When a technology is broken through, it will soon cause a chain reaction, when everyone reacts. Machine tools and people have quietly withdrawn from the public view.

And soon the public statement of Huayan was also released.

In the future, models 1 and 2 developed and produced by CSIR will not be sold, while models 3 and 4 for export will not be upgraded.

In a word, XM and other machine tool companies are relieved.

If superconducting machine tools are developed, they will be seriously impacted. After the exposure of this type of equipment, Huayan suddenly announced that it would not be sold, which made many people feel a little incomprehensible.

There are even some conspiracy theorists who believe that Xiang's equipment is fake. They just want to attract people's attention.

As for the real reason, only Huayan itself knows, the reason is very simple. For the time being, Huayan can't afford to supply the global market and produce. If the production line is expanded, it is easy to cause technology leakage. This is not worth the loss for the company. It's better to protect the technology first and produce our own production line slowly. The first is to replace all production lines with new machine tools. Another is the secret production of new future five and future six.

From the original technical model design, the next five is laser welding, the next six is laser cutting. This is for sale.

Then there are the next seven and the next eight, which are absolutely not for sale. The next seven are large granaries, which are under construction. For the time being, Huayan has only four plans. As for the next eight years, it will be ultra precision laser machine tools produced on a large scale. These are really powerful things.

As for gnaku, it's a combination of superconductivity and lasers. Gnaku's technology is specially used to build the world's top equipment. The height is more than 50 meters, and there are layers of stairs inside. It's very complicated. At present, it's just digging the workshop. At present, the idea is to be 25 meters underground and 30 meters above the ground. What's the height of thirty meters? Equivalent to more than ten stories!

These things are super design, so need a little bit to complete, but the planning has been done. It still takes money to achieve. It is estimated that the investment amount of a single gnaku is 2 billion yuan, and the quotation of four gnaku is 8 billion yuan, which is likely to exceed 10 billion yuan.

As for this kind of design, it's joking to say that it's a Gouda. In fact, two or three large launch vehicles can be produced directly at the same time. And the laser welding assembly method is adopted. It can even make very large space shuttles.

In fact, the real purpose of this project is the space shuttle.

Although Bai Ying is going to give up the space shuttle program, he can't afford this kind of investment, but this project is different. He has his own design, which can greatly reduce the cost of use. It's just that these are very distant plans, but they need time to accumulate and can't be completed overnight. So gnaku was built from now on. It's very difficult to excavate 25 meters from the ground. What's more, the superstructure can be moved separately, and there should be the largest elevator in the world. These are not yet fast to achieve, only a little bit of construction.

After all, it's time to make money and fight for your dream.

However, Xiang Jin's scenery at the Expo immediately attracted the attention of the country, and Zhou Zuo really came with the inspection team. After seeing the real 201 and 202 machine tools, everyone was surprised. This kind of high-precision superconducting machine tool really has, and Xiangjin really dares to think about using this kind of thing to make the space shuttle. And beyond the white hawk.

Standing in the workshop, Zhou henglao, as his escort, said with his hands on his back, "Xiang Jin Jin, how long will it take for these plans you mentioned?"

"Eight years."

"Eight years? Can it be done? "

"If it is made, it will be realized in five years. There's no way. I don't have much time. First of all, we need to solve the problem. In eight years' time, the reliability of our aircraft will reach a very high level. I'm actually planning to go to the moon for mining in eight years

"Mining?" Heng asked suspiciously, "Why are you so persistent in this matter?"

"It's a new wave of exploration. It is imperative to get rid of the shackles of traditional energy. After all, it's not that we don't have enough technology, it's just that we don't think it's necessary. It feels like a waste. And I think the fact is that we're building bases on the moon back, mining and observation at the same time. Build a large relay communication equipment on the lunar back, and then build a large communication relay space station to float at Lagrange point and fly along the orbit. In this way, we can build a large base for expansion. Ever old, isn't the country willing to have more resources than any other country? Once the airport is established, all foreign aircraft must take the excuse of docking with our standards. How important is it for our future to grasp the initiative of technology. If we don't go out to explore now, our goal is the earth's resources, and the current technology is developing so fast. Very serious problems will happen soon. We can't limit ourselves too much for the sake of development. The time of starving ourselves for the future should be over. Another characteristic of our Chinese people is that they can't be too comfortable. We need pressure and a more ambitious goal. There are very few people like us. If we reach the level of white eagle, the competition for resources will be intensified. Whether we are willing or not, it is a reality. ""So your plan is..."

"Three hundred years ago, the royal family was at the top of the world because of the era of great navigation. Let the western world be the master of the world. Three hundred years later, is it our turn to change the world? "

Heng Lao laughed. He didn't speak. I just patted my shoulder and said, "work hard."

