However, when hen canying managed to stabilize his breath, balance his body and gain a firm foothold, he was only in a hurry to say something similar to complaining. He couldn't even wait for Ouyang Xiasha's answer. Then another stream of evil spirit mixed with Yin and cold came to him.

The icy cold, cold into the bone marrow, and the powerful smell of demons and spirits make people feel creepy. Just because of these characteristics, you don't need to think about it. You can also hate the afterimage. No one in the whole three regions and four realms can release such strange and complex cold demons except the first demon emperor who abandoned the emperor.

Hateful shadow immediately retreated, lifted up the power of the evil spirit in her body and resisted it. At the first time after confirming her safety, she waved her big hand. A fierce air stream quickly gathered in her hand and formed at the speed visible to the naked eye. With hateful shadow, it seemed to be desperate, vent, unwilling and relieved A fierce drink, that fierce air current then fiercely toward the direction of Ouyang Xiasha hit past.

"Since you are so cruel, you don't have to be merciful to your subordinates. Your majesty, you will die directly to avoid more trouble for your subordinates. Anyway, it's no different for us to take your spirit and your body." Hate shadow side merciless attack to Ouyang Xiasha, side sneer heart unwilling to say.

In fact, it's no wonder that hen canying is so angry. All the time, he asked himself that he had never been cruel to Ouyang Xiasha. He always insisted that if he could take away her body, he would never try to save her life. Because of this, the past few attacks always made him a little bit reluctant to let go.

Because of the scruples about Ouyang Xiasha, so for some people related to Ouyang Xiasha, even a few men who have some ambiguous relationship with each other, he is merciful, leaving room for them to survive, and Ouyang Xiasha has always been merciful to him, never killed, which also maintains a relative balance between them.

At this time, Ouyang Xiasha has a will to kill heart for hating canying. It's really the killer who breaks the default balance between them, destroys all the assumptions and dreams in her heart, and even the beliefs that have been formed for so many years and even he ignores.

How could he even think about it at this time? Why did Ouyang Xiasha kill him? Why should he be so angry? Why do you feel so angry now that you are never embarrassed by other people's affairs, and it's hard to be calm in the past? Why does he feel that the world is on the verge of extinction? Why has already made up his mind, never hurt Ouyang Xiasha, at this moment, wholeheartedly just want to take her away quickly?

If hate canying a little careful thinking, then you will find that his unique feelings for Ouyang Xiasha, will not be at a loss for so long, after doing a lot of wrong things, only to find out what he cares about, what he pursues, and will not let him live in regret, regret and chagrin for thousands of years To death, until the spirit dissipated, his whole life, also did not extricate from it, of course, this is the Afterword.

At this time, he didn't know what life was like waiting for him in the future. At this time, he only knew that he must teach this damned woman a lesson, let her have a long memory, and let her try to kill him next time. Of course, he also took her spirit by the way.