It's because she understands Ji Xiaowu that she's afraid. It's because she's afraid that she chooses to show weakness. Even if she knows that the possibility of success is very small in the face of the stone hearted Ji family members, she has no choice, right?

As for Ji Xiaowu's sincere confession, elder seven actually said to her, "this is it. What's the use of apologizing now?" But because of the tension in his heart, before the hammer in xuanzi's hand fell, did they have any hope of turning over? Did the one on the fourth floor have the possibility of opening his mouth. In addition, the seven elders have always adhered to the principle of "being on the front line and meeting each other in the future", which means that there is nothing left. Neither to forgive, nor to comfort, not to blame, but such an attitude, but has let Ji small five grateful.

Of course, according to the truth, since the seven elders want to sell Ji Xiaowu's favor, it's the best way to comfort him now and express his forgiveness choice. But at this time, the seven elders are angry. They don't make rude remarks, criticize each other and humiliate the other. That's the limit he can do. Comfort? forgive? Please understand that an innocent person involved can't do it. Fortunately, Ji Xiaowu's demands are not high at the moment, otherwise the seven elders' wishful thinking will not work out. At that time, let alone being grateful to him, it is possible to hate him in turn.

"It's the first time for the 1.1 billion low quality spirit stone!"

"1.1 billion pieces of Lingshi for the second time! Is there anyone else who's bidding higher? "

"1.1 billion pieces of soul stone one by one"

listening to xuanzi's voice, which was confirmed step by step, but no one intervened, I usually thought it was a nice tone, but now it was like a requiem, which made the seven elders and Ji Xiaowu's face pale, and their palms were sweating. Especially when the third sound came, that kind of fear and tension was absolutely amazing It's like the heart has run to the throat tube, but there is a fishbone stuck in the throat tube. Once the heart continues to rise and touches the fishbone, his life will be in danger.

Elder seven and Ji Xiaowu care so much about the 1.1 billion inferior spirit stones, not that they are poor, but that they don't have so many inferior spirit stones. If the number is yellow and white, even if it is ten or 100 times of the number, their eyes will not blink, and they will not be so worried and nervous. But once it is a inferior spirit stone, it will really drop a lot.

As for the reason, it's also very simple. Haven't you mentioned it before? Now it has entered the era of the end of the law. For example, the Lingshi vein has long become the most common jadeite vein because of the dispersion of Lingqi. In other words, the existing Lingshi are all left behind by the predecessors. They use a few rare items. Among them, because of the scarcity of high-level Lingshi, the existing Lingshi is very rare, Most of them are low-grade spirit stones, only a few poor high-level spirit stones. But even so, it can't change the fact that Xiapin Lingshi is still very precious. How can such scarce good things be controlled by individuals, especially those who do not have the most important financial power? Only a few of them are rewarded for their contribution to the family, but how much can they get? So, in the face of such an exaggerated amount, they are not nervous and worry!

It is estimated that the world, whether in the upper world or in the underworld, can not take the inferior spirit stone seriously, but only use it as a paving stone. I'm afraid only Ouyang Xiasha has such heroism! Other people have such a treasure. If they don't give it up, they will be restrained. How can they be so wasted?

"One hundred and ten thousand!" Fortunately, Ouyang Xiasha finally asked for a price after a slight pause, otherwise the seven elders would surely let Ji Xiaowu look good, and all the responsibility would certainly ignore the back road left before, and would not hesitate to push it all to her. Don't be surprised that the seven elders think that people are selfish, not to mention the people of the Ji family. In other words, it's not surprising that the people of the Ji family are selfish. If they are not selfish, then the sun will come out in the West.

"Don't get excited any more. If you keep shouting, no one can guarantee that person will speak. After all, the price is too high. It's a bit too high!" While Ouyang Xiasha's voice fell, he was afraid that Ji Xiaowu might have another moth, or the seven elders who had some messy instinctive reaction, so he quickly added something, like a warning or a reminder. It seems that this time Ji Xiaowu left a big psychological shadow on elder seven.

