trust in Jianning, and they also know that Edward's leg has been comminuted fracture, so they have no doubt about the speed of Jianning's treatment.

Now Liancheng can walk slowly with crutches, which is a happy thing for Liancheng and Jianning. On the premise of taking what they need, both of them get benefits.

As early as half a month ago, Jianning had already told Mo Linfeng about Edward. She also asked Mo Linfeng to ask her father about Su Mei. Today, Mo Linfeng called and asked her to go out for a detailed talk.

The place they made an appointment with was the cafe where Mo Linfeng first met Jianning in this capacity, and the cafe where Sheng Jiaqi was brought to Zhenhai gang by Lin Che later.

When she came here for the second time, Jianning realized that the owner here was in fact his uncle Ning Qianyu. That day, Ning Qianyu and Lu Beichen were also there, but Jianning was taken away by Lin Che, so she didn't see them.

"I didn't expect my uncle to open such a coffee shop here." Jianning feels that she really can't guess what Ning Qianyu thinks. He does run chain hotels and business clubs under his name, but does such a small coffee shop really belong to him?

"[Floating Life] is run by your little uncle. There is no doubt, but it is not for profit or other purposes. You should know that he once liked someone! This is for that person. " Mo Linfeng smiles and explains to Jianning.