"If we go back to our master, we have already dealt with all the things that should be dealt with. Please don't worry!" Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's question, the man in white first slightly bent down, hands sorry, seriously and respectfully replied.

"As for why we are here, master, it's all because we felt through the contract platform that the master didn't stay in the imperial capital at the beginning of the school of Hades. Instead, he went all the way to the infinite mountains. We guessed that there must be something urgent. Besides, we are not the kind of sitting character, so we decided to catch up and have a look Is there anything we can do to help When the man in White said that, the man in green also opened his mouth. The tone of the reply was still extremely respectful and serious, but in addition to being respectful and serious, there were more obvious flatteries and faint expectations for the praise of his master.

"Ha ha, you've come just in time. You've solved my urgent need. I've just had a headache. This time it took me a lot of effort. I didn't expect you to come." Since the two said that their affairs had been dealt with, Ouyang Xiasha directly diverged from the topic, and did not even mention half a redundant sentence. This is not to say that Ouyang Xiasha does not care about them, or does not care about them. But in Ouyang Xiasha's view, even if it is their own contract beast, even if it is very ordinary, they should have their own privacy, more importantly What's more, they are still the king of beasts. Of course, they are willing to say that Ouyang Xiasha is all ears and willing to hear the details. If they don't mention it, she won't take the initiative to ask about it. After all, it's a matter within the orcs in the magic jade forest, isn't it? As for the diverging sentence, Ouyang Xiasha is honest, without any exaggeration. She doesn't diverge from the topic just to diverge from the topic. Of course, in order not to make her schadenfreude too obvious, Ouyang Xiasha still has one more thing to say, that is, "it's really good to bring these Warcraft.".

I've heard that Warcraft at or above the level of divine beast has the ability to summon lower level Warcraft and ignore the level to cover up its breath. They just want to sharpen themselves all the time. They never ask Xiaobai to try. They even forget that Xiaobai has this ability. Otherwise, they won't be bothered by wasting their efforts just now It really opened her eyes.

But to tell you the truth, their ability is not built. If they were not their own contract beasts, she had not found a group of Warcraft approaching them before. She had not found her ability, not to mention other people. You can imagine how frustrated those individuals of Muzi family were at this time.

Yes, the two men, Yiqing and Bai, who suddenly appeared in front of Ouyang Xiasha, were the king swallow snow Python and the king dragon lion dragon in the magic jade forest contract when Ouyang Xiasha first came to Xiuzhen world. They were only in their own territory at that time, showing their real life, but now they have come to human society and become human beings. As for Ouyang Xiasha, it's not surprising that she can find them and recognize them when they don't appear. After all, it's her contract beast, isn't it? It would be really strange if she, as the host, could not find out and recognize it.

"It's our honor to help the host!" There is no resemblance in temperament, appearance, origin or personality between the two species, one green and one white, one dragon and one snake. However, they have a strange tacit understanding in answering Ouyang Xiasha's words.