"The 20th piece is the soul milk one by one, and the VIP on the fourth floor offers 1.101 billion pieces of soul stone. For the first time, will anyone bid higher? One hundred and ten thousand second time, one hundred and ten thousand deal! " Because I have seen Ouyang Xiasha's intention for a long time, combined with Ouyang Xiasha's steadiness in life and her grasp of every piece before, xuanzi doesn't have any worries about him. Therefore, I can see that xuanzi's final decision this time is more decisive than before, even without a trace of hesitation or hesitation.

"Master boss, that chick of Ji family is absolutely intentional!" Although what his master wants is still photographed by himself, there are more than 500 million inferior spirit stones for no reason. It is clear that 600 million can solve the problem, and it will take 1.101 billion to solve it. Although this inferior spirit stone is nothing in the master's eyes, the gap between them, the feeling of being forced, little rosefinch doesn't know what other people think But he was upset and uncomfortable, which was very certain."I know!" What is the little rosefinch thinking? How can Ouyang Xiasha, who has a soul contract with her, not know? Although she is very grateful for the little rosefinch's protection, Ouyang Xiasha can't get used to him for some problems, just like this twisted mentality and the habit of not using her brain. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha is much more relaxed about the little rosefinch's frustration and anger, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

"Master, aren't you angry?" For Ouyang Xiasha's answer, little rosefinch almost has a kind of doubt that her ears have problems. After all, the boss of her own family is famous for his ability to report at leisure. How can such a person maintain such a peaceful attitude and speak normally? Is he blind? Or when the boss of his family was changed and he didn't see it? Is the rumor that "you have time to report" false? Or is there a homonym that he misunderstood? With this skeptical attitude, the little rosefinch stares at Ouyang Xiasha and asks in doubt.

"Why do you want to be angry? Didn't I say it would cost them? Pay the same value as my bleeding, or even double the price? " Ouyang Xiasha still hopes to give more guidance to the little rosefinch, but it's really not good. It's no problem to explain to him. After all, although education should start from the baby, the child's understanding ability is limited. If you force him to be tired of learning, it's really not worth the loss. Therefore, for the little rosefinch's doubts, Ouyang Xiasha's first attempt is the so-called guidance. If it doesn't work, give him a reasonable explanation. As for the little rosefinch's puzzled bird face, yes, you're right. It's bird face. Although you don't know what he's thinking, Ouyang Xiasha knows that it won't be a good thing to look at his suspicious look. Of course, because of the doubt, the twisted bird face seems very funny. If it wasn't for Ouyang Xiasha, she would be worried about laughing now Coming out would hurt the little rosefinch's self-esteem. I'm afraid he couldn't help laughing and opening his mouth, so he is suffering now. And his slightly deformed face is the best evidence.

"But then again, although I wanted to get rid of the Keng Ji family, I just wanted to get rid of other people. After all, I didn't need the inferior spirit stone. Even if I really made money, what was waiting for them was still the fate of being put there and shelved there. Rather than that, it was better to get rid of the owner of something I liked People. But now, they succeed in irritating me and irritating me. In this case, I will accept the money myself. Even if it can only disgust them, it's worth it. " Seeing that little rosefinch didn't have the slightest reaction to her guidance, Ouyang Xiasha first restrained her smile and sighed a little. Then she followed the rule of gradual progress and said more, but only a little. Then she hoped little rosefinch could learn to use her brain, and continue to think according to the idea he gave, and finally she could learn to use her mind Find out for yourself the real answer to why he is not angry.

"Ah? I'm sorry, master. Am I stupid? " Maybe it was because she had never been in contact with such a complex problem before, and had no reference. So, even when Ouyang Xiasha said this, the little rosefinch still looked at a loss. Of course, little rosefinch is very sorry for this. No matter his words, his attitude or his eyes, it is very obvious.

"It's not that you're stupid, it's that I'm in a hurry! Here, I need to apologize to you, not you to me! Xiaolingguang, I'm sorry, because my impatience has hit your confidence. I'm really sorry! " Although Xiaoling guangnian is not small, in fact, his current state only thinks about the children of human beings. After all, for a large part of the time, Xiaoling Guangzhi stayed in his egg because of congenital defects. During that time, it was like a human fetus in the mother's stomach, which was not counted in their age. So, let's ask, What can a 12-year-old child do? Learning strategy? Learning strategies? It seems that he is really impatient. He even forgot the real state and age of little rosefinch.