Although a lot of people outside scolded Hua Yan, he was very rhythmic. But Huayan ignored them at all.

The whole world is clamoring for Huaxia to steal technology and hype up various dangers of Huaxia, which has basically shaped Huaxia into a thug trying to inform all mankind to control the whole earth. But the problem is, no matter what happens to you, I'm still here. No matter how you come, it's an orderly correspondence. Not in a hurry to play, it's definitely better than every card.

In ten days, a lot of politicians can't jump to the sky. There's a lot of talk about getting rid of this ship.

But the question is, can you catch up?

However, there are still some non-human problems in this plan.

"Go ahead, there seems to be something wrong with the spaceship. I don't know what's going on. Come and have a look Anna came to find an item as soon as she got the news in the evening.

Look at the data as soon as you turn on the light. After reading the data, he exclaimed, "no! How could I forget it! Help me get dressed. We're going to the base now. "

Xiang Qianjin was pulled out of bed in the early morning. This time he was much better than last time because he was familiar with walking. After Xiang Qianjin strode into the venue, Zuo Guodong said excitedly: "forward, you can count it. We have lost signal with the spaceship for nearly an hour."

Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice, "don't worry. The signal is blocked. Please change the line through the relay satellite."

"What's going on?"

"It's the solar wind! Because we do not fly in the disk, we fly directly in the vertical orbit. The solar wind blows directly. We have not studied the problem of solar flares. Now we have to get the first-hand data of solar flares. Can the observatory do it? "

"That's OK. I'll contact you right away. And the northern alliance should be able to do the same. I'll contact them now. In fact, the data of white Hawk is the most complete, but I think they will go too far at this time, so it's better to ignore them. "

Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice: "it's better to send a notice for help. If you don't help, it's OK. We need to see the sun quickly now, and that's the key. "

Xiang Qianjin said here, Zuo Guodong nodded and said: "I'll do it. You can coordinate the work here."

Xiang Qianjin nodded, and he went directly to the position of commander in chief. It wasn't long before Mona came. She looks around and taps her fingers on the table.

Xiang Qian looked at her curiously. Mona whispered, "come with me."

I don't know what's going on. Mona went into a small room. She turned on the fax machine and said, "send it."

This small room is assigned to Mona as a personal office. The room is full of various star maps. Xiang Qianjin is curious when the fax data comes. Xiang Qianjin is surprised to find that it is the activity of solar flares.

Mona whispered: "this is the maximum I can do, there is no way to help you, but the future of mankind, I think it is necessary to do so."

Item forward looking at the hand of the map, there are detailed data. He nodded and said, "this is good."

Mona then turned on the computer, entered a website and said, "this website is made by a friend of mine who specializes in the sun. This one has real-time movements of the sun. You can see it any time. But if they find that you are using this website, it is estimated that they will block it for the first time. "

Xiang Qianjin looked at the data above and said in a low voice: "now the solar wind is very strong. We need to adjust our orbit to avoid the solar wind. Now the signal from the space shuttle is disturbed. So we need a relay satellite. Now the spacecraft has started the automatic navigation mode because of the signal interruption. I had already set a preliminary plan in it. Now we need a relay station to contact them. And the best way is to enable a large remote relay station. They have to be informed to prepare for a second launch. "

"Launch? But where are you going to launch it? "

"Back of the moon, this is the best position. We need to place a communication base station at Lagrange point, so that we can relay signals. No hesitation. There are still five days to go before the orbit change. Now we need to launch our sample machine. Let's get to work

Mona asked suspiciously, "would you like me to participate?"

"We are colleagues now, with the same purpose. Isn't it? " Xiang Qianjin said with a smile.

"But now can your transport plane go to heaven? Just a few days? "

After hearing this sentence, Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "this thing was developed to send things back. This thing was originally intended to be used for leather."Mona can't believe it. Is the transport plane so confident? How dare you play like this without a test flight? How much he believes in his own products? Of course, there is another possibility that this thing has actually been tested and is very mature.

Of course, Mona's guess is right. In fact, this is a very classic transport plane in black box technology. It's a generation classic. This is the super nail household that solved the transport problem at that time. This transport plane has been changed back and forth for 100 years, and according to the data, it is still in use now, Xiangjin produces the most classic model, so this model is highly trusted by Xiangjin. First of all, there are very few places for this thing to use metal. According to the characteristics of black box technology, they actually have very few metal materials, which is also related to the low abundance of metal elements in their main sequence stars. Therefore, they are very experienced in the development of conforming materials. As for metal, they are more inclined to sophisticated design. So in their place, the iron can be used with superb, rather than the kind of ordinary consumables. The metal consumption of Hongming transport aircraft is only 30% of the main structure. Most of them are composite materials. Carbon fiber is one part of them, and there is another part that is not available in the world, which is silicon-based composite materials. Generally speaking, the earth is the main force to develop carbon based materials.

