Baicheng mansion didn't want to agree, but his tutor told him that he couldn't be so selfish and let the other party suffer some unnecessary losses because of his little vanity. Of course, if the other party insists on making such a choice on the premise that they clearly know that their Bai family team is not as good as Dongli's, they will certainly do their best for the other party's trust. After all, she is the first one to identify with their existence since the disappearance of the emperor of the underworld. For this rare trust, they are even willing to pay for it My life.

As for whether Ouyang Xiasha is empty and bluffing, in fact, her own strength is not so good. It's possible that the Bai family headed by Baicheng mansion never thought about it. Who is Ouyang Xiasha's temperament too deceptive? Who is the Bai family? They are always honest and never like all kinds of suspicion. If they can get their approval, they will not doubt what they say later, as long as it is not particularly difficult to accept? In other words, I don't know why or when, Ouyang Xiasha has been recognized by the Bai family.

It has to be said that the existence of the white family's integrity and integrity is really a rare flower in the underworld full of killing and blood. It is an amazing miracle that such a wonderful flower can develop and survive safely today. After all, as the saying goes, "it's not our race, it's our heart that will be killed." the way of thinking of the white family is different from others In front of other groups with the same ideas, isn't it alien? Even if they are not attacked jointly by other ethnic groups, they can be excluded and isolated. However, under such circumstances, the Bai family can still maintain its first-class position, even if it retreats, it also retreats very little. Isn't it an amazing miracle to think about this result?

Today, if you change the presence of anyone except the white family, in the face of such a situation, you will hesitate to think about many problems. You will never be so reckless as they are. In such a short time, you will have the final decision, and even put the so-called initiative in each other's hands without hesitation. And other people's first consideration must be their own interests. Even those who don't want to get into trouble and are relatively broad-minded have never considered their own interests because they don't want to participate in it, but they will never have the extra thought to go to Ouyang Xiasha, a stranger's gain and loss. It is Ouyang Xiasha, the self styled magnanimous ruler of the underworld, who, in the face of such a situation, will first measure the general situation, and then make the final decision according to his personal gains and losses. Even if there is a rare kindness sometimes, Ouyang Xiasha will never put the initiative in other people's hands like Baicheng house.

Well, it's a bit far away. In other words, who is Ouyang Xiasha? The owner of nine orifices exquisite heart, can't even see the decision in their eyes? You know, for them, she can only be regarded as a stranger who doesn't know and has said a few words. For a stranger, she can do so, which is absolutely beyond Ouyang Xiasha's understanding. Even in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, this kind of practice of ignoring one's own life for the sake of the little trust of a stranger she didn't know seemed a bit foolish. However, Ouyang Xiasha had to admit that it was probably that the Bai family could not forget their original intention and stick to their own principles. When all the other new families betrayed the temple of the underworld, it was like a thousand years ago One day's insistence on standing on the side of hell hall is the root cause!

"Chengfu, Chengfu, does your father want you to have a plan? It's not as straightforward as today's, or the traditional temperament of your family?" Although some people don't agree with the uprightness of Baicheng mansion, that is, Ouyang Xiasha thinks it's stupid, we can see that the son of the old friend still doesn't forget his original intention. Ouyang Xiasha's heart is somewhat gratified, so it's not in vain for her to support them.

Generally speaking, she is in a better mood. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha's eyes on Baicheng mansion gradually become more intimate, and there is even a kind of doting from the elder to the younger. In fact, think about it, it is not the younger generation! Once Ouyang Xiasha, also known as the ghost emperor, supported the Bai family. When she supported the Bai family, she met with the ancestors of Baicheng mansion. Her father was still half a boy at that time, and her mother didn't know her father. At that time, he was afraid that it would be long before he became an embryo, let alone the year when he became the ghost emperor Ji, so he is not a junior in front of her. What is he? And if you didn't take into account the friendship with the ancestors of Baicheng mansion, how do you think Ouyang Xiasha would make fun of Baicheng mansion?

After all, with Ouyang Xiasha's arrogant character, how can she easily chat up with strangers? What's more, with a noble identity, she doesn't need to do so, does she? In other words, Ouyang Xiasha suddenly made fun of Baicheng mansion. She just felt the situation that "time has changed, things are different, but you are still the same." there is no other reason.

"How do you know?" Although Ouyang Xiasha's intimate attitude towards herself makes Baicheng mansion feel very strange and even a little puzzling, Ouyang Xiasha's explanation of her name still makes Baicheng mansion quite surprised and puzzled, because most people guess that he is either "sincere obedience" or "obedience" before they see how to write his name But no one would have thought that it would be the "city government" who has a plan in mind. But the young man in front of him can tell the truth at a glance. So why is Baicheng government not curious?! However, facts have proved that upright people, no matter what their names are, are still upright. The environment in which they grow up has more influence on people than a name with expectations. However, Baicheng mansion was curious and asked directly. No matter what people were around them and what their current situation was, it was really the same as his father's name It doesn't match at all."Ha ha! I guess. As for the detailed reasons, I'll tell you when I have a chance. Today, I'd better talk about my decision first! That is, I still insist on my previous choice Ouyang Xiasha just had a feeling before. She sighed that she had supported five families in those years, but now only one family is still loyal to her. That's all. Can sigh to sigh, there should be some reason, she still has. Therefore, in the face of the question of Baicheng mansion, Ouyang Xiasha gave it a negative answer decisively and mercilessly, and then changed the topic without hesitation.

