Xiang Qianjin was brought by Gu Linhai to the discussion room like a battlefield every day, where many people argued about the solution.

There was a lot of bickering.

"No way! New high altitude interceptor?? Now the main direction is to develop the third generation aircraft. The high-altitude high-speed interceptor scheme is bullshit. Besides, once it is interfered by electronic interference, it will be over! It's better to use anti radiation missiles! "

"It's meaningless! They can't attack each other directly, or they can't be stopped. "

"White Eagles are paper tigers, don't you know? They dare not come when you have this thing! "

"You fool yourself with this thing. How can you attack them on the high seas?"

"So the key is to improve the efficiency of our EW aircraft."

"It's useless. You can't cruise in the sky all the time, and you can't keep up with the speed."

There is a loud noise in the room. After Gu Linhai comes in, Fang Xinyi and Xiang Qianjin come in together. Seeing Xiang Qianjin, Mr. Chen said with a smile, "ouch, here comes the UAV expert?"

See item forward, many people with suspicious eyes. Such a young man? Experts?

Wu Jingang said excitedly: "Ouch! My big experts are looking forward to you. Come and find a way for us. My old brother, my head is about to explode. You scholars can do this, but we still can't

Wu Jingang came up, pulled his neck forward and sat down. Then he came up with Zhao Shizhang and Gao Jinsong and said with a smile, "yes, what Wu lame said is right, I said. Brother Xiang, do you have any unique home watching skills, that is, can your drone directly target these things? "

Xiang Qianjin shrugged his shoulders and said: "unfortunately, these things are aimed at the fighter planes of the other side and ordinary planes, not at the high altitude UAVs. Besides, the category of interference is obviously not dominant. However, there is no problem with long-range search, just that we can't interfere with it and it can't interfere with us. Now we lack a large electronic patrol plane as an air combat platform. "

"Young comrades, you should have a basis for your speech. We can all say that."

"Ha ha, since that's the case, let's talk about what you can't say. First of all, this kind of aircraft is a single engine unmanned large high altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, called RQ-4, which is a very powerful aircraft. Mainly for high-altitude investigation and theater guidance. Because it's a drone, the fuel bunker is more casual. I have tracked and studied this kind of aircraft, and the maximum fuel carrying capacity of the aircraft is about 7 tons. The engine used is also very powerful. The weight of the engine is more than 700 kg, but the thrust can reach about 40 kn. It can fly for a long time. In terms of daily targeting, we have no plan. The most direct plan is to monitor the ground and then send combat aircraft to intercept. But the speed of this kind of plane is more than 600 kilometers. Speed itself is not slow, and can quickly collect a lot of information. It's not a stealth aircraft because it has the ability to reduce the signal reflection. If we want to aim at this kind of aircraft, we don't have much to use. However, Mr. Gu and I discussed two solutions. The first is to use d-30kp-2 engine and get two of them from the purchase list of Il-76, which will be quickly assembled and produced by our Huayan factory. Make their drones. The second plan is to transfer two ws9s from our base for me to use. I will make magic changes to this kind of turbofan machine, and make a larger UAV. The equipment and research and development will go hand in hand, one by one. "

"No, it's too much fun!"

"I think so! This scheme is the best one at present. Besides, the new UAVs are made by Huayan. Technically speaking, Huayan's achievements are understandable. Moreover, in terms of radar, we are still primary school students, unable to catch up with others. Our electronic technology really needs to catch up. "

"After all that, we are not as good as white hawk. How can you chase us? Why do I sound like there's nothing I can do? "

"The ruler has its strong points, the inch has its short points. In fact, one aspect of RQ-4 is the emergence of a new unmanned combat system. This is what we should pay attention to. On the other hand, it also shows a very direct problem. The landlord's family has surplus grain. "

Xiang Qianjin said here, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Although Xiang Qianjin is young, there is something about him. In a word, we all think that this young man is OK. pretty good.

Gu Linhai saw that everyone was smiling, and he said: "we agreed to go forward and prepare to assemble a new UAV for us. At that time, we will temporarily alleviate the problem. Everyone here will give some advice to the UAV, give some advice, and then help us. You're all sleepers. You talk better than us. "

"The plan he said is feasible, and we have seen UAVs, which are really good things. The workmanship and technology of the UAV produced by Huayan are impeccable. We are convinced of that, but Xiang Qianjin, you are still too young to deal with things. Although you are much more sophisticated than the average expert. But I'll tell you, you are still a little tender in front of me. I'll tell you a story. First, you always take everything into consideration. This kind of problem is not good. Do less in the future. Huayan is a treasure of our country and an important technical pillar of our country. You can't let all the weight on you. It will be overwhelming. "Xiang Qianjin nodded and said, "you are right."

He Baiyin, a famous veteran in the research of Chinese spacecraft, was speaking. He Lao said, Xiang Jin Jin just nodded. The old man in his eighties is really the treasure of the country!

Old he said with a smile, "I'll tell you something about your boy. Cow, real cow! No arrogance, no rashness, patriotism is very heavy. But you can't be blind. You have to be aware that if you want to shoulder the burden of the country, you have to look like a leader. Young generation, you are a leader. There's no objection to that. We old guys also agree. Your UAV system has said it all. the younger generation will surpass the older! But what we old guys value is not your current research, but your view on R & D. You are more like a person who has been in the R & D circle for 30 or 40 years than a newcomer. This is commendable. But it's still too young. You must be temperate. Your future is limitless. "

"That's the first point. The second point I'm talking about is about airplanes. We have to keep up with the UAV combat system. There is no doubt that we can't let our children fight those UAVs with flesh and blood in the future. This is a tragedy. At present, your electric push technology is very good, but I heard that it is difficult to achieve rapid mass production in a short time, and there are still some difficulties in production. It's not about money, it's about technology. I know that. Laymen, they don't understand, think that mass production can be achieved when technology comes out. No, it needs skilled workers to accumulate technology. The experience of production and processing is the real magic weapon of mass production. " Many people can't understand this, and many entrepreneurs can't understand it. They thought it would be good to change the machine, so they fired the old workers. The final result is that the quality of production plummeted, had to spend a lot of money to buy other people's production experience, processing technology. Then come back to teach new people, and then fire old workers. It feels like it's well done, but it's not my own. Sooner or later something will go wrong. You've done a good job on this. Huayan has never been in the habit of expelling old workers. Those who are expelled are really wrong. I've heard that, and I say that your work at Huayan is the iron rice bowl of the new generation. "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "I dare not speak for your praise."

Mr. He waved his hand and said, "what I said is true. What we do scientific research is to look at the data and present the facts. The third point is that you can't mass produce your engine. Lao maozi's engine is really good, but there is a problem, which is almost as serious as your problem, that is, you can't have a large number of equipment. But ws-9 is different. Your company has room for improvement. Let's not talk about the whole country, the whole world. You have it, but no one else has it. "

He said here, he jumped up his thumb, then he pointed to his neck and said, "so, you have to bear this burden."