In fact, the content, props and methods of Ouyang Xiasha's test are very simple. The content of the test is the greed of the people, and the props of the test are the pills whose quantity, name and effect have not been told. The method of the test is to determine the mind and nature of the pills by their choice of the people who use them.

You know, among all the people present, except Ouyang Xiasha and the group of special beings who had contracted with Ouyang Xiasha, no one knew the specific quantity, name and effect of the pills in this bottle of pills. They just thought about the object they were taking. They could guess that these pills should be used for healing. That's all, but that's just a guess Already, as for the quantity and name, there is no direction to speculate, but no one can think that there are only two pills in such a big bottle, and no one can think that the fragrance of Ouyang Xiasha's high-grade pills is just superficial, which can't achieve the function of high-grade pills. In other words These drugs are just some of the failure products which are not in use! To put it bluntly, it's the bottle of pills. It just smells like high-level pills, but in fact, its effect is not worthy of such an attractive fragrance.

That's right. Ouyang Xiasha's medicine is not the best one. Among all the pills, it can only rank in the middle and upper level at best. It can also be divided into the ranks of high-level pills. Compared with some middle and low-grade pills, it's still good. But among all the pills Ouyang Xiasha reserves, it can only be regarded as the next choice, that is Ouyang Xiasha A category that Shasha doesn't normally use at all.

As for the source of these empty and flashy pills, it's also very simple. To put it bluntly, it's the same reason as the ring of life space. It's just the practice that Ouyang Xiasha used to practice proficiency and improve the success rate at the beginning of her study. These things, according to Ouyang Xiasha's perfect mentality, should have been dealt with long ago, just because It's just a matter of time.

Who would have thought that there would still be a day when Ouyang Xiasha defined it as a "failed product"? At least Ouyang Xiasha never thought about it. It seems that the garbage in "wrist Bi" doesn't have no effect, does it? For this reason, Ouyang Xiasha, who had planned to find a free time to clean up her wristband, completely gave up the idea. Otherwise, if this happens again, what should she do? Do you want to give your disgusted object the best pills? She Ouyang Xiasha is not the Virgin Mary. It's good if she finds out the details and doesn't torture him. What good medicine can she really give him? That way, she will definitely have toothache, heartache and pain all over her body. She is not stupid to torture herself like this. What should she do? So, these failed products are very useful, aren't they?

Since those pills are flashy and empty, it is obvious that there is a reason. In short, this kind of failed pills can be ranked as high-level pills according to the processes and materials needed for refining pills. But in fact, its efficacy is not satisfactory. It can only achieve the so-called high-level pills The "surface light" of Ouyang Xiasha is that it can only treat external injuries, but internal injuries can only treat a surface, and it can't completely recover. And it also has one of the biggest drawbacks that Ouyang Xiasha wants to use this time. That is, it can't completely recover, and only treat the surface internal injuries. Even if the doctors with good medical skills come, they can't solve the problems. The only way to get it is to get it The conclusion is that he has recovered. You can imagine how miserable the "baichengyu" that Ouyang Xiasha really hit will be this afternoon. As for the baichengchao, it won't have any influence. Who can tell that Ouyang Xiasha had made more plays for him before? To put it bluntly, baichengchao seems to be in a similar predicament with baichengyu, but in fact, he has no internal injury at all.

However, I have to say that Ouyang Xiasha is really stingy. Even if it was the "loser" she had never thought of before, she didn't mean to take one more. Two people, no more, no less, only two. Although I'm afraid of taking too many pills, it's also one of the indispensable reasons to be detected from the remaining pills. Only Ouyang Xiasha knows what proportion it takes!

Well, it's a bit far away. In other words, Ouyang Xiasha, as the initiator, of course knows that there are several pills in the bottle! But others don't know that! Instinctively, they would think that there should be something left to feed them except those who need to feed them. After all, no one knows if there will be any so-called contingency. Therefore, it's not impossible to really have a heart and have some thoughts, is it?

Elixir is a good thing, especially in the eyes of the people in the underworld who can't accept the fire from heaven and above, and let these flames be used by them, high-level elixir is even more scarce. Who calls the first step of refining high-level elixir is the fire from heaven into the body?

The refining of low-level pills doesn't need the fire from heaven into the body, but the people in the underworld can control the refining. But the high-level pills need the fire from heaven into the body, so they can't do anything. After all, they are all people living in the underworld. Whether they come to the underworld to cultivate immortals or ghosts after death, once they stay in the underworld for a long time, they will absorb and form a kind of Yin cold Qi, which belongs to the underworld. The noble and healthy qi of Tianhuo is the killer of this kind of Yin cold Qi. If they don't want to force fire into the body, it's better If you go backward in cultivation, you will lose your soul.People are so embarrassed and bloody, let alone pills? There is no residue left. That is the expected answer. In other words, people who live in the underworld for a long time want to refine high-level elixir, which is just fantastic and impossible.

Of course, with the exception of Ouyang Xiasha, even if she lives in the underworld for a lifetime, her constitution will not change. Who can call her the son of the gods and demons with the chaotic and ancient holy body? This unique constitution, free from any negative influence, is absolutely the envy of ordinary people. In addition, no one will be the so-called exception. Now the underworld has been sealed for thousands of years. Even the immortal monks who once came down from the upper world have been eroded by Yin Qi. They can refine high-level pills, but they can't.

