Ouyang Xiasha is not cold-blooded. How can he tell whether Dongli Yao really cares about himself or not? Especially this person, or has been recognized by their own people, so, Ouyang Xiasha more no reason to ignore each other. In addition, he also needs to ask dongliyao about the detailed situation they faced before in Shimen, so as to determine his own judgment. Therefore, he doesn't want to wait, so it's a matter of course to actively ask. As for what kind of tone to use, if it is facing other people, Ouyang Xiasha, no matter how much she cares about each other or the information that the other party knows, can still keep her face unchanged, at least on the surface, but looking at their appearance, Ouyang Xiasha is really indifferent.

Of course, the reason why Ouyang Xiasha always keeps a cold and calm state in front of people, even in front of his own people, which is no exception. The reason has nothing to do with any affectation, or pretending to be calm. To put it bluntly, one of the reasons why Ouyang Xiasha keeps such a cool and calm state is that he is used to facing people other than his own Other people have too much time and have already formed such a habit. For a while, they can't change it. Well, they don't want to correct it. Second, they want to prevent their hair from floating, which leads to some results that they don't want to see. Although the probability of this kind of possibility is very small, after all, his eyes, which are comparable to those with fiery eyes, are not pretending In other words, the person who can be liked and recognized by him will never really do anything that is beneath his status, but he is not afraid of 10000, just in case! If it's really an accident, it's not a blocker! Instead of that, he might as well make people feel that he is not so easy to talk at the beginning, or completely cut them off, and his thoughts of being kind and compassionate, that's all.

"It's OK, we're all OK, boss, you can rest assured!" I don't know how dongliyao brainwashed Hetian Yu. At this moment, Hetian Yu and Zhirui follow dongliyao. They look at Ouyang Xiasha seriously and give them the same answer. That gesture, that look, it seems that it's a great honor to be cared by Ouyang Xiasha, even more than their direct promotion of the level, it makes them happy, and also makes them feel so-called honored.

I don't know if they are too thoroughly brainwashed by Dongli? Or after dongliyao's suggestion, what other, more in-depth sublimation ideas did they have? Is it their own fault? Or was it misled? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? Anyway, one by one, their faces glowed red, and they looked at Ouyang Xiasha with excitement, just like they saw some special attraction and leadership in Ouyang Xiasha. It was an indisputable fact that they were willing to run for him and give their loyalty to him in front of him.

"Cough, cough! It's OK. What happened when you were in the stone gate? Why do so many people show up together? " Probably is to be with the farmland jade their that red fruit fruit's warm eyes to see of whole body uneasiness, want to get rid of this so-called uneasiness as soon as possible! Ouyang Xiasha didn't express any opinions or suggestions on their exciting actions. Instead, she raised new questions like changing the topic.

"Boss, let's not talk about these first. There are so many gold and silver, and precious spirit stones. We can't just watch them go back empty handed and watch them snatch them?" They didn't rush to answer. Instead, they kept staring at the nearby Jinshan, Yinshan and Lingshi mountains. While explaining the reasons, they were ready to go up and do a lot of work.

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid there's a trick in these treasures. Although it's just a feeling, I believe it. As for you, it depends on whether you believe my feeling or not! " Ouyang Xiasha is not entangled in whether the other party has answered their own questions, but extremely serious, thoughtfully expressed their true feelings.

Although Ouyang Xiasha's words have no reason and basis to find, even can say, quite some irresponsible feeling, after all, what is the feeling? They can't eat or drink. They don't even have any basis. They ask people whether they believe in it or not with an empty talk. It's really speechless. I don't know why. Maybe Hetian Yu had some illusions in his mind, so he was confused? Maybe Hetian Yu and they have their own reason or rely on it? Or is there any other reason? Who knows? In any case, Ouyang Xiasha, who is holding an empty talk, can't help but let people choose to believe. This is undeniable and can't be explained in detail. Let's say a specific one two three fact.

"Well, all right!" It's probably the sixth sense of dongliyao mentioned before! What Ouyang Xiasha felt was that dongliyao didn't pay attention to these things because he was too excited. Later, after Ouyang Xiasha reminded him, dongliyao regained his sense. This so-called sixth sense also returned to normal. Therefore, it's not strange that dongliyao would make a statement before Hetian Yu and Zhirui answered. As for the opinions and answers of Hotan jade and Zhirui, dongliyao's opinions and answers are their opinions and answers. No matter whether they have made clear the truth up to now, there is no exception. Who makes their center revolve around dongliyao? All the time, dongliyao's words are what they say?"Well, now you can answer me, what was the situation you faced in the stone gate before? Why do so many of you come out of it together? " Maybe we have reached our own requirements? Perhaps Dongli Yao's answer, Ouyang Xiasha already guessed, so, there is no expectation? Maybe there's another reason? Who knows? Anyway, Ouyang Xiasha once again turned the topic back to what he had seen in the stone gate. It was an indisputable fact. And the anxious tone of Xu shows Ouyang Xiasha's expectation of this problem.

