You know, people who have always thought highly of themselves have a good temper, especially those who have been completely ignored and forced to embarrass themselves are even more irritable. Therefore, without waiting for Ouyang Haoyu's reply, the following passage will naturally appear.

"It's hard to see the man staring at the wine bag. Isn't he the one who looks at you? It seems that only if you really let the smelly boy suffer a loss, will you know what regret is. Today, I will let my grandfather teach you. What is the truth and how? "

This monk is obviously a typical arrogant, and arrogant people always have bad temper. After finishing this sentence, this kind of bad temper is approaching the limit of outburst, which can be said to be the edge of fury.

All right! Whether it's the limit or the edge, although it sounds terrible and dangerous, in fact, it all indicates that the monk's attitude is still in a safe range, but it doesn't mean that the monk will really choose not to do anything. This is not, at the same time of his words, he has already, unpredictably, fought with Ouyang Haoyu Together, the positive look, as if for a moment can no longer tolerate the general.

Although Ouyang Haoyu's strength is absolute, sure, must be more powerful than that monk, but Ouyang Haoyu still retains the rigorous attitude of being ready for battle, and then the battle between the two people proves the existence of this point.

As the saying goes, "if there is a right, there will be a wrong; if there is a Yin, there will be a Yang; if there is a right, there will be a wrong". The situation of the two warring parties must be relative. That is to say, since Ouyang Haoyu's easy response, the situation of this monk is the expected fact.

Just as Ouyang Haoyu expected, at the first time when they met, the friar found that he overestimated himself a little. Just a touch of temptation, he had already suffered slight injury. A mouthful of blood was in his mouth, and he bit his teeth to swallow it.

Even if he died, the monk would never show weakness, or do anything to lose face. This is not to say how righteous the monk is, or how fearless he is to die. It's just that he has a stiff tongue and wants to live with his face. After all, in the eyes of those people who think highly of themselves and are arrogant, face is much more important than life. If you want to crush his dignity and face, it's absolutely, absolutely not allowed to happen. Even if it's death, he won't allow it to happen. Of course, it's better if you can pull a few of the other side's back.

When things got to this point, the friar, who was proud and arrogant, gritted his teeth. Even though he knew that he was not Ouyang Haoyu's opponent, he had to work hard. That's what the so-called "no success, no benevolence" means! This is not, only see that friar before also think highly of proud look, in the twinkling of an eye the Kung Fu all become fierce up.

In fact, the situation on the court was very obvious. Even if the monk forced down the blood in his mouth, he still could not change the situation on the court, and what was seen in the eyes and thought in the hearts of the people present.

And because of this, seeing such a disadvantage, the other people who were brought by the five elders and eight elders wanted to help. While they were about to move, looking for the opportunity, they listened to the Friar's cold drink and yelled: "none of you come here!" This is a matter of a man's dignity and face. How can he flinch in fear or ask others for help?

Even if the monk only said a short sentence, he had no other characteristics except his voice was a little louder. However, all the people present were aware of the seriousness and seriousness in his tone, which means that whoever helps him is his enemy. Although it sounds exaggerated, some seem like a joke, it is true The complete silence of those who were ready to move before is the best explanation at this time.

"Hum, damn little boy, if you take the initiative to give the sword to your grandfather, he will spare your life. Otherwise, don't blame my grandfather for my impoliteness!" I don't know what the monk thought. His previous strictness was like an illusory dream. At this time, he seems to have recovered to his previous arrogance and arrogance. What he said seems to have won.

If it wasn't for the battle marks left on the walls around and the special scratches left by Ouyang Haoyu on the monk, Ouyang Haoyu would have thought that he had a very exciting dream!

In the face of the monk's sudden change, Ouyang Haoyu did not relax or belittle him because he was not as strong as himself. On the contrary, his heart was more tense and worried than before, and his half moon wheel was even tighter than before.

It's the so-called "when things go wrong, there will be demons." people who used to be cautious and serious put on such a drama of "face changing in Sichuan Opera" in a short time. If there is no problem and no conspiracy, it's unbelievable!Because of Ouyang Haoyu's worries and scruples, his moves are also very conservative. At least the hostile people who could have won by one move are anxious for five or six rounds, and they are not completely over. Except that the Friar's previous slight injury has become a serious injury, and the gorgeous coat has become a sharp flower dress, there is no change in the rest.