Seeing that this attack was easily blocked by the elder, Ouyang Xiasha didn't feel like fighting. Pretending to be a fake to escape, she turned around and ran back. A small stone in her hand revealed the unusual part of her move.

As for why Ouyang Xiasha is pretended, not her real embodiment, just look at Ouyang Xiasha's eyes, it is enough to prove that, after all, who has seen a person running for his life, not only does not have the slightest panic in his eyes, but is a calm, calm and mature? So the answer is obvious.

Moreover, it seems that Ouyang Xiasha also knows that her eyes are too calm. So, in order to prevent dew trap, she was stunned and didn't look back from the moment she chose to "run away". Although such behavior seems strange, it's better than the eyes exposed at a glance, isn't it?

"Hey, hey, don't run, smelly boy. Since you just chose to stay, you can just stay in the end. After all, it's your own choice, isn't it? What's more, everything needs to have a beginning and an end. Didn't your parents teach you? " With a grim smile, the elder looks at Ouyang Xiasha who is "running away". Because of his deep hatred for her, the elder does not hesitate to pursue her. Naturally, he ignores what is wrong with him, and Ouyang Xiasha does not look back from beginning to end. He is in the array, but Ouyang Xiasha is out of the array, if he does not break Array, he can never catch up with the fact of Ouyang Xiasha. And this fact leads to the fact that even if the elder and Ouyang Xiasha look very close, they can only end up very close. This is undoubtedly the reason why Ouyang Xiasha dares to be so close to the elder, but does not care about her back.

As the saying goes, "the onlookers see clearly when they are in the game." the problem that the elder didn't find doesn't mean that shuimiaomiao, who has been groping for the grudge between the elder and Ouyang Xiasha since she appeared, can't find it. It's just that all this happened too soon. When she found the problem and wanted to stop it, it was too late. Therefore, shuimiaomiao could only do her best Speed up to the elder's side, with him to face what will happen after.

Yes, shuimiaomiao is guessing, or affirming, that something will happen after that, and it's not a good thing for them. As for the reason, it's very simple. She doesn't believe that a person who has a grudge against the elder, a person who wants to kill her everywhere, a person who has a deep heart and the ability to avenge himself, and that's all Mody plays people just for fun. I don't believe that she will let go the elder who wants to kill her.

In fact, as shuimiaomiao said, Ouyang Xiasha does have her own idea, but it's not for fun. After all, if it's just for fun, she doesn't have to do so much and calculate every step so deeply.

That's right. Although Ouyang Xiasha is "running away", in fact, every step of her "running away" landing has gone through thousands of calculations and has its own unique position. If someone observes carefully, they will see that Ouyang Xiasha has lost a small stone in the array at the position she passed.

Of course, with Ouyang Xiasha's character of repaying everything in her spare time, she would never do the so-called "big heart" thing of repaying good for evil and letting go of enemies, because that is very stupid in Ouyang Xiasha's view. After all, she still knows the truth of "cutting grass without removing roots, spring breeze blowing again." letting the tiger go back to the mountain and leaving the trouble behind "is undoubtedly an act of looking for death How to repay virtue by virtue? Therefore, to avenge herself and repay the elder ten times and a hundred times has become Ouyang Xiasha's only goal.