Xiang Qianjin nodded and said with a smile: "it's still very difficult to take this step. Now we have machine tools, but we still need the supporting growth of basic science. We can never forget the instruction of our ancestors. Science and technology are the primary productive forces! "

Constant old satisfied smile, he whispered: "all say you boy is an alien, originally don't believe, now really believe. Your boy's world view is really terrible. It's totally different from us on earth! "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "the Chinese ancestors all regarded the people who opened up their territory as saints. I think we should think about it carefully. It's not necessarily a good thing to simply guard the city. We still need to expand. If we want to start a war of slaughter, we should fight a war of science and technology. Originally, the development of science and technology is war. Whoever stands in the front will have the right to speak. And those backward countries can only scramble for cold leftovers. "

Constant old smile, he whispered: "you are right, but you really make up your mind?"

"I've made up my mind. We'll launch our own telecommunication satellite in about three years. That's what we're thinking now, step by step! "

Heng Lao said with satisfaction: "well, I wish you success! But be careful. I heard you were almost assassinated

"Well, I'm ready to protect myself. Please rest assured

"Lao Zhou and I are old friends. He is also my big brother. I'm still working. Now, I hope you can really grow up. Now it looks like I'm going to retire. It's impossible for you to rely on yourself. You need the help of the country. You really can't rely on yourself. You can rest assured that we fully support your plan. We will give you the best support. "

"Thank you, Mr. Heng." Xiang Qianjin respectfully said that, Zhou Zuoshi said with a smile: "master, Qianjin has given us a lot of help. Chen's plane is his personal help, and Zou Yi's ion engine is also the child's. If we can support it, we have to support it well. "

"Well, I'll fight for a tax-free technology support for you, which will be free for five years. We will study it later. Don't we have three places? This quota is for Huayan. "

"Thank you, Mr. Heng! Thank you

After seeing off the inspection team, Xiang Qianjin was relieved. Liu Ruoxin asked with a smile, "the heroic words just said are very good?"

"Hehe, bold words? I'm just saying something. I'm not saying anything about defeating aliens! " As soon as the people left, Xiang Qianjin began to show her true shape. Liu Ruoxin could not help but chuckle and said, "ha ha, you are just not right. By the way, I asked you. How do you plan to deal with XM's new cooperation plan recently? "

"Cooperation plan? Of course, we have to cooperate. Just because machine tools don't use machines, doesn't mean other things don't work well? I'm cheating on the wolf! But we don't feel much about it. Anyway, if you sell yours, we'll sell ours. At present, we should develop ourselves well. I haven't seen the situation in Honggang for a long time. I'm going to have a look. Another is to go to the exam... Oh, the school has urged me several times. "

"Where are you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination? "The University of science and technology?"

"I'm going to take the test in another place. I'm going to take the spacecraft major. There's no way. In the future, our special subject of Huayan will be the space magnate."

"You haven't learned it, have you?"

"No? Come on, I developed the ion engine. I have a lot of preparation for spacecraft manufacturing. Now I just want to find a place to continue to study systematically. "

"By the way, Mr. Wang is still looking for you! He said, "if you have been running for so long, you should go back and have a look!"

"Do you still use me? It's all settled for a small pile of submarines. API has two roads. One is diesel power. One is a small pile. The lithium battery technology of our company is used in diesel power. Small pile, using national technology. I've solved the diesel power plan. "

"No, it's said to build big ships!" Liu Ruoxin whispered.

Xiang Qianjin was surprised and said, "big ship?"

"Yes, the ship was bought in July last year, but there were some problems when crossing the Strait, and some country refused to let it. A billion dollars. "

"Why didn't he rob it?" Xiang Qianjin didn't say well.

"There is a solution, but now the domestic electric control has asked to start preparing. The electric control experts of large ships are ready to accept it. Listen to Mr. Wang's idea, they want you to participate in it.""Order my general? Can't you take it? I am a manager of a private enterprise. There's no need for me, is there? I think it's recommended by Mr. Wang, but the state may not let me in. However, there are still possibilities for me to participate, at least nuclear power or conventional power. It's going to get tangled up again. "

Liu Ruoxin asked suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

Xiang Qian smiles: "what's the matter? I come from the future. Of course I know this big ship. 65000 tons, can only be said to be a training ship, to solve the problem. However, this ship also brought us the launch of the first domestic aircraft carrier. But it's all conventional power. After all, we haven't got a thorough understanding of the aircraft carrier, so it's a bit of a monster to use nuclear power when we come up. Moreover, we haven't decided whether the aircraft carrier will choose ejection or electromagnetic ejection. The most important thing is that we have old problems. "

Liu Ruoxin asked suspiciously“ What's the problem? "

Xiang Qianjin asked: "where are the losses between us and XM?"

Liu Ruoxin thought about it and then said, "mechanical technology?"

Xiang Qianjin stressed: "experience accumulation! What we lack is not technology, but accumulation. After the accumulation of industry, the engine is the pinnacle of the industrial crown. Here's our biggest weakness. "