"Xiaodu, sometimes a large number of people is not necessarily the best thing for us. This is one of them. Second, we go to Yin people, not to fight. The work of Yin people is not based on the number of people. Sometimes a small number of people is more convenient, more flexible, and more conducive to the work of Yin people. Third, when you have time, When I have a chance to find us, it must be after I found your husband. Although the Mu people who have met your husband have been turned into their own by me, who can guarantee that they didn't send messages back before that? Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, your husband must be inconvenient to appear in front of them for the time being. At that time, would you like to leave your husband you just met and help me with your work? " Because of Ouyang Xiasha's yearning for the pure breath of Xiaodu, she can't bear to change it. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha is very generous and indulgent towards Xiaodu. It's just like Xiaodu's question. If it's a dragon lion dragon or a snow python, she will answer it, but she will never answer it in such detail.

"In addition to this last point, although you can completely rely on the induction between us to find our position, this kind of induction can't guarantee that you won't make a detour. That way, once we are about to leave, it's easy to make mistakes. Therefore, to sum up, I think you and Bruce Lee will leave the sunset directly after finding your husband At the bottom of the cliff, to mix with our troops, while protecting their safety, while waiting for our return is the so-called superior choice. " After three reasons in one breath, Ouyang Xiasha pauses slightly, and then after a breath, she adds the last point. As for the reason for her slight pause, maybe it's to give them time to digest, maybe it's because she said she was tired and really wanted to have a rest. Who knows?

"Master, I understand. You can rest assured that I will keep those little guys safe." Although I don't know that Ouyang Xiasha is so kind and patient only when she is aimed at her, Xiaodu still likes Ouyang Xiasha very much anyway. Therefore, her attitude is surprisingly good. Even the assurance that she used to feel silly, she vowed to be very serious.

"Very good. Before that, what we need to solve is the Mu people who camp next to us." For Xiaodu's promise, whether silly or not, Ouyang Xiasha nods and praises it. Although the speech after that is the so-called key point, Ouyang Xiasha's heart is enough to prove Ouyang Xiasha's tolerance to Xiaodu.

"Little blue one by one!" Without waiting for the people and the beast to make any suggestions, or for them to discuss or add something, Ouyang Xiasha opened her mouth directly. As she had planned, she opened her mouth and called for Xiao Lanlan to ask him for poison.

"Mother, mother, little blue is coming!" At the same time when Ouyang Xiasha shouts for xiaolanlan, xiaolanlan, who turns into noumenon, comes out of Ouyang Xiasha's sleeve quickly. The skillful movement, which I don't know, is that they have been trained for thousands of times. But I don't know that they have just formed a contract and haven't had it for three days. However, when I think of it, xiaolanlan can definitely be called Ouyang Xiasha's cheap mother A series of reactions from Pro absolute supporters, when Ouyang Xiasha shouts, he chooses to appear at the first time. There is nothing to make a fuss about. He even thinks that they should be like this.