In the past, it was not that there were no cases of fighting to death because of a pill, and there were not a few, but it was still within the acceptable range of people, and it did not cause too much disturbance in the underworld.

In the past, it was fashionable for the upper and lower realms to be unblocked. What's more, nowadays, the whole underworld has been sealed, and even the only way to exchange with the outside world has been forcibly blocked. It can be imagined how serious the scarcity of high-level pills in the underworld is. Therefore, if someone really has the so-called greedy heart, they will fight for such a medicine It's not impossible to get more places.

Although Ouyang Xiasha had done enough psychological construction for the best or the worst results in her mind before, she was prepared. Even if the worst combination really appeared, she would not have too much mood fluctuation except for a little disappointment. But if she could have a good result, wouldn't it be better? After all, she is a loyal subordinate. She has been conscientious and conscientious for so many years. She really doesn't want to see some bad pictures. Therefore, in the end, Ouyang Xiasha is very satisfied with the result of letting the most suitable person pick up, and this satisfaction also makes Ouyang Xiasha have more confidence and firmness in continuing to teach them, let them change their bad habits before, and then improve their strength.

Looking at the back of the white family, Ouyang Xiasha doesn't know what she's thinking. She just stares at the white city house without saying a word or doing anything. Until the figure of the people can't be seen any more, Ouyang Xiasha turns her eyes to the white city house she left behind.

"Brother Ouyang, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with the place where you stay? You just didn't want to talk about it before, so you left me and wanted to tell me in private? Or are you not used to what you eat? " Baicheng mansion belongs to the very simple and honest type. Unless it is necessary, he always likes to show his nature to others. Therefore, he is not at ease when he is being stared at by Ouyang Xiasha? This kind of uneasiness does not cause goose bumps all over Baicheng Prefecture, but there are so-called chain reactions such as rigidity. I wanted to wait for Ouyang Xiasha to open her mouth, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for Ouyang Xiasha to open her mouth. I couldn't help but ask Baicheng mansion tentatively.

Although the questions asked by Baicheng mansion seemed to be a bit dry and stiff, and people could see at a glance that he had nothing to say, Ouyang Xiasha, who had expected this for a long time, didn't have much reaction. She was completely confident and expected.

"Xiaobai, please help me prepare some things according to the drawing. If you can prepare them all at one time, it's certainly the best. If you can't, if you feel that time is too tight, at least help me prepare the first stage, that is, this piece of equipment before the end of the day, OK?" Ouyang Xiasha didn't say any more nonsense, and didn't tease the embarrassment of Baicheng mansion. She just took out a piece of paper half the size of a desk and spread it out. Then she pointed to the partition and pictures on the paper and said to Baicheng mansion seriously.

This piece of paper was conceived by Ouyang Xiasha when she decided to improve the level of the Bai family. She just didn't have time to put it into practice until she got up this morning. Even to save time, she went into a "wrist Bi" space.

If you look carefully and there are people from all walks of life nearby, you can see that these tools or equipment painted by Ouyang Xiasha are not other things, but auxiliary equipment used in modern army training.

How can Ouyang Xiasha, a semi monk who mostly relies on absorbing spiritual fragments to recover his strength, know how to train and improve his strength quickly? But she believes that the truth of stimulating potential, whether in the mortal world, or in the underworld, or in the divine world, whether it is mortal, or friar, or god man, should be the same. It is only when the human body reaches its limit that it can promote its outbreak. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha has reason to believe that the set of forces in the mortal world is also suitable For the underworld, there is now this scene.

Well, even to say the least, the army's training method is not suitable for people in the underworld. Maybe it's good to exercise, isn't it? Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha is determined to use the army's method which is beneficial and harmless to the people of the underworld.In fact, it's really wise to let the Bai family take the pill first, no matter whether the army's set is effective or not. But it can't stand up to the Bai family. Now there are still spies! Ouyang Xiasha doesn't want to waste her good things, to cheapen the enemy, to add the so-called chips for the enemy to fight against herself, so she can only suppress the problem of Dishui pill and turn the focus to her crazy torture. I hope that her torture by any means can expose those works with weak willpower as soon as possible! Although there is no basis and reason, Ouyang Xiasha just believes that the time to realize this possibility is not far away!

"Brother Ouyang, don't worry, I know how to do it! In the first stage, there should be no big problem. As for how much can be done in the future, I can only say "try my best!" Although Baicheng mansion didn't know what Ouyang Xiasha's paintings were and what their functions were, it could copy them as they were, but he still had no questions, so Baicheng mansion had the above answers. Of course, Baicheng mansion didn't want to ask Ouyang Xiasha what these things are for and what their functions or effects are. After all, people are curious. Although Baicheng mansion looks simple and honest, it can't be an exception, can it? Only when she saw Ouyang Xiasha's thoughtful expression and thought of the truth, "if you know early, if you know late, you must know", did she finally choose not to mention it.

"So, good!" Ouyang Xiasha is very satisfied with the attitude of Baicheng mansion, whether it is the so-called promise never exaggerated, or the honest attitude not to break the casserole to the end.