Although chaos adults and the black light contact time is not long, the real acceptance is only a moment, but that feeling, but how can not deceive people. Don't underestimate that feeling. You know, on the road of Xiuzhen, many times, the feeling can save lives. Therefore, people of Xiuzhen always believe in their own feelings. Although it's a little puzzling, it's an indisputable fact.

"So, I doubt that one by one" is precisely because the practitioners believe in their so-called feelings. Therefore, Lord chaos thinks that he has found a good reason, and he is confident that he has convinced Ouyang Xiasha. Therefore, without waiting for Ouyang Xiasha to reply, he constantly adds.

"What do you suspect?" Ouyang Xiasha didn't express any opinions on the attitude of chaos. She didn't say that he was so good, and she didn't say that there was anything bad about it. She was just calm and asked along with the meaning of chaos.

However, anyone who has insight or a little understanding of Ouyang Xiasha will know that Ouyang Xiasha is abnormal at this time. Yes, it is abnormal. After all, with Ouyang Xiasha's character, no matter it's good or bad, as long as it's something that concerns her own people, she will respond to it more or less. How can she be so quiet? As the saying goes, "when things go wrong, there will be demons." it's strange to be so calm and there's nothing strange about it!

"Girl, I suspect that the black light is what I am looking for, or what I have been trying to cultivate. In the past, because there was no war and it was too boring, I sealed that part of my life energy! I didn't expect to meet it here. I thought that at least I had to go to the divine world to have a chance to find it! I didn't expect that! What a surprise Chaos adults obviously did not find Ouyang Xiasha's strange posture at this time, or did not notice anything wrong with Ouyang Xiasha at all. They did not know whether it was because they were too excited, too forgetful, or really too careless. In a word, chaos adults seem to regard Ouyang Xiasha's non-interference as a default attitude, If you don't believe it, just look at his excited and eloquent appearance. However, it can be predicted that the outcome of chaos will not make him so comfortable.

"Your origin, are you sure? But I don't know when our little chaos was so bored that he sealed his own strength. Are you full, or full, or full? " For this answer, Ouyang Xiasha was absolutely surprised. She thought of thousands of answers, but never thought that it would be such a boring and funny answer. Isn't it boring and funny?

At least Ouyang Xiasha has been reincarnated for several generations. After tens of thousands of years, she has never seen a person who is so bored that she seals her own strength. She still feels guilty. She thinks that chaotic adult can't appear at will and can only hide in her own elixir field to live wrongly. It's because reincarnation hurts the root. Unexpectedly, it's him So, at this moment, Ouyang Xiasha was surprised, but she couldn't help her anger. She didn't seem so polite, not only not so polite, but also aggressive.

But it's no wonder that Ouyang Xiasha has such an attitude. One person has been guilty of another person's injury for many years, always thinking that it was his own fault that caused this person's present situation. However, many years later, she found that she didn't need to feel guilty about it, because that person's injury was entirely caused by himself, Can Ouyang Xiasha not be angry at the fact that she has been carrying the black pot for many years?