Through loudspeakers, this kind of sound can be heard everywhere in the communication devices of those ships. The disturbing sound is just like this. The ships have no choice but to send signals and flags through the searchlights.

Commander Jason, standing in the control room, frowned and said, "what the hell is going on? When did Huaxia have this kind of equipment! This kind of equipment is a rogue weapon

"Commander Jason, their equipment is more powerful than ours. Why don't we retreat?"

Jason listened to the magic sound, he was very unwilling to say: "retreat!"

As these ships prepared to turn around, they were so flustered that a flag soldier accidentally fell down, but no one found out!

The watchman on the distant sea saw the situation and immediately called out, "some of them have fallen into the water. Do you want to help them?"

Li Jianzhong said hastily: "send someone to see if you can save them immediately! We must pay attention to safety and send a helicopter over! "

Li Jianzhong arranged for the helicopter to set out. As a result, those people thought it was the helicopter that launched the attack, so they ran faster.

As a result, the boy is very lucky. Generally speaking, he can't be saved if he falls down. This boy is really a lucky guy. He didn't die when he fell down. It has to be said that some people's luck is crooked.

After a while, the man came up. He was a sailor. He seemed to be a little shaken.

He kept shouting, let people let him go, said that we can't abuse prisoners or something.

Xiang Qianjin came to the man. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "calm down, brother. It's not a war. You fell down and were saved by us. Why should we abuse you? "

"You... Speak English? Your English is very good. Who did you learn from? "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "of course, I learned from my teacher. Hi, listen to me. I want to move forward, brother, what's your name? We can help you contact your people and let them take you away. But please tell them to turn off those jamming devices. We welcome friends, not nerds. "

"My name is Gary. Hello! Item. "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "very good, calm down. I think you should drink some hot water. You are all wet and need to be warm."

Thank you The foreign soldier finally calmed down. The doctor on the ship treated his wound. Xiang Qianjin sat opposite him. The cook prepared 10000 Porphyra egg soup for him. Both of them were holding bowls. Xiang Qianjin took a drink and said, "it's not bad. It's warm."

GOLLY nodded. After a sip, he nodded and said, "what's this? It's really good. "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "a food that can make you feel happy now. All right, golly. We're contacting your people right now. We'll call them and ask them to come and take you away. But when to get in touch is another matter. "

GOLLY thought about it, then asked curiously, "what kind of weapon are you? Why is our communication system paralyzed, and the sound... "

"Ha ha, nothing is common cursing." Xiang Qianjin grinned and said, with a blank face on his face. Xiang Qianjin looked at him and said, "the weapon you said is not a weapon, but an anti-jamming equipment. We just came out to do experiments. We didn't expect to meet you. Gary, you are very unfriendly. As a result, we need to fight back. But none of this should have happened, right? "

Gerry nodded. He sighed: "we have no choice. We are soldiers, you know. We can only obey orders. If from my personal point of view, I would like to drink this with you, and then drink and eat barbecue together, that's a great thing. "

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: "if you want to have barbecue, I welcome you to our place. I will make you enjoy it. In our family, there is nothing that can't be solved by one barbecue. If there is one, it's two

Xiang Qianjin talked to Geli. Geli said with a smile, "thank you, Xiang."

Li Jianzhong said with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect that this boy's life was so big. I've never seen him fall down alive. Since the life is so big, we should take good care of it. OK, let him have a rest. Let's contact their people to pick him up! "

Of course, Geli's affairs should be reported to the higher authorities. They also agreed with the suggestions of Li Jianzhong and political commissar Xun and returned them directly. Contact your ship immediately.

The ship has now returned to a complete state, and the people on board respect Xiang Qianjin and Chang Baobao. In their eyes, they are experts, experts among experts.

I didn't say anything when I came here. I just took care of the things. Now I've picked up foreign sailors.Taking advantage of the evening wind, Xiang Qianjin and political commissar Xun sat in the safe area on the back deck drinking tea. Xun political commissar said with a smile: "Xiao Xiang, I didn't expect that you have such ability at such a young age. Did you ever think about being a soldier?"

"Ha ha, my physical strength is not good. My major is technical." Xiang Qianjin has a smile on his face. Many people have a military dream. Especially in this era, almost everyone has a military dream. But not everyone can.

Political commissar Xun shook his head and said, "you are wrong. We soldiers also need technology. As you can see today, they bully us when they have good skills. Our navy has been bullied for a long time. Only with technology can our soldiers have the ability to protect our coastal areas. It's not like this today. People come and leave whenever they want. We have nothing but to do our best. "

When political commissar Xun said this, he laughed bitterly. The Old Navy man could not help but shed tears. His lips trembled slightly, and the tears splashed out somehow. It's like I didn't hold it.

Because he didn't control it well, political commissar Xun turned his head and adjusted his mind. Xiang Qianjin sighed with a smile. He said in a low voice: "we are poor. We always let the army into our waistband. Now the country does not intend to continue to do it. If we want to go out, we need our patron saint. And our patron saint, home is enough, now is to let war never happen in China. Only the navy can do that. You may have misunderstood me. I'm a technician of civil engineering. What I want is more freedom and flexibility in scientific research. One day, you may not find that something on the warship is developed by our Huayan. By that time, you can use it vigorously. If it's worn out, you can call me directly for a long-term warranty. And no matter where you are, I'll come and fix it myself! "

Political commissar Xun said with a smile: "hahaha, how are you! I remember that. What a dream you have! I'm waiting for you to surprise me! You know our old boat is small and old. What you want on board is nothing. You have to find a place to squat to eat. There is no canteen at all. Sleep is to find a space to plug in. We can bear the hardships on board, but the ship is old and the cannons are pulled by little horses. Although the cannons are thick enough, our radar can't see far away. If people interfere with us, we are blind. If we don't have the bottom of our heart, we'll die. It's nothing. The key is that we can't keep it when we die, so we can't close our eyes. This time we said to test the new system, and we got the mission. The base was beating gongs and drums to see us off like the Chinese New Year! Ah... But with such a ship's new equipment, I feel really sad to use it like a bird! "

Xiang Qian asked suspiciously, "where are the experts on board?"

"They all fell ill. There were so many problems. After the accident, they worked continuously. As a result, they were all tired. Our experts were more bitter and tired than others. The most terrible thing is to risk your life! You know what those people say about us? They say we drive the washing machine across the Pacific. You said Xunzi political commissar said that this heat, the sad feeling on his face is really clear, Xiang Qianjin patted Xunzi political commissar said: "don't worry, there will be anything in the future!"

"If you don't say that, I'll take a fancy to other people's destroyers. There are craters one by one. The good guys whoosh continuously. It's exciting to watch them. That's what I said. I have their ship and our electronic jamming capability today. When they come, I'll tell them hello in my beer and ask you, have you eaten? Would you like to join us? I follow them every day. If you come here, I will follow you and I won't beat you. I'm mad at you

Xiang Qianjin couldn't help laughing. He sighed and said in a low voice: "don't worry, there will be. by my troth! As long as I live, I will work towards this day. I will try my best to solve the problem of radar. "

"Ha ha ha, OK! You can do it! Ha ha, yes

Two people are chatting, suddenly the outside sounded the alarm, Xiang forward surprised said: "what's the matter?"

"Report to the political commissar, there is a signal from the headquarters, the path of the typhoon has changed, it's coming in our direction!"