"What happened? What can happen? Isn't that the normal passage inside the stone gate? Three stone gates are the three choices we face after entering this site. Is there anything strange? Fortunately, we hesitated for so long in the face of those three choices. If we had known that the final result would be the same, and the final destination would be this place, what would we have chosen then? By the way, boss, what do you mean by that? Do you have a problem coming out? But then again, boss, your door is really strange. We didn't see you before, or we missed it. You entered the tunnel in front of us or behind us, but the door you appeared is really unclear. After all, we saw only three choices before. Where did the fourth one come from What's wrong with it? And boss, what happened to the fourth item you appeared? Otherwise, why do you ask? " Although I don't know why Ouyang Xiasha is so entangled in this problem, as his most loyal younger brother, Dongli Yao will certainly choose to say everything! It's just that I probably recognized the boss of Ouyang Xiasha, relieved the pressure from the Dongli family in the past, and let myself go too much! He didn't look at the occasion at all. He said all the things he should and shouldn't say. I really don't know what to say.

Fortunately, Ouyang Xiasha's location is relatively remote. At this moment, most of the people's focus is on the Jinshan mountain, Yinshan Mountain and Lingshi mountain. They are busy preparing for the snatch of the opponents around them. They are dedicated to fighting for the Lingshi. It's too late for them to have the time to care about the unimportant people ? It doesn't matter whether they hear it or whether they have the heart to listen. Even if they really hear something, what's the matter? You know, dongliyao's voice is not very loud, and the shortest distance between them is so far that it is impossible for people to hear them clearly. Therefore, I want to know that they can't seriously analyze what dongliyao said. It's probably not exaggeration to say that they forget what they said after hearing. Who makes them pay more attention now Heart, all in the fight for those gold and silver, stone on it?!

Well, although I don't want to admit it, Ouyang Xiasha is really the unimportant bystander in these people's eyes, which is undeniable. In other words, as long as Ouyang Xiasha doesn't take part in the act of robbing those gold, silver and Lingshi, no one will deliberately choose to target him at this time. Therefore, no one will make any action against Dongli Yao's proposal.

Well, not all people choose to rush forward to grab, or some reasonable people choose to wait and see for a while. As for whether these people have heard anything or noticed anything, it is difficult for Ouyang Xiasha to estimate.

Although it is impossible to hear them, after all, the distance between them is not so far. The sound of dongliyao is not so loud. Moreover, seeing their appearance, it seems that their attention is focused on those who rob gold and silver and spirit stone. So, when they hear dongliyao's words, they notice Ouyang Xiasha It's less likely to be different.

But the development of things is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Therefore, in order to ensure the absoluteness of things, Ouyang Xiasha has the following answer. This is not, only heard Ouyang Xiasha is very serious to Dongli Yao, they began to explain: "nothing, it is because my side is too calm, so I am curious about the situation there, after all, such a large site, too safe, it makes people feel more uneasy, isn't it?! As for the problem of the fourth passage, I may have crossed with you before and accidentally found a path or side door. Specifically, I am not very clear, because I am the only one there, and it is quiet and makes people feel numb and strange. So, eager to escape from the strange environment, I ran out as soon as the stone gate opened, Therefore, I didn't understand the specific situation carefully. But I don't think there should be anything. If there is anything, how can I not notice anything? You know, with the divine sense of us monks, no matter how nervous we are, we can't even feel any abnormality, can we? "

It is clear that this is not the case, but Ouyang Xiasha says the same thing. If you don't see it with your own eyes, look at Ouyang Xiasha's sincere eyes, I'm afraid no one will refuse to believe him. In other words, you will feel that Ouyang Xiasha didn't lie. That's the inevitable choice.This is not to say that Ouyang Xiasha doesn't believe in dongliyao and refuses to tell the truth, but it's just a precaution, that's all. You know, he was inconspicuous before. So many people came here and didn't find him. It was because he stood from a tricky angle, and people's eyes were all focused on the gold, silver and spirit stone. The combination of time, place and people led to the situation that other people thought he didn't exist. But this kind of nonexistent situation is not absolute. Maybe someone will discover his existence at any time. When you think about it carefully, won't you notice his abnormality? Therefore, all the time careful, all the time pay attention to their own behavior, has become Ouyang Xiasha's compulsory course. It's like this moment. In other words, in another place, Ouyang Xiasha doesn't mind telling Dongli the truth of the matter, but outside, it's better not to! He doesn't want to find trouble for himself.

"All right! Boss, can we do it now? So many babies, so soon they will be robbed, so long no matter, there should be no matter, right? Boss, boss, what do you think? Make a decision quickly, or we'll get nothing if we drag on! " Although Dongli Yao always feels strange about Ouyang Xiasha's explanation, after all, his sixth sense is still there, and his sixth sense tells him that Ouyang Xiasha didn't tell the truth, at least not 100% of the truth, but his loyalty doesn't allow him to refuse or doubt Ouyang Xiasha's action or behavior, Dongli Yao also found the eyes of the people around him later, so he was very confused, but it was not easy to open his mouth, so he could only change the topic and turn his eyes to those treasures.