To put it bluntly, it's not difficult to collect the top chaotic elixir, but the difficulty lies in the level of refining, the ability to absorb thunder and lightning, and the perception of life and death in alchemy. Otherwise, why do you think none of them, including the former creator God, has been able to reach the level of chaotic elixir since ancient times? Otherwise, why do you think the God of creation is not the right boss? When he's full, he has to go through reincarnation and experience. What's laoshizi's sense of life and death?

In other words, the former creator God, even the son of gods and demons, was the favorite and incomparable son of heaven. He had an inherent advantage in the level of refining elixir and the ability to absorb thunder and lightning, which others did not have. But because of the lack of understanding and seeing through life and death, he could not produce the top-level chaotic elixir even if he was endowed with talent To become the master of chaos.

Now Ouyang Xiasha, who has inherited all the memories of the creator and mastered all his alchemy experience and skills, and has experienced several life and death experiences, is very hopeful to make a successful breakthrough and become the first chaotic alchemy master in the vast history. As for what she lacks, it is only time. To put it bluntly, Ouyang Xiasha will succeed sooner or later. It only depends on the fact that she needs several failures to pave the way.

Well, it's a bit too far away. Let's focus on the present first, deal with these problems in front of us, and then consider other problems! In other words, even if Ouyang Xiasha wants to refine the top chaotic pill, she has to collect all the materials first, right?

"Shizhang Amethyst essence, two dragon blood and vermilion fruits, a jade bone orchid, three drops of green water and Qiongjiang, plus three drops of Wanhua Tiansui, for the first time!" Whether it's the creator God who used to be in the state of being served all the time in the upper world and didn't need to care about the price, or Ouyang Xiasha, who has just come into contact with the world of cultivation since she grew up in the secular world, or the Pluto emperor who once took charge of one side. As long as she grasped the direction of the world she was in charge of, other Pluto emperors who were presented with both hands were doomed to her love for the underworld or the world She said that she didn't understand the price of the whole vast world, and that the ring was something she hated and wanted to discard directly. Therefore, in Ouyang Xiasha's mind, it would be a good result if she could exchange it for a ten Zhang Amethyst essence. Even if it seemed very rare to see people's performance, she had never thought that it would be so valuable, so it was a good thing After calculation, she planned to let people bid, and she would never think that she could exchange so many talents. When she heard that people were bidding higher and higher, to tell the truth, Ouyang Xiasha's heart could not help surging.

In fact, in the past, the God of creation and the God of hell didn't do production, so they didn't care about the price at all. Now Ouyang Xiasha, because she was born in the ordinary world at the beginning, and she was born again, she had "wrist Bi". So without understanding it, she thought that "wrist Bi" was the standard configuration of the life space of the world, even if she later restored it I can't get rid of the habit of comparing "wrist Bi" and the life space she later refined with it. But habit costs energy, so I don't understand the value of a life space in a world that only she can refine, even if it's just a failure. Therefore, in Ouyang Xiasha's opinion, donglixuan's bid is a little too high. After all, compared with the life space that can only hold things and can be used for hiding at most, where is the value of these things.

In Ouyang Xiasha's words, it seems that these things are more affordable and practical than the life space of a failed product. She really doesn't understand why they work so hard for a failed product, even willing to exchange so many treasures. However, because the ultimate beneficiary is her relationship, no matter how confused she is, she does not show any scorn or puzzled expression or words, just a light look.

If she didn't have the ability to refine life space, her reaction would never be like this. To put it bluntly, there was more life space, so she didn't know how to cherish it. That's all.

"Shizhang Amethyst essence, two dragon blood and vermilion fruits, a jade bone orchid, three drops of green water and Qiongjiang, plus three drops of Wanhua Tiansui, the second time!" Although Ouyang Xiasha doesn't know the vast price level, her feeling is right. The price offered by donglixuan is indeed higher than the sky. The bustle around her is gone, and even the opposite Quietness is the best proof. But even if Ouyang Xiasha knows that in the face of such a high price, since people choose to be silent, no one will pay a higher price than donglixuan, but Ouyang Xiasha still hopes for a miracle. After all, is she the ultimate beneficiary? Don't underestimate the difference between one drop and two drops. You should know that this kind of treasure has always been hard to find. A first-class large power can have one drop or two drops because of nature. Of course, there are many people here. So, you can imagine how precious it is. So, you can see that donglixuan has done his best. I'm afraid that's the limit he can take out. In other words, if someone bids again, donglixuan will not be able to ask a higher price.

"Is there a higher offer?" At this point, if Ouyang Xiasha doesn't understand that the overall situation has been decided, she will be stupid. However, some procedures can't be saved, can't they? And can delay a second is a second, who can guarantee that there will be no so-called miracle?"Shizhang Amethyst essence, two dragon blood and vermilion fruits, a jade bone orchid, three drops of green water and Qiongjiang, plus three drops of Wanhua Tiansui, deal!" Although this result Ouyang Xiasha has already expected, it is inevitable that there will be some disappointment in her heart, which is probably caused by the so-called greed! This is not the case with people. When they can't get it, they will be satisfied if they can get it; when they get it, they will think if they can get more; when they get more, they will think if they can monopolize it. After this cycle, people's desires will never be satisfied. Even in the process, they will pay a lot of price and tuition fees for it. What's the answer The case is still the same.

