"Just understand!" No matter these young antiques are sincere compromise, or forced to compromise helplessly, anyway, the purpose of Baicheng mansion has been achieved! As for whether the forced compromise in their hearts will bring about the consequences he does not want to see, Baicheng mansion is not worried at all, because he is very sure that even if they really have such ideas or plans, they will really think clearly and understand after they see the power of those two wonderful flowers! It's not impossible to know what to do and what not to do, even if there will be incomparable support.

"Little Lord, what shall we do now? Is that all you're going to do? " Antiques that don't know how to adapt are antiques that don't know how to adapt after all. Even with the deliberate guidance of Baicheng mansion, their rigid nature can't be changed, at least in a short period of time. And it is true. In a word, it reveals that they don't know how to turn. Baicheng mansion said it was a sneak attack, so they were ready to rush directly, If there's no deployment, do it.

"Stupid! Do you know what it's like to fight with a snipe and a clam for a profit? They are fighting now. We'll sneak over for a while and hide first. When the time is right, we won't rush to fight again. It's just the right time to try the taste of the fisherman! " The White City mansion is facing the person's forehead, up is for a while, that hate iron does not become steel of look in the eyes, simply don't too obvious. But then, when he said what he was going to do, his eyes turned into treachery. Calculating mind, it is clear, that gesture, as if he had become a fisherman, get the final victory!

"Young master is wise!" This answer is somewhat true and somewhat false, which is the question of different people's opinions. Anyway, Baicheng government is trying to take the Bai people to the wrong road, but there is no doubt about that. However, it is not necessarily a good thing to become cunning and not as rigid as before!

"All right, all right! Keep quiet. Let's go now. We'll be here soon. I'll remind you! Of course, you should not rely entirely on me. You should take out your own divine consciousness and exercise it, so that it will not be wasted! And don't forget why we're here! " If it sounds good, who doesn't like it? Even Baicheng mansion, which always has an honest and upright face in front of people, is no exception. Compared with some people's Frank acceptance, Baicheng mansion is more shy. His mouth and stop is a kind of expression of shyness. As for the following sentences, they may be sincere suggestions, maybe just to change the topic, or both Yes, who knows? Anyway, it's effective. It's also applicable here. Isn't that enough?

"Yes, young master!" Facts have proved that whatever the reason of Baicheng mansion, whether intentional or unintentional, it's really easy to use here. It's indisputable, and everyone's uniform answer is the best proof of this.

"Go Then, because the consensus was reached, there was no need to waste more time. Following the steps of Baicheng government towards their destination was the most important action they should take at this moment. As a matter of fact, they did. With an order issued by Baicheng house, all the people of the Bai family started to follow the pace of Baicheng house, but they were more careful than before.

All of you have taken action. Baicheng is so smart. Of course, he won't be the repulsive alien! But what he thought in his heart is not known. Of course, Baicheng didn't mean to rebel. He just had something different in his mind.

And this strange source, is his boss Baicheng house. In fact, it's not a big deal, but I don't know why. Baicheng also looks at Baicheng's face, which is no different from before, and suddenly has a very strange feeling. The more he looks at it, the longer he looks at it, the more intense the strange feeling becomes. As for the reason, it's very simple, because he suddenly finds out that the treacherous Baicheng's house is now, Although it seems to be honest and upright on the surface, in fact, it gives people a kind of invisible evil and evil spirit. It feels inexplicably familiar, like one by one

What does it look like? The white city also brows tight Cu, stare at the White City mansion of Mou Guang to take full of meditation. Half a ring before the pupil shrinks, yes, like him! That kind of breath, that kind of temperament, that kind of way of speaking, just like their eldest brother Ouyang Xiasha!

