So, we turned our eyes away from Ouyang Xiasha and others, and turned to the thirty or so masters of the so-called cultivation world. We saw that thirty or so of the top leaders of Da Luo Jinxian gathered together again, but they changed their previous arrogance. They all frowned and shook their heads. They thought to themselves, "even this way, they can't break the door, they really can't There's no other way! "

It's just that they can't break the door, but it doesn't mean they will give up. After all, the things in it, as long as they are individuals, will be envious. This idea does not only exist in these so-called strong people, but also in those coming from other forces who are not willing to wait in the original place. They don't mean to leave at all, even if they can see which so-called strong people haven't done anything No one wants to quit even if they just wait. So, for a moment, a group of people pestle around the ancient ruins. It's a bit embarrassing to enter or retreat.

At this time, when everyone was embarrassed, in the most outer part of the crowd, someone suddenly called out: "the Xiahou family is coming!" With the fall of the voice, and then, people will see, there is a large group of strong, mighty toward the sunset blood waterfall flew over.

The first one has a bright and white face with sharp edges and corners; his dark and deep eyes are full of charming colors; his thick eyebrows, high nose and beautiful lips are all full of nobility and elegance. This person is not the Xia Hou Mi Yao that Ouyang Xiasha met and made friends with before. Who else can it be?

Behind him, Ruoyu Guan, who looks exactly the same as Mi Yao, the Marquis of Xia, but his expression is a little stiff, and his face is overwhelming. Apart from the incomparable contradiction between his face and expression, who else is Xia Houzhen, who clearly has a gorgeous face comparable to pan an, but always likes to call himself "old man"? You know, in this world, at least in the world Ouyang Xiasha has gone through, there will never be a second person, who is so contradictory, but let people enjoy the existence of the eye, that is to say, Ouyang Xiasha recognize who is wrong, will not recognize him.

After that, they were followed by the mighty and powerful top, high-level and intermediate teams of Da Luo Jinxian with hundreds of people. Moreover, they were all familiar faces of Ouyang Xiasha. Either they met in the magic jade forest that day, or they were strictly trained by her in the old residence of Xiahou. Today, do you want to meet acquaintances and communicate with the old lady Do you know the rhythm of the party?

Ouyang Xiasha glanced slightly, and then clearly laughed, just because there is a mask, no one found it. However, the people standing around Ouyang Xiasha obviously feel the joy of Ouyang Xiasha.

"Xiao Mi Yao's Warcraft has been upgraded!" Perhaps it is to feel the joy of Ouyang Xiasha's mood, keep silent chaos in the phantom space all the time, suddenly say.

"Ah?" Ouyang Xiasha was slightly stunned when she heard the speech, and then she reacted. She was surprised and exclaimed: "so fast? Last time I met, I saw that little guy just broke through. At that time, I was still calculating that even if he took the pills left by me, it would take at least half a year to break through, but how long is it? "

"How fast is that little guy going? Girl, he's been born for hundreds of years, and now he's at this level. Is that fast? " For Ouyang Xiasha surprised, chaos adult immediately is incomparable contempt, that look of disgust, even if Ouyang Xiasha did not look inside, can use very clear feeling.

Ouyang Xiasha is sweating at the contempt of chaos. How can ordinary Warcraft compare with chaos God to measure other Warcraft by the standard of chaos God, the head of fierce beast? Isn't it forcing others to jump?

However, although Ouyang Xiasha despises the saying of chaos children's shoes, what she really says is not the tone she thinks. No, she only hears Ouyang Xiasha say with a faint smile: "who is chaos in my family? How can animals compare with each other

"That's it!" Although chaos has lived, I don't know how long it has been, but the mentality is still the same as that of a child. In fact, it's no wonder that he was like this. After all, he has always been in a sealed state. From ancient times to the present, except for the "son of gods and demons" of the first creator star, no "son of gods and demons" has successfully awakened. His loneliness can be imagined, and this may be the reason why Ouyang Xiasha is willing to tolerate him, even though he is.

"Bang Feeling chaos's good mood, Ouyang Xiasha said with a smile. Although chaos doesn't know how much bigger it is than Ouyang Xiasha, and although chaos always treats Ouyang Xiasha as a younger generation, it doesn't affect that. Ouyang Xiasha occasionally takes chaos as a child's careful thinking.

"Hum!" Sure enough, chaos, no matter how old, is childish and proud.

"Ha ha!" As for such chaos, Ouyang Xiasha said from the bottom of her heart, which one she likes, or which one she likes very much. She doesn't know whether it's because of the accompanying relationship between the "son of the devil" and the chaotic beast, or because of her pity for chaos. Who knows?

For the interaction between Ouyang Xiasha and chaos, there will never be a fourth person to find out except Ouyang Haoyu and Ouyang Bai, who are the same soul contract with chaos. Therefore, Mu Xinyou and Le Hu, who are standing at a touch, have no reaction to Ouyang Xiasha's previous conversation with chaos.