"So it's decided that the one who has a stake with me is Dongli's family with brother Dongli!" A family does not necessarily have only one team to participate. Many ordinary family forces can sometimes send two or even more teams to participate, not to mention a big family like Dongli family? After all, it's about the honor of the whole family, isn't it? Is there any reason why we should not try our best? And the reward of Dixuan pill for each person is there. If you take part in one more person, does it mean that you can get one more pill? Just go through the scene, you can get a Dixuan Dan, such a good thing, a fool will give up, OK? Don't think what donglixuan told Ouyang Xiasha was just a joke! In addition, this competition will determine the final profit sharing of the four families to Zhanming temple. Therefore, I want to know that the Dongli family will never make the stupid decision of putting eggs in one basket. No matter how many people there are, they will at least send out all the powerful members of their family! In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, for example, she won a team of the Dongli family, but the other members of the Dongli family didn't admit it. They had to say that the team they were fighting against was not this team from the beginning. In this case, it's not clear at all. So it's better to point out donglixuan's team at the beginning.

"Now that the matter is settled, brother Ouyang, I'll see you in the competition. Before that, I wish brother Ouyang a great success. " In donglixuan's view, although this battle with the nature of gambling has not started, the final result has long been doomed. Most of all, it was for Ouyang Xiasha's sake to send her treasure. Donglixuan was polite to her. She not only gave her a smile, but also showed her gentleness. She even followed the politeness and said some congratulatory words to her. Although it sounds rather awkward, it's not difficult to see that donglixuan looks down on it, but no wonder donglixuan thinks so. Who is Ouyang Xiasha? She's really not famous. It's hard for people not to associate her with those poor boys who want to win fame?

"OK, brother Dongli, I'll see you at the game then!" Although some dissatisfied with donglixuan look down, but Ouyang Xiasha heart also understand, her image now, really quite satisfied with such an image. It's obviously impossible for Ouyang Xiasha not to mind at all. Who can call Ouyang Xiasha's character of being able to report in her spare time? But in the present situation, big, blatant revenge is certainly not enough. After all, it's related to the implementation of the later plan. Ouyang Xiasha is not stupid. How could she make such a stupid thing that she destroyed her long-term plan of exterminating her family in order to satisfy the immediate revenge? It's obvious that the big action is not good, but it doesn't mean that she can't use some small means. On this point, it's feasible and doesn't matter. So, although Ouyang Xiasha answered now, she didn't give donglixuan any attack or ugly facial expression, but it made people feel that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell why. She wanted to know how depressed and irritable this feeling of clearly seeing but unable to answer would make people feel, which probably came from Ouyang Xiasha That's a little trick! In this way, it can be regarded as a small counterattack, and it can also be regarded as charging some interest in advance.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead. If you need any help, brother Ouyang can come to me at any time. Although brother Yu doesn't exist as a big boss in the underworld, there's still no problem in solving some things in Yunxiao city!" The results that should have been achieved have been achieved. Donglixuan has long felt that it is no longer necessary for him to stay here to be a monkey, so he has the intention to leave. What's more, as one of the organizers of Dabi, he has a lot of things to do, especially before the competition, many things are waiting for him to deal with, if not After hearing the news of life space, he would never leave his duty without permission and come here! In addition, he was disgusted by Ouyang Xiasha before. He felt helpless and depressed. He couldn't find a reason to attack, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't attack. So his intention to leave was even stronger. But in the end, he was worried about the so-called interests between each other. Therefore, no matter how impatient he was, donglixuan didn't reveal the slightest. He even politely said something to Ouyang Xiasha. He looked like he was in trouble. I don't know. He really thought Ouyang Xiasha had a good relationship with him!

"Thank you so much, brother Dongli!" For the politeness of donglixuan, Ouyang Xiasha didn't refuse. Along with donglixuan's words, she said thanks. As for the reason, it's also very simple. Is there any reason why she doesn't take advantage of the cheap? Besides, just because she doesn't like trouble doesn't mean trouble doesn't like her, does it? Although she is not afraid of trouble, she has a ready-made trouble solver. Why does she have to do it by herself?"You're welcome! The fool went back to the mansion and waited for brother Ouyang at any time! " Donglixuan was somewhat surprised at Ouyang Xiasha's acceptance. After all, he was polite and polite, but there was not much sincerity in his words, but the other party actually responded. Donglixuan can't help thinking, Ouyang Xiasha this is really silly, can't see, make such a decision, just blind cat caught dead mouse? Or do you pretend to be stupid? In fact, this person is too smart to know when and how to do it, so that he can get the maximum benefit? Compared with the first possibility, donglixuan is more inclined to the second one, but in the end, there is no evidence or intention, so donglixuan can only think about this idea.

Aside from these, since donglixuan's words had been said, whether it was true or false, since the other party could brazenly accept them, he certainly could not pretend that he had not heard anything. Fortunately, what he said was not exaggerated. There was really nothing that he could not solve in Yunxiao City, but it was not difficult. He just thought that it was wrong He dug a hole for himself, and then pushed himself in. He is not good at all. It's absolutely deceitful to say that he doesn't want to be subdued, because it's just like being forced to accept, isn't it?