Jianning doesn't know how she left Lu Yueting's room. When she reacts, she has already stood in front of the French window of her room, and the wind at night blows up the curtains around her.

I don't know if it's going to rain tonight, so the whole sky is gloomy, and the moon and stars don't know where to hide.

No one knows what Jianning is thinking at this moment, because her expression is really indifferent. Looking at the endless darkness outside the window, she seems to want to integrate herself into it.

In fact, since she came to this world, Jianning no longer thinks about her past. She wants to make herself the real Jianning of this world, because she has something she has never got.

In the real world, Jianning is really a respected and flattered traditional Chinese medicine expert. She has got what many people dream of all their lives, but what she wants most can never be obtained.

Jianning was put in front of the welfare home by her cruel mother one month after she was born. Although the temperature had picked up at that time, it was still very cold sooner or later. As a baby, she was almost frozen to death by the chilly spring cold.

She always felt very lucky, because even if she had no parents and other relatives, at least she had a master who could help her when she needed it most. But in the end, she was just a laughing stock.

Su Li and she were born in the same hospital on the same year, month and day. What's bloody is that Su Li's mother exchanged the two baby girls, so everything that should belong to Jianning became Su Li's.

Jianning's parents are all from a big family. The Su family and the Jane family are the founding fathers of the country. The two families are well matched, but in fact, the family of Jianning is higher.

In addition to the political needs, the biggest reason for Jianning's parents to be together is that they love each other. It's just that Jianning's mother was in poor health and died in childbirth.

Li Hui, Su Li's mother, is the daughter of the old housekeeper of the Su family. She grew up with Jianning's biological father. She has always regarded Jianning's father as her own belongings and dreams of getting married with him one day.

But when Jianning's parents got married, she was like a considerate jieyuhua. She was like a sister to Jianning's mother. She couldn't see that she had ever coveted someone else's husband.

Everyone thinks that Li Hui has given up Jianning's father. After all, the identity gap between them is a gap that can never be crossed, and Jianning's father doesn't like her.

But what we didn't expect was that she gave Jianning's father medicine when Jianning's mother was away from home on a business trip. The next day after that night, Jianning's father lost his temper for the first time and drove Li Hui out of the Su family.

Jianning's father didn't dare to tell Jianning's mother. Naturally, some insiders didn't have the courage. When everyone thought that was the case, Jianning's mother was pregnant, and Li Hui, who was driven out, also found out that she was pregnant.

In fact, Su Yu should be one month younger than Jianning, but Li Hui gave birth to Su Yu for her own plan, so that Su Yu and Jianning were born in the same hospital on the same day.

Because Jianning's mother died in childbirth, Jianning's father was very sad all the time. Even her newborn daughter didn't go to see it, which gave Li Hui the chance to switch her two children.

Because Jianning's mother died of dystocia, it is natural for everyone to think that Su Li's weak cat like child should have been born by Jianning's mother, so there is no doubt.