This is the ultimate goal of Beichen and lanzixi to stop, and they want to replace their posts, so as to avoid any accident and make the people they care about the most sad.

However, it is obvious that today's scene is that their ideas are thoroughly recognized by the three people of Mingsu, fengyuexi and Yeli, and they are directly denied by Yeli, who urges them to leave quickly.

After a look at Ouyang Xiasha's pale, almost transparent face, and then at Mingsu, Feng Yuexi and Yeli give them a "please" expression. Finally, for the safety of Ouyang Xiasha's life and for the sake of Mingsu, Feng Yuexi and Yeli's painstaking efforts will not be wasted. Beichen and lanzixi look at each other, compromise and firmly support Ouyang Shasha, quickly towards the exit.

"Your opponent is us. Since you are the leader of this competition, you don't even know this little common sense!" See hate shadow flash to stop Beichen, lanzixi they leave the pace, night night night, fengyuexi and night glass also follow flash, stopped in front of hate shadow, stop him want to chase the past steps, for Beichen and lanzixi leave the door of the room, avoid hate shadow pursuit, for the precious time difference.

"Be careful of everything!" When Beichen and lanzixi leave the gate, they pause a little and say a word in a low voice. Without waiting for Mingsu, fengyuexi and Yeli answer, they leave all the time. Even though they didn't look back at Mingsu, fengyuexi and Yeli from the beginning to the end, they could still feel that they were caring for the three of them from the bottom of their hearts. They were sincere hope that they could be all right.

Although their hearts, more or less because of Ouyang Xiasha peach blossom is too prosperous and some taste, but that kind of love for Ouyang Xiasha, has long been higher than that little taste, simply put, is "if you are well, it is sunny", Ouyang Xiasha happy, they suffered that little grievance, it is nothing. I don't know whether they owe Ouyang Xiasha too much in their last life or whether Ouyang Xiasha is too happy in this life.

The remaining hateful shadow, Mingsu, fengyuexi and Yeli are doomed to a vicious battle because of their different angles and positions.

Although Mingsu, fengyuexi and Yeli are all dragons among the people, the most precious of them is talent, and their strength can't be underestimated. The king of all worlds is a tough man in the upper cultivation world, and the number of people who hate canying is more than three times that of those who hate canying. However, hating canying is not a dry meal. First of all, as Zeng It's true that the first guard of the emperor of the spirit of the underworld has a lot of talent. Even if he's not the top one, he's definitely superior to Chen. In addition, he's the number one valiant general in the current cultivation world. I don't know how much time he spent in cultivation. The cultivation environment is undoubtedly incomparable to that of the two.

So, on the whole, Ming Su, Feng Yue Xi and Ye Li can't get any advantage at all, and they have some disadvantages. However, in a battle, there are too many factors of variability from beginning to end. In a short time, it's really not 100% sure who will win the final battle.

As for the Beichen and lanzixi who leave, they are not as smooth as they think. As soon as they walk out of the room, they come across several people who hate canying. They feel that Beichen and lanzixi are murderous. In the first time, they figure out the countermeasures. Lanzixi continues to support Ouyang Xiasha, and Beichen goes out to solve the problem.