Because the broken magic halberd is a rare artifact, it is different from other artifact. For example, at this moment, it can open the space in a short time, ignore the seal of all circles, and summon the magic soldiers and generals who belong to the Shangyu demon world. Although the time is very short, it is enough for Beichen to do something he wants to do.

Although Beichen is the first demon emperor, the supreme existence among the demons, and the demons devote themselves to him after death. That's what they should take for granted, and even proud of. If Beichen was then, he would still think like this. But since he was with Xiasha, he has learned many things that he had never learned or contacted before West, especially the benevolence that the demons don't have.

Looking back at that time, because of his selfishness, he left behind the already chaotic demon world and the people of his demon world because of the chaos of Shangyu. He chose reincarnation and reincarnation, and Beichen suddenly felt ashamed of them.

"Everyone, please rise, no need to be polite! Time is limited. Let's make a long story short. The purpose of this call is to hope that you can take advantage of the time when the magic halberd has suppressed the seal of heaven and earth, and find an opportunity to get rid of some people around the man in black, just let go of the people they have clamped down. " Beichen thinks that if it's not because he's weak and afraid of his own princess's sadness, if it's not because his inheritance has been accepted, but because it hasn't been fully digested and absorbed, coupled with the restriction of heaven and earth rules, at most, he can only use the success of the previous heyday, and he can't be sure to save them safely, then he is absolutely sure Will not call them at this time, even if the demon people have no complaints, no regrets for him, but he is a little guilty.

"The first demon emperor is serious. It's an honor and honor for his subordinates to share their worries." The four generals listened to the words of their first demon emperor. For a moment, they were in fear. Just after standing up for a minute, they immediately knelt down on one knee in panic. In fact, it's no wonder that they are so nervous. The people of the demons are warlike and bloody, especially the first demon emperor. In the eyes of the demons, what benevolence, righteousness and morality, what three cardinal principles and five constant principles are bullshit. In the world of the demons, in addition to the supremacy of imperial power, the strong are respected. If you are strong, you deserve people's respect. If you are strong, you deserve people's help As the first person in the demon world, shimaohuang has both blood and strength. He has the capital and ability to let the people of the demon family willingly give everything they have. Let alone ask them to do a little favor, it's their honor to let them explode the magic crystal and scatter their souls. Therefore, this suddenly tender and abnormal shimaohuang is really an honor for them He was used to the irascible and moody man of the first demon emperor. He was terrified.

"After a while, the space will be closed. You go back and help me bring a message to the thousands of people in the demon world, saying that I will soon break these seals and return to Shangyu. In the future, I will manage Shangyu well." Beichen knew that the more he said, the more frightened they would be, so he didn't say any more. He just asked them to bring a word to the people of the demon world. As for what to do in the future, it would be the best to prove it with practical actions after his return.

"Follow the oracle of the first demon emperor!" Four demons will hear Beichen's words, and all of them feel something in their hearts. It seems that the reincarnation of his Majesty the first demon emperor is different. However, out of the awe of the first demon emperor, they dare not study deeply. At this time, the voice of hating the afterimage spreads again, which makes them have no time to think more.

"Ha ha! I haven't seen you for many years, but your eloquence has improved a lot. Although I don't care what others say, I don't expect anyone to say anything about me. However, your eloquence is also reasonable. We are the most important practitioners in the world. It's easy to kill them. Why use these mortals to threaten you? Since this is the case, then these people are useless. I'll give them a nice ride, and then I'll be tired of receiving Lord Tian and all the compatriots who once lived in the temple of hell, so that they can have a companion. How do you like it, my lord Hate shadow smile, that smile let a person have a kind of feeling, but what he said, it is so bloody arrogant, said with a wave of his hand, don't wait for Ouyang Xiasha retort, will order the friars behind to kill the several people who were taken hostage immediately, that gesture, that look, there is no joke in it.

The heart of Ouyang Xiasha and others had already been hanging in their mouths. They wanted to stop it, but they couldn't stop it. At this time, a voice came out: "there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is the overlord." only in the middle realm of cultivation, where there is no soul emperor, can you get such a place, and hate canying, you are the same traitor as that man How dare you be presumptuous in front of your master

The cold and bloodthirsty voice with powerful prestige suddenly besieged the center of the square from all directions, and then spread out in the air

With the spread of the voice, people can feel the evil spirit coming. For Ouyang Xiasha and lanzixi, who are familiar with the smell, you don't need to look to know who else is there except Beichen, the reincarnated man of the first demon emperor of Shangyu?