Meng Bohai was really confused. He didn't know that Xiang Qianjin had such a skill!

Item forward, this is obviously in the bottom!

Originally, it was a well-designed trap. This project is a fraud. Meng Yang knows it, because Meng Yang is the boss behind the scenes. He just hopes to use a scam to lead Xiang Qianjin into the pit. When he comes, he will be selected. However, Xiang Qianjin will bear the name of secretly trading with the factory. At that time, the factory will run away. Even if Huayan is really planted in the pit, he will not be cheated, but also bear the name of cheating.

Generally speaking, as long as Huayan participates, it should be trapped. But they all have the premise that no one can prove it to him.

Now it's different. Hoffman's action has proved it. CHONGYING is also proving it. Huayan has technology! Moreover, the products of Huayan belong to strategic adjustment. To put it bluntly, it's not that we don't have the technology, it's just that we want to get in touch with Hoffman.

What do you need to move forward? make fun of? Who teaches who? It's very frightening to store things in your head first.

It's something that can destroy the planet 80 times.

Among other things, Xiang Qianjin's first batch of batteries now have a charging life of 3000 hours, which is higher than that of ordinary Ni MH batteries. I don't know where to go! It is higher than ordinary lithium batteries!

And can achieve puncture continue to use, who can guarantee this? If you go ahead, you can guarantee it! This has begun to move in the direction of solid-state batteries, and the way to play this has exceeded their imagination.

Is he a liar? I'm kidding. If he's a liar, what's the rest?

Xiang Qianjin leisurely put the information on the table, said with a smile: "sorry, this bidding meeting, Huayan decided to give up. We're not interested. "

"Mr. Xiang, when is the lithium battery of Huayan technology ready to go on the market?"

"It has been put on the market. At present, we can't accept orders because the orders have been arranged to the end of next year. We really can't accept them. Now we are preparing to expand the production line. In fact, the second generation of changminggong battery that we are withdrawing from is lithium iron phosphate battery. This battery has not been released at present. It has been discredited and put on the shelves. It has been sold directly with domestic batteries. "

"What's the difference between the second generation and the first generation?"

"Of course, there is a difference. At present, the charging life of the second generation is 3000 hours, and the charging speed is 2 hours. Of course, we are still carrying out compression. Our goal is to use it for 10000 hours without failure, and to achieve fast charging effect within half an hour. This is our goal now. I hope you can supervise our products. All the batteries of our company have anti-counterfeiting codes. At the same time, there is absolutely no retail in the market. Moreover, we only authorize the original factory to obtain them through one way. Therefore, we are afraid that the batteries obtained in the market can not guarantee the quality. "

Just now, the reporter who was preparing to attack the imports in front of Xiang started to inquire about the new products.

"Mr. Xiang, we are reporters of provincial TV. I want to interview you. It is said that your battery is cross licensed with CHONGYING. Can you explain the meaning of cross licensing?"

"Well, it's an international cooperation plan, that is, both of us hold some better technologies than each other. For example, CHONGYING's battery diaphragm technology is really better than ours, and some other technologies are far ahead of us, but our battery technology is also far ahead of them. Now both sides are cross licensing, We no longer pay each other for the use of technology, we can use each other's technology. There are no barriers. Cross licensing can save a lot of costs, which is of great benefit to us. And not only in CHONGYING, we have also adopted cross licensing with several European factories in terms of production lines. We can save a lot of money and achieve real technology sharing. To open up the national boundaries of technology, in the final analysis, we sincerely cooperate. I really want to learn. "

Xiang Qianjin's simple official remarks are very convincing. The wind direction changed overnight. In particular, Xiang Qianjin's domineering accusation that the technical indicators of the investors were forged caused a sensation all over the country. Conscience expert, four words have become the title of progress.

Although Xiang Qianjin is really young, but the technology is really excellent, and the character is excellent.

In particular, the battery price of Huayan has been controlled quite well, which has compressed a huge space for the cost of domestic mobile phones.

The most terrible thing is that the mobile phone company that originally entrusted Huacheng is now forming a strategic partner with Huayan!

Because Huayan's magnetic core project has also begun to be put on the shelves, to put it bluntly, Huayan has inherent advantages in providing some parts, so the layout of Xiangjin has been launched.

When she came back from the meeting, Liu Ruoxin was surprised. She really couldn't see how hard it was for Xiang to move forward. He had finished the layout in private, because she didn't know it. Although these things are the responsibility of Xiang Jin, the situation that he is in charge of is a little too good, isn't it?Originally, the technology has not yet been seen. Now, once the technology is realized, the actual gap will immediately appear. This gap is not that Huayan is weaker than foreign countries, but that Huayan is stronger than foreign countries. It can be said that Xiang Jin's ability to surpass foreign counterparts in R & D is a terrible fault!

Of course, Xiang's successful counter attack also brought Hoffman a lot of trouble.

Hoffman sat in his office, looking down at JK and asking, "is that what you do? What do you think? "

"Sorry, it's my fault."

"Listen to Wang, I want you to know one thing. I can make you stand high. Similarly, I can make you fall into the abyss. I created you and I can destroy you! You make me feel disappointed about it. "

"Mr. Hoffman, I know I'm wrong. I belittled the enemy in this matter. I didn't accurately estimate his ability to move forward. His ability is beyond my expectation. It's beyond all my expectations. It's really different! "

Hoffman stood up angrily. He stood in front of the window and whispered, "I can only give you one more chance. If you can't make progress this time, I hope you leave by yourself. I don't want to do it myself! "

JK nodded with a gloomy face. In fact, the name of JK is Wang Jiakai. It's a little bit of a boy, but it's really her name. JK's father is a peddler, and there is no background in her family. But JK's EQ is especially high, because this is valued by Hoffman, so she was trained. JK is a Nanyang, not a Chinese.

Her goal is to make money and become a person. But now, in front of Hoffman, she is nothing.

JK lowered his head and whispered, "what am I going to do next?"

Hoffman turned his back and whispered, "next, don't move Xiang Qianjin. Since they have joined hands with CHONGYING, we have to fight. It's meaningless to deal with Xiang Qianjin. In fact, CHONGYING's focus this time is more on the Chinese market. With Xiang Qianjin, on the contrary, it helps us delay their market expansion in China, Once they're allowed to expand, we don't have a chance. "

JK asked in a low voice: "you mean..."

Hoffman looked out of the window, and he whispered, "we need to find a way to stop fighting with Xiang, and we need to find a way to let them study something that they can't study. It's something they will never give up, and it's something we can give them. "

JK thought about it, and then said, "there will be only chips. The initiative of chips is in our hands, and the market of Huaxia is completely controlled by us. Through the price squeeze, we can make him lose all his money. The key is that CHONGYING can also help them. "

"Only in this way can we make such a choice. Xiang Qianjin is not a fool. If he completely depends on us, he will not participate. On the contrary, if he does not rely on us so much, he will choose! It seems that we have a way out for them, but the final key core is in our hands. Their R & D can only follow us. This project will make them successful, but they can only make chips and never catch up with us. The next step is to give them a pit! You're going to show them this time. You must let them into our trap! "