What Ouyang Xiasha refused at that time was called "simply" or "not procrastinating". If it hadn't been confirmed repeatedly, what they had seen with their own eyes before was the truth, I'm afraid it would have made people think that Ouyang Xiasha's intimacy to her was just the result of their misjudgment.

It's not that Ouyang Xiasha is merciless and turns away so quickly. It's because Ouyang Xiasha clearly knows that it's not suitable for the so-called reminiscence here and now. Moreover, Baicheng house has no city house and no calculation, but it doesn't mean that she can't see the situation around, does it? What's the difference between confessing in front of them in donglixuan and exposing intelligence in front of the enemy? As for the "I guess", Ouyang Xiasha said casually, its purpose! On the one hand, it's to confuse donglixuan and them, on the other hand, it's to cover her intimacy with Baicheng mansion, so that they don't know whether there is any relationship between her and Baicheng mansion.

It seems that this method is simple. It may not have any effect on other people, but it has a great effect on donglixuan. Who makes them suspicious? A simple problem that can't be more simple can be infinitely complicated?

"Don't you think about it? After all, honest people, just like unicellular animals, are easy to cheat. Ouyang Xiasha just used the simplest way to divert the topic, and Baicheng mansion's attention was really diverted. The focus of attention has changed from curiosity to worry about Ouyang Xiasha. Most of them think that the space of life is too precious, so even if Baicheng mansion clearly hears Ouyang Xiasha's final decision, it can't help but dissuade her. That is to say, after a big round, the problem that Baicheng mansion is concerned about is still the winning and losing of Ouyang Xiasha and her gambling.

"It's nothing good. After all, since I've made up my mind, I really think about it. In a word, I will never go back. Not only that, but also I will let you get the first place in this big contest After a lap, Ouyang Xiasha seems to have returned to the original state. Her tone is still so light, and her words are still as arrogant as before. From this point of view, it is quite a bit of returning to nature.

Perhaps this, listening to other people's ears, will naturally think that Ouyang Xiasha is very arrogant, very invincible, but for Baicheng mansion, all this is so reasonable, he even thinks that as long as the young man said, he will be able to do it. Although this belief is a little puzzling, Baicheng government has no doubt that it is a feeling, a special ability from Bai family, just like prophecy.

However, no matter what Baicheng Fu thinks in his heart, and whether there is any reason for the answer in Baicheng Fu's heart, in short, such arrogant words are a joke in some people's ears, or a big joke.

But think about it. Although the Bai family is still a first-class force in the underworld, they can only be regarded as the end of the first-class force even if they are still the first-class force because of the suppression and exclusion of several giants over the years.

If you want to enter the top ten, it is possible as long as you don't encounter the four powerful families or the four emerging families in the preliminary competition. But it's impossible to win the first place. At least with their strength, it's absolutely not enough. Otherwise, where are the four families and the four emerging families? Do you think the four families and the four new families came to participate in the contest just to fight soy sauce? What's more, now there are Ouyang Xiasha's bets mixed in, so they have no chance to release water.

Because of their own identity and image, donglixuan may only despise them in their hearts, but some people will not have such scruples. No, they just heard a sharp voice in the crowd, and said sarcastically to Ouyang Xiasha: "ha ha, boy, don't be too arrogant. If you join other people's team, they will nod If you want to, you should be very lucky. Although they are the garbage bottom ranks among the first-class forces, maybe you can't even compare with them? It's really shameful to say that you're the best when you get a bargain here

There is no doubt that, except for Xiao Rongtian, who has his own grandfather's support and doesn't need to take into account anyone's face and feelings, because he is not a young master, and doesn't need to maintain a good image in front of others. He always has a special face of "the eldest, the second, the third". In addition to the hatred that Ouyang Xiasha gave up the agreement with him and turned to donglixuan, Xiao Rongtian didn't give up the chance to satirize Ouyang Xiasha. Although donglixuan is the so-called originator of the agreement, who can say that persimmons in the world are soft? Xiao Rongtian can't provoke donglixuan. After all, the Dongli family has a deep foundation, and the overall strength is not a little bit better than their Xiao family. Although Xiao Rongtian is very busy, he also knows the importance of the family to him. In order to get angry, he implicates his family. He is not stupid to do something that is not worth the loss. How can he do it? But someone has to be responsible for this, and someone has to bear his anger, right? So he had to take revenge on Ouyang Xiasha!Although it seems unfair and "bullying the soft and fearing the hard" to make a hasty move, who says that "big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps" is the survival rule of the world? To blame can only blame, Ouyang Xiasha now in the case of no exposure identity, looking better than donglixuan offend some, good bully some, that's all!

Ouyang Xiasha hears Xiao Rongtian's sarcasm, but she doesn't even bother to look at him. She lightly raises her eyebrows and refuses to comment.