The white family's dandies have their own ideas. After all, the dark dark wolf, who is opposite to them, has entered the ranks of beasts. How can they be a group of idiots without intelligence? So, how can they be reconciled to being sabotaged? Especially the wolf king who led the team, this kind of mood was more obvious. So, the answer to this question, that still need to say? Of course, the answer is no, that is to say, they are obviously unwilling.

As for the reason, in fact, it is very simple, because no matter what type of Warcraft, no matter what level of Warcraft, look down on human beings, and the fact that human beings are on opposite sides, it can be listed as one of the standard configuration that Warcraft must have.

In addition, the wolf king's plan has been destroyed by the human beings in Baicheng mansion, which is a kind of shame, a kind of humiliation, a kind of provocation for the wolf king. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for the dark dark dark wolf to follow their script. And the fact is true, this is not, without waiting for the white city house to issue the next order, as the wolf king of the wolf head wolf, then Yang tianchangxiao, signaled that his men began to attack.

At the command of the head wolf, the dark dark dark wolves, who were ready to move, were even more unscrupulous. They directly attacked the people who were surrounded by them and had no way out, that is, the position of the white family.

Of course, it's impossible for each member of a team to have the same intelligence and strength. Therefore, among the wolves, those who use their natural skills wisely and cautiously can't be lacking, because they underestimate the strength of human beings in front of them and want to rush up and use their most primitive instinct to bite the existence of the person in front of them.

Well, the wolf king doesn't need to speak. The fact can prove that their idea at this time is so wrong! This is not, the existence of brain damage, as soon as they have this plan and put it into practice, they have not taken a few steps before they were bombarded and shot away by a spirit attack.

However, even so, there are still such brain disabled people who are not afraid of death, such as moths flapping at the fire, who keep rushing towards the middle of the crowd. I don't know if I should say that they are brave and not afraid of death? Or should they be stupid and hopeless? However, one thing can be absolutely certain, that is, no wonder some people say that no matter how Warcraft evolves, it is not as flexible as human brain!

Don't underestimate the attack. Although the development of things, but only within minutes, but in fact, it is the unanimous choice of Bai family. Yes, you're right. In fact, just now, just when the group of mentally handicapped people wanted to put their ideas into practice, Baicheng mansion affirmed a set of practical combat methods by means of eye contact, and this method was: Tianji horse racing!

The story of Tian Ji's horse racing, whether it's in the mortal world that Ouyang Xiasha landed in or today's world that is still in the ancient underworld, is a well-known story. After all, most of the underworld people come from the mortal world, no matter what the reason for the alternative immigration is not?!

"Today, we will take the upper Si and the middle Si, and the middle Si and the lower Si." Baicheng Prefecture, they use a similar method. Use the middle strength of them to deal with the brain damage in front of them who have no intelligence quotient, plus the part with the worst strength; use the strongest of them to deal with the opposite group of dark dark dark wolves, the strength is not so strong, of course, it is not so weak, that is, the part with the so-called medium strength; and the weaker one among them Part of it, of course, faced the strongest part of the group of dark nether wolves opposite.

Of course, Baicheng mansion doesn't mean to let those people die. After all, they are the people of Baicheng mansion, and it's his responsibility as a young master. Even if he just wants to stop the people and not let them chill, he can't let them die? What's more, Baicheng mansion is a person who cares about his commitment and responsibility. In this way, he has no reason to let them live and die on their own. What's more, the cultivation of talents is so difficult. It's not only a matter of time and materials, but also the fact that it's hard to find qualified seedlings. Therefore, they don't mean to send them to die. Frankly speaking, Ouyang Xiasha just hopes that they can hold their pace with the advantage of the number of people, that's all.

As for where the number of people who are more than or even comparable to the reversal comes from, isn't it that they are still at a disadvantage before? But if you think about it, the answer is also very simple. Of course, it's the way of "Tian Ji horse racing" to get rid of the other two dominant groups!

