Combined with the words Rong Xiu said before, and his face gradually turned white, and even began to have a transparent trend, we can judge the authenticity of Rong Xiu's words. He really can't hold on, instead of deliberately making use of the topic to express his anger.

Although he was scolded by Rong Xiu, the thirty strong people at the top of Da Luo Jinxian were quite uncomfortable. After all, although Rong Xiu was powerful and had been the number one in the strength list for many years, they were not much worse, OK? Being scolded by a person of the same rank, perhaps much younger than them, like a grandson, is intolerable for a strong man who has reached the peak of his strength in the world of cultivation, because it is really harmful to their dignity, but in the end, I don't know if it is considering the current situation? Or really afraid of Rong Xiu's strength, in short, they finally gave up refutation and chose silence.

Of course, things are more than that. After hearing Rong Xiu's scolding, these 30 strong people at the top of Luo Jinxian not only didn't refute, but also acted quickly, as if they were not scolded before, or as if everything had not happened before.

Then the people on the scene saw that the strong men who had been scolded by Rong Xiu didn't know which tendon was wrong. They not only ignored the previous scolding, but also seemed to have negotiated. They all gathered their spiritual power in their hands. Then they shot out together, forming a huge, white column of spiritual power in the air, toward the middle of the dark red, different dimensional door Central impact in the past!

Most of the people present, when have they seen so many scenes of Da Luo Jinxian shooting together? In order to avoid future regret, chagrin, one by one see is dry throat, straight eyes, desperately stare, lest miss a little detail.

However, at this time, on the door of the dark red dimension, a strange glow suddenly appeared. A wisp of enchanting blood red flame suddenly burst into flames when it came into contact with the barrier of isolation after the gathering of people's spiritual power!

If it's just like this, it's OK to say that at most it's just a waste of spiritual power. But is it really so simple? The answer, of course, is No. the flame, after burning the spirit power of the people attacking the barrier, burns back along the light column of spirit power!

They don't know what kind of flame it is or what its origin is. All they know is that its burning speed is too fast. Although Luo Jinxian has a lot of spiritual power, they still can't keep up with the consumption speed. At first, they left a little ripple on the gate, but soon they couldn't touch the barrier at all. The fire burned faster and faster, and soon it reached the end of the huge light column, which was the part where people gathered their strength With a loud noise, the strange flame split into many small parts in an instant, and rushed to the position of the top thirty great Luo Jinxian.

"Get out of here! Don't hesitate, evacuate as soon as possible Seeing this, Rong Xiu knew that this first break was a failure. Although he was somewhat disappointed and regretted, he could see that at this moment, such a bad situation, Rong Xiu also had to give a big shout and urge everyone to leave. Then, as the voice fell, without waiting for the answer, he stopped and left.

This is not to say that Rong Xiu is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. After all, in Rong Xiu's view, even if people die, they have to die. Death is valuable and meaningful. It's really wasteful to die in such a hurry and meaningless way. What's more, isn't the saying good? "If you keep green hills, you're not afraid of no firewood." if he doesn't succeed once, he comes twice. If he doesn't succeed twice, he comes three times. He can succeed once, can't he?

Hearing Rong Xiu's advice and seeing Rong Xiu's next move, many other Luo Jinxian's top leaders also stepped back. However, a lot of sparks came out all over the sky, which made several slow-moving guys in a mess.

"Oh, no way? Is there any mistake? " The people watching the war or watching the play, seeing this and this, regardless of the scene, had to give up the purpose of watching the play and watching it on the wall. They fled together with Rong Xiu. But at this time, they were all staring straight, spitting blood, and even thought in their hearts, "it's almost crazy, thirty years old It's really abnormal that a strong man from the top of Daluo Jinxian can't open the gate of this site. It's worthy of being something from ancient times. It's so fierce and abnormal! "

"Little tiger, what do you think?" In the whole picture, it is estimated that Ouyang Xiasha is the only one who is calm. It is the most normal. There is no wanton Mars and no fleeing crowd. There are only quiet scenes like before.

There must be someone to ask. Seeing the peace and normality of Ouyang Xiasha, is there no one running towards her in order to find shelter? After all, human nature is selfish. How can we miss such a good thing?

But in fact, this strange quiet did happen. As for the reason, it may be Ouyang Xiasha's indifferent "spirit of gods and demons", that is, the first aura of heaven and earth, the spirit of chaos, which makes her involuntarily integrate with heaven and earth. What makes people instinctively ignore her and think that she is a part of heaven and earth. And those people who are busy running around, do not have the heart to pay more attention to the side, can only act according to the general feeling, so the breath of Ouyang Xiasha, of course, will be completely ignored.