Well, when brown cress came out of the last law firm, he got a call from his mother, Mrs. Brown, who was very angry: "Brown cress, you, get back to me right away."

Mrs. Brown finished yelling and hung up. Brown cress had a bad feeling when he listened to his mother's angry voice. However, he did not think of his mother's anger, and his contract with the Dragon Society.

Brown cress got a call from his mother and didn't dare to stop. He got on the bus and went to Brown's old house. While he was on the road, he received a call from a shareholder of the company. From that shareholder's mouth, brown Kress knew that there was something wrong with the contract he signed with longshe, which has been spread all over the world.

People from other families, not to mention the brown group, know about it.

On the phone, brown cress was reprimanded by the shareholder. At this time, even if Brown cress was not satisfied, he didn't refute. Who let this contract happen was due to his carelessness.

Besides, if this contract can't be settled. Those shareholders will also suffer great economic losses. Therefore, at this time, what position does brown Kress have to refute.

Just after the shareholder of brown group hung up, brown Kress's phone rang. He didn't answer the phone this time, just waiting for the phone to ring. Until hang up.

But he himself, just like a ball out of breath, suddenly collapsed on the chair of the car.

After the exposure of brown group's contract with dragon club, brown crass never appeared in brown group again. Mrs. Brown, who has not appeared in recent years, has taken the place of Mr. Brown Kress.

Although Mrs. Brown was angry that brown crass had done such a thing, they suffered a lot from the Brown family. But brown Kreis is her only son. And she didn't want to put the Browns in the hands of that bastard. Otherwise, all her efforts have been in vain.

So, in Yuyu underground, where there is no choice, Mrs. Brown reprimanded Brown Kreis severely, and then came back to power to manage the brown group. In addition, we will try our best to solve the contract problem between brown group and longshe.

As for Mrs. Brown's coming out in person, the shareholders of the Brown family have no opinions. And these shareholders, under the comfort of Mrs. Brown, also agreed to come, temporarily not let Brown crass down from the position of president of brown. However, those shareholders have made a request that the contract with longshe be settled, and that the items on the contract be carried out normally. They are brown group. We have to make a profit.

Mrs. Brown knows that it's hard to do. However, in order not to let the brown group fall into the hands of the illegitimate son. She gritted her teeth and accepted the offer.

After Mrs. Brown took over the brown group, she began to contact longshe and Xia Yujie. Mrs. Brown, like brown Kreis, is very proud and thinks she is superior. It's here that when she asks people to do something, she still has a look of being superior.

Even the connection with the Dragon Society was left to the people under his command. However, how can Xia Yujie and Liu Yuxiang be so despised?

All calls from the brown group were rejected. In the end, the brown group's calls were hacked. This made Mrs. Brown, who was still at the top, anxious. Had to bow his head, personally to find Xia Yujie, Liu Yuxiang.

However, Xia Yujie and Liu Yuxiang can't meet each other if you want to. Mrs. Brown was turned away from the dragon club. It makes Brown's teeth itch. But there is no way. She's asking for help now.

Mrs. Brown swore more than once in her heart that after the settlement of the contract, she would see how to deal with the people of the dragon club.

However, before she thought about how to deal with the people of longshe, the shareholders of brown group couldn't wait and urged them. Ask her to solve everything in a week. If it doesn't work out, brown Kreis will have to step down as president.

Before Mrs. Brown came up with a solution to Brown's contract with the dragon club, there was another news that was very bad for the Brown family, brown Kress. That's about Brown Kreis keeping a lover out there.

Originally, it was tacit that the upper class should take care of their lovers. However, if it is exposed, especially the whole entertainment section will be published. And there's real evidence. That's different.

And in such a special period, it's even more different.

"What's the matter? This newspaper has the courage to be the head of the Brown family. Doesn't it want to be in BL? Lisa, you go and talk to me, let this newspaper, take back all the newspapers sent out, and clarify to me that the news is false. " After Mrs. Brown threw the newspaper on the table, she gave it a stern order.

When Mrs. Brown gave the order, she left the matter behind. She thinks that as far as their Browns' position in BL is concerned, the newspaper will be afraid and will follow suit. But this time, she made a mistake.

It didn't stop Brown Kreis from keeping his mistress. On the contrary, it became more and more serious after the newspaper reported that they were forced by Mrs. Brown. There are even many BL citizens who say they are very disappointed with BL's so-called upper class society.

"What's going on? Didn't you put pressure on that newspaper? How come they've written this again. " Mrs. Brown threw this issue of the newspaper straight in the face of her assistant.

The assistant stood there, trying to hide, but in the end he didn't“ Ma'am, I did what you said. However, that newspaper seems to have a good start. Their boss didn't react to the pressure they put on you at all. " The assistant said, head down.