"Have you ever been stun? Have you ever suffered? " Ouyang Xiasha is full of curiosity and doubts about Ouyang Haoyu. In fact, it's no wonder that Ouyang Xiasha will be like this. You know, since Ouyang Haoyu and her reincarnation, they have left her for a moment, except recently, they are short of manpower and let them go out to do business. Since they haven't left her, it's a pity Where do these feelings come from?

"No, how could it be? It's the inheritance of memory that tells this beast. You should know, how can a Warcraft as intelligent as this beast catch the way of others? That's a myth, isn't it? " I don't know whether it's true or not. Anyway, Ouyang Haoyu denies it.

Since Xia Haoyu didn't want to ask him again, she didn't want to ask him , continue to break the casserole to ask in the end, anyway, it is not a particularly important thing. However, when Ouyang Xiasha's eyes fell on those people in the Muzi family, Ouyang Xiasha couldn't help lamenting for them.

You know, if today's Muzi family meets a family that is not as powerful as theirs, maybe the other side sees that the situation is not right, and is forced to give way by such coercion and inducement. But what they meet is a group of bloody mercenaries. The result is self-evident. If nothing else is said, the bleeding is certain, so it's a pity In terms of ten thousand steps back, they didn't meet Su Qirong's mercenary regiment. Isn't there Ouyang Xiasha and Huang que behind?

Today, the Muzi family is unlucky. They not only meet a group of wild mercenaries, but also meet Ouyang Xiasha, who is unscrupulous in order to achieve her goal. If Ouyang Xiasha wants to take what she likes from her hand, it's no doubt that it's impossible for her to snatch food from the tiger's mouth. Maybe she will give her life for it, that is to say, the only couple The horned beast is destined to be separated from their Muzi family. What's more sad is that they may have to pay a huge price, even their lives, in addition to not getting the beast. I don't know if this is "losing my wife and losing my soldiers."?

At this time, the adult unicorn, who was watched by Ouyang Xiasha, saw that the mercenaries didn't start, and then targeted the dead, greedy and calculating eyes on him and his children's Muzi family, because his children were behind him. Once he retreated, there was no alternative but death and enslavement for him and his children And the girl in front of her is a cruel and cruel person. His children fall into her hands, which may be more painful than death. Therefore, he can never let his children fall into her hands. As the saying goes, being a mother is just, being a father is strong. There is no way out for him. For his children, he has to fight to death.

The adult unicorn, who had made up his mind, gave a low roar, and then launched a fierce attack on the people of the Muzi family, because the most powerful and advantageous weapon of the unicorn was his horns and horseshoes. Even for Warcraft, the horns and horseshoes of the unicorn had no weakness, not to mention the physical fitness and Warcraft Compared with human beings, there is more than one degree of difference. Therefore, for a time, the people of Muzi family have no advantage at all. However, no matter how powerful the unicorn is, there is only one person in him. However, the Muzi family on the opposite side is a team of hundreds of people. One wave falls down, and another wave comes. In addition, the adult Unicorn has to take care of his children. Therefore, soon, the adult Unicorn will have some signs of exhaustion.

"You hurry up. He's dying. Stab him. Stab him. Don't forget, he has only horns and strong hooves. He's still full of flesh and blood. You find someone to distract him. Others stab him. I don't believe you. You can't kill him if you bleed!" Standing on one side, the girl with a vicious face saw that her subordinates had been unable to attack for a long time. She immediately became anxious and put forward her own suggestions.

Although the girl seems to have some truth, this idea is too bloody! If Ouyang Xiasha hadn't seen such bloody remarks with her own eyes, she would never have believed that they came from a teenage girl who was younger than her. It's true that people can't judge their appearance, and the sea can't be measured! It seems that she must not look down upon anyone around her, because who knows if he or she is a wolf in sheep's clothing?


Sure enough, the people of Muzi family, according to the girl's method, soon, the adult unicorn was obviously in a weak position and showed signs of failure, and the adult Unicorn seemed to be aware of this problem, roared loudly and gathered all the strength of the whole body, facing the people of Muzi family, it was a white light, and then the white light exploded, a group of people of Muzi family There's no body left.

Looking at the fighting skills of this adult unicorn, Ouyang Xiasha can't help but wonder. It turns out that this is the unique light element attack of Western unicorn in legend! It's gorgeous and tough! I like Unicorn a little more in my heart.Wave after wave, the individuals of the Muzi family, as if they didn't take their lives seriously at all, still went forward to die fearlessly, but no matter how energetic they were, the solitary adult Unicorn couldn't stand the Muzi family's human sea tactics! What's more, he was exhausted. Gradually, the action of the adult Unicorn slowed down, and the energy of the light element also weakened.