This discovery makes Baicheng's eyebrows and eyes feel a touch of uncertainty. Is this "the red is near the Zhu, the black is near the Mo"? Without waiting for him to think more and study more deeply, the White City mansion turned to him and asked: "what's the matter? Is there a problem? " But think about it, it's not hard to be noticed by Baicheng government. After all, even if an ordinary person is stared at like this, will he feel better more or less? What's more, the friars are particularly sensitive. It's not an exaggeration to say that Baicheng mansion has found out for a long time. It's just that they didn't mention it before. I'm afraid that it's unbearable that Baicheng mansion can ask now!

"Young master, I'm fine!" Of course, Baicheng doesn't say, "I just found that you are more and more like the old man Ouyang, so I just looked at him curiously." it's not easy to give a reason to prevaricate Baicheng mansion, because Baicheng also knows that Baicheng mansion itself is not an oil-saving lamp. It's not as honest as Ouyang Xiasha I'm old and crafty, but I'm sure I have a clear mind. In the past, not to mention, he is more and more developing and changing towards Ouyang Xiasha. Baicheng also dares to guarantee that once he lies, Baicheng government will immediately recognize him. Therefore, direct denial is the most suitable answer for him and the most suitable answer for this embarrassing scene."Are you sure?" To be honest, Baicheng government doesn't pay much attention to Baicheng's answer. It only takes into account its important role in the team and the sense of responsibility that he must be responsible for when he chooses the people. This is the way it is now. Baicheng government has repeatedly confirmed and carefully asked.

"Little Lord, I'm ok. I'm sure I'm ok. I was just in a daze!" In order to reassure Baicheng government that it will not pursue this issue any more, Baicheng's answer this time is a bit more sincere, with mixed truth and falsehood.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't that true and false? It's true that he was in a daze before Baicheng. When he was staring at Baicheng mansion, he was in a daze. Otherwise, Baicheng mansion would not feel so obvious. What's false is what he thought after he was in a daze. In fact, he didn't really have a thing or thought. He was surprised at the great changes of Baicheng mansion, but it belongs to some ideas!

"It's OK! Keep up with the team It turns out that sometimes it's very easy to believe that the truth is mixed, and that's what Baicheng government did and decided to do. Of course, it may have something to do with that he didn't care much about it, which led him to be more careless. But the final result was that Baicheng government believed it and decided not to pursue it. This is an indisputable fact.

"Yes It is obvious that Baicheng is extremely satisfied with the answer he wants. If someone observes it carefully, he will find that Baicheng is greatly relieved when the voice of Baicheng mansion falls. As for the reason why he felt relieved, one is guilty. What's more, it's the change of Baicheng's aura, which makes Baicheng feel the so-called pressure unconsciously.

In the place not far away from Baicheng mansion, a huge spider, which should not exist here at all, is opposite to a centipede, which is also huge and shouldn't exist here. However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the spider is the one who is occupying the upper peak! Moreover, it seems that the battle between the two powers is coming to an end, and it will be over soon!

"Dead spider, you are so mean!" The giant centipede, stuck by spider silk, looked at the giant spider slowly approaching him and said with gnashing teeth. On the one hand, he kept struggling, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the sticky spider silk. It can be seen that the giant centipede didn't admit its life and didn't forget to turn back. It's just that the effect of struggle doesn't seem to be very good. On the contrary, it seems that the more he struggles, the more tightly he sticks. Even the scope of sticking seems to have become much larger. In addition, the centipede has more legs. Even if it mutates and becomes bigger, it can't change this. Therefore, the more sticky and tighter the centipede is, the more powerless it is to resist, which is more obvious in his body.

Giant spider looked at the struggling food, a pair of dark eyes full of greedy cruelty, sarcastically replied: "if you are stuck by my spider silk, don't do dying struggle any more, and become my food safely, maybe I will make you die a little more happy, otherwise I will slowly eat your legs and feet, and then eat your body, and let you die Savor the delicious taste of being eaten bit by bit It's not hard to hear that the tone between the lines of giant spider's words is all the sarcasm and ridicule of chiguoguo, and even a kind of high posture! In the air, the giant spider's harsh and hoarse laughter reverberated in the jungle, which was not so pleasant!