On hearing such an answer from Ouyang Haoyu, and looking at his expression, it didn't seem to be faking at all. Suddenly, the group of people who had been carrying that aristocratic family style all the time, had all kinds of plans in their hearts, so they chose to be silent and silent, and then they began to worry. They didn't care about their face, or they kept their so-called noble demeanor, or they wanted to force them at first Ouyang Haoyu was forced to give in, so as to grasp the initiative of all kinds of calculation, all began to you a word I a word of mouth to persuade up, the gesture, the tone, hasty as if afraid a little later, they will all kinds of bad end. Although this is an indisputable fact, if they don't make their stand again, the result is not much different from their guess. Ouyang Haoyu can do it, but it can't be so fast. It can be seen that at this moment, after they hear Ouyang Haoyu's answer and confirm that they have no intention to cheat, how flustered they are!

"Shut up! shut up! What do you want to do? Do you want to take revenge on me, blow up my ears, or torture me to death? " When Ouyang Haoyu was in the human world with his master, he only heard such words as "one woman is equal to five hundred ducks" to describe women as terrible. However, he never thought that so many men here, one by one, are more terrible than the so-called five hundred ducks, especially when their hearing is more sensitive than that of human beings It's just like killing a duck man when he breaks out together! Therefore, Ouyang Haoyu will change his previous attitude of "being polite and friendly as long as the fat sheep cooperates." he can't help but roar out, which is the expected result. I believe that if Ouyang Haoyu hadn't kept his last sense and thought that these fat sheep hadn't handed in their so-called "ransom", and wanted to help his master do something well and earn a little "alimony", I'm afraid that he would not have just roared. After all, no matter how gentle and polite Ouyang Haoyu looks, he would not have changed that he is a Warcraft In fact, Warcraft's temper is famous among human beings. In short, in short, Ouyang Haoyu also has the violent temper peculiar to Warcraft. He is only suppressed by the "ransom" of Lao Shizi, but not without it. It's better to take it easy.

Well, it turns out that these human beings are not so-called idiots when they can make a name for themselves in the treacherous aristocratic families. Before, they were just too scared, so they were in a hurry and out of control. After all, they are probably used to being respectable, or they are in such a nature that they are more afraid of death than ordinary people. Before, they were in a coma and didn't know , can't choose, can't break free, that's all right, but clearly hope in front of us, but suddenly heard that they will be given up, how can they continue to keep calm? Some choices, with hope, can live, who wants to die? In this way, there will be the scene of the above-mentioned scramble for fear that they will die when they speak too late. But after they really calm down, or are woken up by Ouyang Haoyu, they immediately calm down and know how to do the best for them, so they look at each other, and then they all close their mouths and let it go In the eyes of the outsider, the most respected one, as the representative, said to Ouyang Haoyu in a friendly voice with a touch of praying tone: "don't be angry, my Lord! We were just afraid before. We lost our sense of propriety. We didn't mean to harm you. Please believe it and forgive us! As for what you said before, please tell me that you have a large number of them. I believe we will do it once. Really, not all of them don't keep their promises. It's just like there are good and bad beasts among the beasts. We can't generalize them. A kind beast like an adult can't bear to see us all die, can we? "

As for the fact, Ouyang Haoyu is not blind, not to mention a fool. One by one, his clothes are almost crumpled. He lowers his head and doesn't dare to raise his head. He is afraid that he will find something. Is it true that he doesn't see it? If they hadn't handed in their huge ransom, who would take care of them and accompany them to play and practice their acting skills? There is also this one's broad-minded, adults have a lot of good words, do not want to die hard to his head button, bullying animals have no culture, do not know what is called, what kidnapping? Even the simple beasts deceive and calculate one by one, which is not a group of good things. In this way, he doesn't have to feel guilty to be too cruel. Ah, he is a good beast! I'm so guilty that I'm too cruel to my natural enemies!

But after all, Ouyang Haoyu, who has been influenced by Ouyang Xiasha for many years, has grown into the representative of a new generation of black heart, black lung and black heart. He says that no matter how hard he washes, Ouyang Haoyu feels guilty. I want to know how exaggerated the number will be! I hope that these human beings will be able to bear such a result at that time, and will not regret their choice at this moment, because once they regret, according to the past evidence, they will not be able to bear the consequences. Although it is not clear what the specific consequences will be, they will definitely be several times worse than the current situation But it is certain. It's worse than death several times. I want to know how terrible it will be. Therefore, in the face of all this, Ouyang Haoyu's words are used to remind them that they want to be smart. Even if they really regret it later, they should not admit it. As long as they don't admit it, no matter how obvious they are, they should not see it. It's just like this at this moment. This is Ouyang Haoyu's "cat crying, mouse pretending mercy", which is left to mankind for the last time I'm so kind. Well, Ouyang Haoyu once again admired himself. He was so "kind" that he even helped them make suggestions for survival! Oh, how kind of him! If Ouyang Xiasha knew that in Ouyang Haoyu's heart, he was so narcissistic, he would not hesitate to expose his mind. Aren't you going to get a ransom for less trouble? It's a pity that Ouyang Xiasha didn't know, so the smile on Ouyang Haoyu's face became more loving and gentle!love? What the hell? Don't you think how strange it is for an animal, or a minor animal, to face a group of human beings, many of them have to keep the appearance of the old man and show a loving look in order to show their immortality and noble demeanor? At least Ouyang Xiasha thinks so. Can these people pour good, Leng as if did not see the same, the performance is natural, can no longer natural! I don't know whether they have excellent acceptance ability or their desire for survival is too strong? The former? The latter? Or both? Who knows? Anyway, in addition to Ouyang Xiasha, who felt extremely strange, they all showed extraordinary harmony with each other, which is an indisputable fact.

"I can't help it! I'm not human, and I'm not familiar with you. If you cheat me, who can I cry for? " Now that I'm not guilty, it's very necessary to dig a big hole before I start to work hard. As for how to use it, don't they like to play with their hearts and calculate animals? Let's just play in front of each other. It's like this moment. Taking advantage of these people's strong desire for survival, Ouyang Haoyu clearly knows what they mean, but he has to show that he doesn't believe them. At the same time, his eyes show a trace of innocence. It's as if he didn't mean to fight against them, and he didn't want to calculate what they mean, or to seek huge profits from them, but that's the fact. Put yourself on the innocent side. Unless they can make him feel assured, he will not change his previous decision. If they pester again, it will appear that they are making trouble without reason.

"My Lord, we are all the best representatives of the family in the divine world, and we have a good position in the family. Even if you don't believe our own character, you should believe our family and its guarantee? So, you can rest assured, we will never cheat you, whether it is family or individual, we all want to face, in order to pay a little, how ugly to say that! Isn't that losing our family and our faces? At that time, we can't afford to be treated as a laughing stock by others. How about we swear by our own family reputation? In this way, can you trust us? " I think what Ouyang Haoyu said is very reasonable. They are not close to each other, and they don't know each other. If someone really chooses to default, the adult really has no way to deal with them. After all, although the adult looks very powerful, Warcraft always likes to go alone. Although they are in a weak position now, they have no backhand at all against the adult, but he doesn't like it The family behind you is not joking. How is it possible to fight against a family on your own? Therefore, this adult has such worries, there is no problem at all. But no problem is no problem, but it doesn't mean they have to give any commitment. After all, different positions lead to different views on things.