But Hongming transport aircraft uses carbon based and silicon-based materials, which is very terrible. You should know that silicon-based composite materials are non-metallic. These are the main materials of Hongming transport aircraft, and the heat resistance has exceeded 8000 degrees. And the hardness and load-carrying capacity are far more than the metal. That's why the guy is so skinny. Basically, it's impossible to give him a few shots. His metal is also very precise. There is no change at all. It's just a copy. Of course, I'm confident. As long as the production standard is controlled, everything is OK.

It was said that they were ready for the second return flight. Soon after they arrived in Jiangnan, they came back by plane. Second launch. They came with the sample machine at the relay station. Xiang Qianjin looked at the three of them and pulled them to chat in the corner beside the scene: "brothers! I'll tell you first that this time we're not flying out and coming back. You're going to orbit on the moon this time. That is to say, you three are going to be the first to land on the moon. "

"What do you mean?"

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "you are transporting two things in the past, one is the communication base station of Yuebei, the other is the relay station. The load is not big this time, about 100 tons. There is a transport car in the cabin. Also, UAVs have to go to the moon, and there are some necessary materials and equipment. The first thing you do is to put the relay station on the designated orbit. And then drive a transport car to send out a whole box of goods. There are two cars on it. Do you understand? "

Liu Hao asked in surprise: "on the moon? Are you kidding me? "

Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice: "I'll give you a solid foundation. The three of you will keep it a secret for me. The aircraft engine you are using this time is specially made. In terms of thrust, in the atmosphere, a single thrust can achieve more than 300 tons of thrust. The engine you are using is the thrust I will use on the Starship later. The vacuum thrust of this thing can reach nearly 2000 tons. The main thrust of the transport aircraft is the eight link. The single thrust of the four tail jets in the tail is more than 50 tons, which is 24 in total. "

"Fog grass, doesn't it mean that a 1200 ton spaceship can land on the earth?"

"Shh!" Xiang Qianjin looked around, and then said in a low voice: "I gave you 105 tons of goods with the rated weight. In fact, I delivered 1050 tons of goods to you. Most of them are automatic equipment. After going up, you should take the initiative to cut off the signal. After two hours of disconnection. Send me all the equipment. "

"Does it know?"

"Nonsense, if you don't know, how many of you can I find?" Xiang Qianjin didn't ask.

"And what are we sending?" Liu Hao asked in a low voice.

"It's a robot. We're going to build a base in Yuebei. None of them knows. We spend about two to three years living in an airport, so that our transport plane can land some of the heavy aircraft you drove before, instead of this heavy aircraft. We will launch at night this time. No live broadcast. So no one noticed. " Xiang Qianjin said here, Liu Hao nodded and said: "the operation is the same, right?"

"Well, of course it's the same. But you should be careful in this launch. After entering the moon, cut off the signal until the relay satellite actively contacts you, and then resume communication. You know what? "

"I understand!"

Xiang Qianjin patted Liu Hao on the shoulder with a smile and said, "the program I told you before is to report back, drive out, build a base station, two maintenance robots, and a space relay station. I repeat 0

"I opened the door, two cars went out, there is a base station, two robots.""OK, let's go!" Xiang Qian smiles and pats Liu Hao on the shoulder.

When I got on the plane in the dark and looked at it from a distance, I found that the transport plane was a circle bigger than before, and the engine was obviously different. This time, the guy had a strong sense of lethality!

It's all different! It's dark blue!

The last one was painted white. That's an experimental model, not this time. This time, it's a real mass production model, and there are many functions in it that didn't exist before. After going up, I feel a strong sense of science and technology. The previous ones are still very leaky, with only some basic functions. This transport plane is different. First of all, it has its own radar! It also has its own laser range finder. In addition, it is equipped with a new generation of nuclear reactors. These two reactors are the most backward of the ship. According to the plan of this project, it will use heavy element fusion reactor. But it's not installed because there's no technology yet. The reactor is provided by the state, and it is the most advanced technology at present.

What's more, they see the official number

That is to say, this aircraft is a combat type transport aircraft incorporated into the space affairs agency.

Liu Hao thinks that if it's right, this transport plane is the military model of "bullfrog" large-scale air and space transport plane mentioned by Xiang Qianjin... in the end, this transport plane is a large-scale "bullfrog" air and space transport plane