"Go! Be careful on the way As the saying goes, "know your son better than your mother" and "elder sister better than your mother", Ouyang Xiasha, as Xiaobai's master, is not equivalent to their elder sister? So, just like a mother knows her son, Ouyang Xiasha has been contracted with the dragon lion dragon and snow Python for a short time. As the owner of the contract and the eldest sister, Ouyang Xiasha also knows their two beasts very well. When she looks at their hurry, Ouyang Xiasha knows the reason. When she sees the two of them tremble a little when she hears her advice Back, it is to prove Ouyang Xiasha's heart guess.

In fact, it's no wonder that the dragon lion dragon and snow Python are like this. It's not that they are too emotional, but that the world is too realistic. After all, who is willing to equip the contract beast with such scarce space equipment these days? How can contract animals have their own private property these days? Which owner doesn't take possession of the contract beast these days? Nowadays, people are willing to use this rare space equipment to please others, and no one would think of using it for their own contract beast. Sometimes even the contract owner himself is reluctant to use it, let alone a tool contract beast in people's eyes. Therefore, Ouyang Xiasha has such a huge contrast, and it can even be regarded as a move that runs counter to reality. It's hard for the contract beast not to be moved.

Seeing the dragon lion dragon and snow boa jumping into the forest, Xia Houzhen opened his mouth and asked him the question he had been holding for a long time: "Xia housha, don't you think it's a waste to equip such precious space for contract animals? Shouldn't the possession of the contract beast be handed over to the master? Lord Xia housha, if you give them the chance to hide, aren't you afraid that they have other thoughts? And my Lord, how can you use the curse of contract? No, I should ask, how can you summon the "Curse of contract" array? Do you really belong to the category of people? The "Curse of contract" array can't even be summoned by the top experts of the Immortal Emperor! Even the adult in the world of cultivation can't do it. How did you do it? "

"Ha ha, I don't have any other characteristics. The biggest and only characteristic is short protection. In my opinion, there is no so-called waste in my personal use, even if they are just Warcraft. And in my mind, Warcraft is often more worthy of trust than people in the future. Sometimes, when dealing with people, you often dig out your heart and lungs for them, and they may not betray you or give you a knife in the back, but Warcraft will not. As long as we treat them sincerely enough, they will never betray you. Besides, they are just with you We have entered into a contract, not to sell us as slaves. We should still give us the private space and respect we should have, right? What's more, they are willing to give up their lives for us. We just give them a little private space and a little respect. What's the point? As for whether I am human or not, can't you see? There is also the launch of the "Curse of contract" array. Why can't you all do it, but I can. I don't know the specific reason, but my sixth sense tells me that I can. " Ouyang Xiasha didn't give a completely unqualified answer to the question of Xiahou. She only gave a selective and detailed answer. For others, even though Ouyang Xiasha already knew that Xiahou Mi Yao had a little guess in their heart, she didn't directly admit or affirm anything. It's not that she was stingy and didn't want to say it, but because first, this is not a discussion Second, she hasn't seen the attitude of Xiahou's family, so she can't take the risk to gamble on it. Even if they have guesses, they can only speculate about the problems she doesn't have.

Hearing Ouyang Xiasha's vague reply, the eyes of Xiahou Mi Yao and the law enforcement elder, who already have some guess in their heart, immediately fall on Ouyang Xiasha. Although they don't point anything, they are thinking about it.

Whether it is the golden light of the array, which is different from the legend, the ancestral record of the "Curse of contract" array, or the flower seal of the other shore left over from the dragon lion dragon's forehead, which only that person can have, all confirm the answer they are about to give, but they are not so good It's just some evidence, and her affirmation.

"Yes? Does the world really have the so-called sixth sense? It's amazing! However, Mr. Xia housha, what you did just now really scared us to death. After all, most of the contractors who forcibly opened the contract circle have not succeeded since the cultivation world was closed. They were killed because their soul power could not bear the huge pressure. I really thought you were in danger just now. Even if you didn't die, you would be seriously injured. After all, even if it is recorded in the book, before the closure of the world of cultivation, among the ten people, half of them succeeded at most, let alone now. " For Ouyang Xiasha's previous explanation, Xia Houzhen didn't definitely believe it. After all, Ouyang Xiasha's statement was too far fetched, but Xia Houzhen had a good point, that is, he knew how to look at people's faces. Seeing that Ouyang Xiasha didn't continue to explain, he gave up the meaning of looking for the answer to that question and turned to other topics, waiting to see the two beasts disappear Lost even the shadow did not see, then he asked curiously: "Ouyang Xiasha, you let them go like that, are you not afraid that they will meet the demon cultivation or some powerful immortal cultivators again?""The abilities of the two of them belong to the category of the strong in the realm of cultivation. If the lion dragon had not been besieged by so many demons, they would not have been in the same situation before. Now they are two levels in a row. There are not many people who can take their lives in this interface. Even if they are in the same situation before, they will not suffer any loss." Ouyang Xiasha looks at the direction where the dragon lion dragon and snow Python are disappearing, and answers with a smile.