Lu Mingxi expected that the old man would be such an attitude, so there was no emotional rebound, "Xinghao said very right, grandfather or go back first! We're here to guard. "

Lu Zhanhao knew what they meant, but he thought it was embarrassing for them to watch Lu Yueting holding Jianning here, so he said, "since it's useless for us to stay here, let's go back and have a rest."

Lu Zhanhao has always hoped that Jianning would accept all four. Although this idea is very fierce, Lu Zhanhao, who has always created miracles, doesn't feel anything. But now he's not sure.

Lu Yueting and each of them grew up under his own eyes, but until now, Lu Zhanhao has become more and more aware that he does not understand them and can not control them.

At this moment, Lu Zhanhao doubts his previous decision again. He thinks very well, but will it hurt Jianning in the end? These children are possessive. Don't hurt Jianning at that time!

At this time, Lu Zhanhao finally realized that he was old and could not act as before. With a long sigh, let's go!

Lu Zhanhao has made it very clear that Lu Mingxi did not insist any more, and they did not have the tendency of self abuse when they saw the people they like being held by others.

After everyone left, there was only Lu Yueting and Jianning in the room, who was still feverish. Jenning, what's the matter? Why can't you tell me?

The sigh was magnified infinitely in the open room. Lu Yueting directly lifted Jianning's quilt and held her tightly in his arms. He was afraid that if he relaxed, she would disappear.

The night is dim. Lu Yueting would never be so calm if he held his beloved woman in his arms, but the heat from her body would only make him feel more worried.

I don't know if it's true, as Su Xinyi said, Jianning is too insecure, so when he hugs her so tightly, she seems to be really better. The tiny tremor that could not be traced is gone, and the expression on her face is gradually relaxed.

Lu Yueting holds her, but he doesn't feel sleepy at this time. Although it's really late now, and he has been busy for several nights without rest, he doesn't feel sleepy at this time.

In the past, Jianning lived happily every day because of her parents' care, just like a princess in a castle. Almost all her affairs were arranged by her competent parents.

It's not that they don't respect Jianning. On the contrary, they care about cultivating Jianning's ability to think independently and deal with things by themselves, but they are well protected, which is also a fact.

So at that time, Jianning was innocent, intelligent and an angel without troubles. Her smile was like the sun melting the ice, warm and hot.

Lu Yueting likes everything about Jianning. He wants to protect her innocence. He doesn't want her to be polluted by the dirty world, so he tries his best.

But how also didn't expect him to sign to defend ten thousand defend, but forget to steal hard to defend. It was his own father who broke all his good wishes. It was he who defiled Jenning's pure white world with the most dirty means.

Jianning is more sensitive and transparent than other girls. Her simplicity does not mean that she is a fool. Therefore, when Lu Dong said that jianyueyang had signed a high debt, Jianning should not believe it.