"Well? I think Lao Wu's words are reasonable! Our commissar told me when I came. Teacher, this time you must ask Gu Linhai, what is standing and talking without backache! He Gu Linhai's equipment is new, and the seedlings are the best. He has always been the chief's serious baby pimple. Now it's good. The baby is broken. It's inflated

Wu Jingang glanced at Zhao Shizhang. He said solemnly: "I think what Lao Zhao said is right. It's the baby's habit. He is the ace and the main force. What do you want me to say? It's true that on the day of the war, it's not possible who will be the main attacker! "

Gao Jinsong recognized and said: "that's it! And do you see that college student child, that is, he doesn't know that heaven is high and earth is thick, and why does the fourth generation machine bully the second generation machine itself? What does his child know? What is the second generation machine? What is the fourth generation machine? It's a good plane that can kill the enemy in heaven! "

Zhao Shizhang side echoed: "I think Director Tang is to let them drink the soul soup!"

Wu Jingang looked around, then whispered: "if you want me to say, let's kill them this time! There's a squadron No. 8 on my side now. You'd better get together! "

Gao Jinsong said in a low voice: "I don't think it's certain that Lao Wu has No. 8, but I don't have one, and I don't think No. 8 can be anything. But we don't have no cards in our hands. We won them. They are equipped with a squadron of leopards. The pilot just came back from training. I think it's the most stable for Lao Zhao to arrange a few more pilots. Our three types of aircraft attack in batches, from three directions, this drill Gu Linhai must be sparse! "

Zhao Shizhang clapped his chin and said, "I think it's OK! That's what to do! "

Wu Jingang looked at them, and then said in a low voice, "well, let's talk about unified command and listen to my dispatch."

"You have to fight for the first time when you eat shit! I want to take advantage of everything! OK, OK! Let you do it! We're at your command. All right? You are the commander of the war zone today

"I don't think this guy is an official. He's an official himself. He's addicted to being an official!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Three people joked and walked a long way. Gu Linhai and Zhong Cheng looked at them with their back hands. Gu Linhai sneered: "let me pull thin? You'll see! "

Because of the increase of time, Xiang Qianjin began to prepare for the comprehensive training of Wu Xiaoguo. Lu Qiang was responsible for playing the role of imaginary enemy forces to conduct combat training for Wu Xiaoguo. These days of high-intensity training, Lu Qiang they always come down dizzy, after all, two small planes made very uncomfortable. At first, Lu Qiang had a chance to catch Wu Xiaoguo. Now I can't catch it at all. Wu Xiaoguo is not a rash man because he has a straight mind. You know, he is the squadron leader of the ace test squadron!

How could it be a mindless Zhang Fei?

After getting off the plane, Lu Qiang and three people sat on the edge of the runway, like three air bags. Zhong Cheng came to look at them and said, "look at you three bears!"

"I'll tell you, this plane is really evil! With learning function! Our tactics yesterday were cracked for the first time today! Now we move, and the plane knows what we are going to do. There was a fight the day before yesterday. Today I tell you that there was no fight at all! What do you say? First of all, they are invisible. Radar can't catch them at all. When they see them, they can't use infrared to lock them. They can only guide them. As a result, this grandson can't catch them now! There is Wu Xiaoguo, usually silly rough straight, on the day is his mother's a fox! It's not with us at all! Will hide! It's fast to hide

Zhong Cheng asked curiously: "there is no way?"

"We're flying S27. We've used all kinds of methods. There's no way! Asymmetry! They must be the first to strike. They are just hunting birds in the sky! Political commissar, it's impossible to fight! Although the fight of the plane is a little less interesting, I tell you, it's enough! And this thing will learn, sooner or later will surpass the human! The point is that the plane itself doesn't need to fight at all! He's the first to attack! The missile is still so fast! There is no possibility of hiding. If there is no problem with the trajectory data in the simulator, there is no need to fight! Lock and hit! What do you want me to do? More than ten kilometers, it's like playing! Infrared feature is so low! The flight overload is much higher than the manned plane! Fighting is not cheap, they dare to overload at a large angle! We can't! After that, you will faint! "

Zhong Cheng nodded and said with a smile: "hard work, but you have trained a group of good soldiers for our country!"

Liu Hao said with a smile: "political commissar, when you wait for equipment, you can equip our squadron first!"

"That's OK. Wu Xiaoguo and your squadron are the first squadrons equipped by us. Don't worry about that! "

"Ah! All right

As time approached day by day, Fang Xinyi stood in front of the workbench with her laptop and looked at the air combat video. "Now we can use binary vector nozzle to deal with non-human actions. From the current engine effect, it basically meets the needs of combat. The problem now is actually the problem of missiles. The range is still not enough. ""What range do you think is appropriate?"

"At least it's a medium range bullet. The range must be more than 50 kilometers! Otherwise, the technical advantage will not be fully realized, and I don't think the short-range combat bomb is meaningful for our UAV! "

Xiang Qianjin thought about it, and he said in a low voice: "the key is the battery problem of the medium range bomb, and the single body overrun exceeds the carrying length of the aircraft! If we use graphene batteries, the price will soar... "

"I think thrust and speed are also the key. Since it's electric propulsion, we can use inertial flight in the air. All electric propulsion when touching the target. You don't need too much speed for long-range direct flight, do you think? "

Xiang Qianjin thought about it and said, "it's like a shell. What's the initial speed? Then fly for a while and speed up again? "

"I think so!" Fang Xinyi said in a low voice.

Xiang Qian looked at the time and said, "sister Sisi! You should contact the factory immediately, make things according to the model and specification, and then inform the company to send all the components I want. I want four sets, ready to assemble them here! "

"For assembly?"

"Yes, assembly in place. It has been transformed into a closed hangar, which can be realized! "

"All right! What do you say! You are the boss... "Xing Sisi immediately went out and took the phone to contact the factory. It's easy to get the missile shell. Now the factory can deliver it the next night. The key is assembly! It's not difficult for the seeker to move forward if it can be small, then the battery or the lithium iron phosphate battery to be used. It's not difficult for the battery to be bigger and the warhead to be bigger.

The key is the engine! It's hard to make a big disposable engine!

But now we have to try! After all, the production speed of ion engine is incomparable to that of ordinary engine!

The next night, all the things were worked overtime and sent to Xiang Qianjin's hands. Xiang Qianjin started to assemble in the hangar. Because it was disposable, Xiang Qianjin was completely released, and there was no need to overheat the engine, because the engine could fly 50 kilometers fast enough, There is no need to worry about the overheating of the battery. Because the battery overheated, the missile exploded!

The idea of advancing is very direct. The overload of this kind of missile exceeds 60g, and the shell is specially made, otherwise the missile itself will overheat!

The impact speed from Mach 8 to Mach 10 will let you know what shameless is!

The key is how to achieve! The length of the projectile is limited! The first missile test was conducted with a new type of domestic aircraft. After the launch, the maximum range reached 65 km, but the missile body was still too large for UAV. Item forward time is not much, can only quickly make the best judgment. After item forward calculation, he increased the cost of the engine, this one-time engine thrust more than two tons! And the engine is shorter than before! If the engine is short, then the battery will move forward. The missile also adopts the design of an airplane to make a smaller engine with a thrust of 400 kg. Then five single engines are connected in parallel, and the battery is increased. Although the materials come up, the size is smaller!

Finally, on the last night, the forward missile was completed