Although the use of "Tianji horse racing" has made Baicheng Prefecture's disadvantages change dramatically, and at the same time, they have gained a lot of benefits and advantages from it. However, they still suffer from inexperienced losses and make great efforts. Even if they try their best, they can't give full play to their original strength. Therefore, they will gradually lose , and then slowly fall into the inferior position, which can be regarded as a natural result.

And the fact is that, in the face of such a large number of wolves' deadly attacks, after several times, even if the white family's dandies hold the so-called advantage, the loss is quite heavy!Although so far, there is no news of the death of any personnel, but many people have been hung up, it is a clear and undeniable fact, especially those who are weak, even if they are different from Baicheng government, they adopt the method of multi encirclement, but their injuries are still the most serious among the crowd. However, it's no wonder that some hardware problems can't be easily overcome by opportunism. Moreover, with the passage of time, these problems will become more and more obvious.

To put it bluntly, if they continue to procrastinate like this, no matter how fierce their calculation is, no matter how skillful their Kung Fu becomes with the passage of time, they will surely lose in the end!

Seeing such a scene, not far away from the ancient trees, Ouyang Xiasha is still calm and relaxed to keep the initial sitting posture, wantonly and casually, just like watching a play, watching such a wonderful and fierce fight, showing a playful smile from time to time, completely without the consciousness of being a coach or boss. That appearance, that posture, as if this group of people in Baicheng mansion had nothing to do with her, before the intimacy of Baicheng mansion, is the illusion of others wrong!

Ouyang Xiasha's problem, let's not talk about it for the time being, let's talk about their opponents in Baicheng mansion, the dark and dark wolves that make people headache!

Although I said before, there is a tendency that they may lose the competition in Baicheng mansion, but the dark dark wolf is not so good. It can only be said that it is better than others!

In other words, there is no data about the death of the dark dark wolves, and although they have suffered some injuries, compared with the sad and miserable appearance of the white family, what they have can only be regarded as skin trauma. Therefore, at this moment, the dark wolves know and understand that they must not be dragged down indefinitely The so-called talent decides the result of their use. As a result, the white family's dandies saw that the bright red and the dark black, which could not be explained by common sense, were suddenly inspired by the dark dark wolf's body. Then, with the spiritual power running on the body surface for a week, the color of the spiritual power gradually turned into the complete dark color.

That deep, let a person terror of color, see of White City mansion etc. eyes a dignified. As for the reason, it's also very simple, because it's the sign that these wolves want to use their strongest attack - Dark devouring skill!

In fact, it's no wonder that they will show such an expression in Baicheng mansion. You know, with their current ability, Baicheng mansion can be unbridled in the underworld, just like a crab, walking with arrogance. Therefore, the darkness of a dark nether wolf devours their eyes, which is nothing at all. After all, its power is limited, isn't it?! But a group of dark nether wolf's darkness engulfs, that is not good, at least with the White City mansion their present level, wants to contend, even if is the joint struggle, that is not good! So, it's no wonder that even Baicheng Prefecture, which has always had a serious face and few facial expressions, can't help changing its face and breaking the convention!

Although they know that such a joint attack is very terrible, the people of Baicheng mansion also know that if they don't fight and just sit and wait to die, then their final result can't be separated from a complete end!

So the people on the scene, even if they didn't have the order or command of Baicheng house, even if they didn't discuss with each other in advance, they didn't hesitate to use the strongest and the biggest spiritual power they could send out, and resisted the dark devouring of the dark dark wolves.

That square White City mansion they began to rise up to resist, here dark dark dark dark wolf pack they also not be outdone of exerting the whole body strength. Then the crowd saw that the dark was engulfed, and suddenly, like a huge black ball, confessed above the heads of the crowd, began to generate, and then quickly enveloped them. Below, the huge psychic power energy ball gathered by more than 20 people also gathered on their own head, and then collided with the black energy falling from above!