Arthur felt frozen all over. He hesitated and asked, "what did you say?"

"I have supercomputing, changminggong No.1, the world's first supercomputing. For the time being, no country in the world has exceeded my supercomputing, and the news will flow out in three days. The reason why I have been hiding is that my personal chip production line will start to be officially produced in three days, that is, I can kick off the production of Hoffman company in three days, and use the people you have trained for me to do what I want to do. "

Arthur couldn't help laughing when he heard the news. He said in a deep voice, "it's terrible! It's horrible!! Are you really a man, not a devil

"I'm sincere to you. The reason why I'm here is to pull you to join us. We have the same purpose, that is to deal with Hoffman."

"Have a grudge against him?"

"Well, I have a grudge. He took away the most important things from me again and again, and he wanted me to be a tool at his disposal. Arthur, my business is a secret, a secret that can't be said. Because this secret is the only way we can beat Hoffman. I sincerely invite you to join us, because we have the same hatred and the same purpose. Hoffman's tricks are played over and over again! I know I'm going to get shaloman on us this time. But if we work together, even Charlemagne can't do anything about us

Arthur gave a smile. He put his hand into his trouser pocket and said with a relaxed smile, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Forum to the next day, Arthur accident appeared in the venue, early Arthur is very energetic. When JK saw him, he asked suspiciously, "what did you do?"

"Ha ha, relax. How was yesterday? Did you jump forward

"I think we should give up this stupid practice."

"Why?" Arthur looks at JK suspiciously. He knows that JK has never been like this.

"Alas! He's a member of the Huang family. It's not good enough for us to be impatient in other people's territory. "

"But Mr. Hoffman's order is that I'm going to move on, don't forget. Are you going to disobey Mr. Hoffman's orders? " Arthur looked at JK suspiciously. JK said darkly, "not everything is right. Mr. Hoffman is right."

JK regretted saying this, and then she whispered, "I'm sorry, I lost my word."

"There's no need to apologize. You may be right, but you still have to carry it out, right?" Arthur looked at JK, JK thought about it, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Puchi... You're right. It should be like this. In fact, I'm curious. If so many people come to attack Xiang Jin, how will he deal with it? Why don't you take a look? " JK asked with a bad heart.

Arthur nodded with a smile and said, "you can try."

On the next day, Xiang Qianjin came to the meeting. Arthur didn't speak. He neither supported nor opposed it. Anyway, he just watched the performance of other people silently.

When he arrived at the meeting in the morning, Arthur entered the meeting with a smile. When Xiang Qianjin came to the meeting and sat down, Sha Lang suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice, "assembly team, I propose that the next closed door meeting should let Chinese people leave the meeting. This is a serious threat to our technical security."

"If you do, then we will withdraw from the forum and you will bear all the consequences. That means hostility. The theme of this world is cooperation or opposition. Please consider for yourself? We have responded to the unfair treatment we have received to my country, and I believe my country will do justice to us. You can try the results. "

After you finish, stand up. Sha Lang's face was like a pig's liver. He said in a cold voice, "are you threatening us?"

"Sir, I didn't do it. You asked for it. We prefer to do business with our favorite friends! "

"So I don't agree with Huaxia's withdrawal."

At this time, Huang Teng raised his hand and said coldly.

With a sneer on his face, Huang Teng said, "what's the secret here? There is nothing nutritious about this conference. Up to now, the issue is not right. Since we are cooperating, what I see is only arrogance and exclusion. There is no intention of cooperation. As we all know, Huaxia is the most promising and potential market in the world, because this market has not yet been developed. Any group or company will not and will not give up this market if they have the opportunity. So the problem is, if Huaxia doesn't need us, our domestic market will be saturated. Once we miss it, it means we miss the opportunity period of development. I won't play such boring things with you. We think it is up to the market to talk about their needs. Huayan technology has more contact with Huaxia's market, which is more helpful for us to play there. ""I think so, too." A Gaul stood up and said seriously, "to tell you the truth, we should all understand that it's a powerful country. Their backwardness is only temporary. It's almost the 21st century. We still have the old vision of the last century, you know? The world is dead and needs fire too much. Capital needs vitality. I think vitality is not in the west, but in the East. "

"Yes, we also think so. The market is so huge that no one is willing to lose it. This is our vision for future development. What representative Xiang said is very meaningful. I prefer him to talk about big data and supercomputing. He talked about the era of big data and the era of interconnection of everything. I would like to hear more about it. What we need is the future, not the glory of the past! Everything in the past is the past, and what is really waiting for us is the future! "

People in the meeting room spoke one after another, and these countries advanced one after another. Arthur said with a smile, "let's talk. It happened that yesterday I said ten minutes. Today I'd like to ask Mr. Xiang to talk about it again. I'll give you forty minutes, which is our compensation to you. "

Xiang Qianjin stood up. He stood up and said with a smile, "everyone, I'm glad to hear your voice. I know some of you question us. But what I want to say is that we Huaxia hope to cooperate. Cooperation is the only way in the future, and confrontation is a dead end. Since you are so interested in what I said about big data, I will talk about big data. "

"The so-called big data is a large data set, which requires high computing power. It can not only store a person's data, but also need algorithms. In my imagination, big data is not the popularity of computers. Computers are just tools for work and are not suitable for life. What is really suitable for life is more convenient, portable, and can communicate with each other, that is mobile phone! Intelligent mobile phone, smaller, more powerful, integrated real-time chat, entertainment, shopping, payment. As long as you have these capabilities at the same time, the mobile phone will become a necessary item to carry with you. Our future development direction should focus on big data, recording individuals in the society in the form of data in the database. We can calculate a person's information through new AI algorithm, find his preferences, and understand his preferences. Then we get a person's not only name, but also hobbies. At this time of shopping, our algorithm will recommend the things he likes, let him find what he wants in the things he likes, and change the shopping from the original point-to-point. Factories, businesses and individuals are built together through data. As long as our computing power is enough, our database is strong enough, and the collected sample calculation is strong enough! What was the result? "

Xiang Qianjin said here, people are confused, he whispered: "super calculated spring! Computers will soon reach their limits! In the end, the electronic computer will stop at the threshold of physical limit. What we have to do is to continuously improve supercomputing, and pre research the next generation of supercomputing to break the shackles! "

Xiang Qianjin stood on the stage. Although he was a young man, his speech was absolutely shocking!

Is this kind of person really a college student? Is this really a person from Huaxia minke company?

Is this really the backward Huaxia?

"Well said, to what extent have you achieved in Chinese supercomputing? If you don't say anything else, do you think China is super

"Yes! It's called Changming palace one. Huayan was completed at the beginning of this year! We have to thank Hoffman for their support in this matter! "