"What chief instructor, I bah!"

"You can teach a group of waste who are nothing. Chief instructor, hum, I think it's waste in waste!"

"Dare you practice alone? I have seven taekwondo black belts. You don't even know your mother. Do you believe it? "

"Don't make a fat face. If you can't, you can't. can't you just admit it?"


Young people are angry.

As soon as the two old men went in, they came again.

Lin Hao was not angry either. He glanced at the man who wanted to practice alone and slapped him.

The man was directly beaten to the tree and hung up. He said, "do you want to practice?"

be quiet.

No one's talking now.

But it didn't last long. Soon these people began to bite crazy again.

Until a moment, a young man with an exceptionally handsome face came out, the scene was a little calm.

"You may be able to play, but unfortunately, it's no use playing at this time."

"For some reason, I can't drive you away, but I also hope you remember that this is the Yu family, not your Yanlong group. I hope you maintain the most basic respect."

"In the end, Master Zhu is an expert, not a reckless man like you who only knows how to fight.

Master Zhu is not only superb in magic power, but also outstanding in virtue. Over the years, he has traveled to Hong Kong and Macao and personally went to Nanyang. He knows nothing about surrender and benefits countless people. With him, no matter how powerful the headmaster is, he can't turn over the storm.

So, just watch what happens next. You don't have to worry about it. With Master Zhu here, the rest of my family will be safe. "


The reverse side of the head lowering division is the solution lowering division.

The head lowering division is to lower people's heads, and the solution of the head lowering division is to help people contact the head lowering technique on the body.

To some extent, both the head lowering technique and the relieving division are actually the same existence, but the difference lies in one doing evil and the other doing good.

Then the young man left.

Lin Hao was not angry either. He shook his head and said, "the damned man is not dead, but the damned one is dead. Sure enough, good and evil are rewarded. This kind of thing is a lie."

It's a little confused.

Longwei and others were confused, but the young man's body was shocked.

After a brief panic, turning back, he said with a gloomy face, "what are you trying to say?"

"You know it in your heart!" Lin Hao looked indifferent.

The young man narrowed his eyes, made a half ring, and snorted coldly, "make a pretext and flatter the public."

Just go in.

Lin Hao didn't say any more. Instead, he asked Longwei, "is he the husband of the dead?"

"Yes, this man's name is Yu Feng. He is the third-generation eldest grandson of the Yu family. Liang Hongyu, who just died, is his wife. She has been pregnant for eight months and one body has two lives..."

Quite sad.

Suddenly he was stunned and said, "how do you know, instructor? It seems that you haven't been to Yu's house yet?"

Of course I haven't been here.

Lin Hao shook his head, but he didn't explain anything.

Cause and effect is so mysterious that ordinary people can't see it. Even if he is willing to say it, no one may understand it.

Shortly after that, a group of Yu's children sneered, and he led Long Wei and others into the main hall.

As soon as I entered the main hall, a pungent breath of blood came to my face!

The excitement and festivity originally generated by the arrival of Master Zhu disappeared when he came here.

The atmosphere is a little depressed.

Old Yu sat wearily in a master's chair, while Master Zhu looked carefully around the female corpse covered with white cloth.

From time to time, he also asked aloud, and everyone answered his questions carefully.

After almost an hour, it was dark and Lin Hao was sleepy.

Master Zhu finally got the result.

Lightly stroking his long beard, he said with a nonchalant smile, "it's really a tricky headmaster.

He is very powerful and has a very profound cultivation of head lowering. Looking at the countries of Nanyang, there are only a few people who have this accomplishment in head lowering... "

Inside and outside the words, he highly praised the secret head lowering teacher.

The Yu family was already flustered. When they heard this, they bluffed into a blank face.

I'm still calm.

Seeing the smile on Master Zhu's face, he knew that most of his heart was sure, and he said: "I think there is a way for Master Zhu to speak in such detail.

Please also open the altar and cast the spell as soon as possible for the sake of my family.

At this age, I don't want anything. If the Yu family can survive this time, no matter what the master wants, even if they lose their money, the Yu family will be satisfied. "

Determination is not so big.

Master Zhu laughed: "I've seen this outside, sir. After all these years of love, how can I Zhu refuse to save my life?

Don't worry, since I can see the strength of my opponent, I naturally have a way.

The headmaster in the dark is really strong, but when I meet someone Zhu, I'm afraid I'll lose my halberd and sink into the sand this time... "

Very confident.

Hearing this, the rest of the family were relieved.

Lin Hao never spoke, but this time he couldn't help shaking his head: "if the emperor told you that you were one of the people who really should die in this incident, and the one secretly waiting for you to come out, you shouldn't believe it?"

The sound is not big, but it makes people hear clearly in a quiet space.

That's what I said. When I heard it, all the people present changed their faces.

One couldn't hold back. Yu Feng angrily scolded on the spot, "what are you talking about? I'll warn you again. Please pay attention.

Master Zhu is famous in Xiangjiang and Nanyang. You can't slander him wantonly. "

Yu Lao's face was also particularly ugly. He glanced at it and said coldly, "there is a specialty in the art industry.

The past month has proved that Yanlong group is powerless about this matter.

In this way, please don't meddle in this matter wantonly, so as to avoid more innocent deaths in my family. "

Neither soft nor hard, but the attitude is very clear, and the sense of hatred is also very clear.

Master Zhu is very calm.

He smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. His mouth is on his mouth. What he likes to say is his freedom.

He said that the evil headmaster was really waiting for me to come out when he was waiting for me to come out.

Don't worry, you don't need to worry. Zhu naturally knows everything. "

A broad-minded master.

Lin Hao burst out laughing: "it's up to you. Anyway, your life and death have nothing to do with the emperor.

In a word, if the emperor is you, he must run as far as he can.

You missed it once in those years. If you are still stubborn this time, not only you can't be spared, but the rest of the family must be dead and have no life... "

The more you say it, the more sensational it becomes.

This sounds like a curse to the Yu family.

In this way, no matter how good the cultivation was, I couldn't help but give domestic face. I ordered him to leave on the spot.

Lin Hao didn't care much about this. Without saying a word, he got up and left