Because of Ouyang Xiasha's special identity, when she decided to enter the school, the business administration department of the school of management was deliberately divided into two parts by the president.

One is the Department of business administration, which comes from the ordinary enrollment procedures of the students without any background, while the other is a gathering of ordinary people, led by Ouyang Xiasha, the young master of the Xiahou family, the master of the Ming Palace, the black-and-white all inclusive, the successors of the powerful clans, the heirs of the underworld heroes, and the children of the rich businessmen and local tyrants It's no exaggeration to say that the students in this class, who are not rich, are expensive. The only difference is the big expensive and the small expensive.

There are some reasons why the president of Bianjing university has made such a special classification. First, it is to protect the safety of his family. After all, the identity of ordinary civilians, the Xiahou family, can't understand everything in detail. It's very easy to make a fake and be used by suspicious or harmful people. However, the clans of these rights are different, they are different Xia Hou's family can be said to know their identity and habits as well as all kinds of special files specially set up for them. It's definitely not so easy for them to be replaced and used by others and do something harmful to the little Lord.

Second, for a win-win situation, he sold those who wanted to make friends with Xiahou's family and gave them a chance to get close to the young master, while those people paid some money to contribute to Bianjing University. Besides, the young master had already nodded and agreed, why didn't he do it?

This is also the real reason why these military training students have no scruples, no scruples, and even their words and deeds when they speak, and some of them deliberately flatter Ouyang Xiasha.

They are all people with backgrounds. Before they came here, they must have been beaten by the family. They know what they came here for and have the family behind them to support them. They don't usually do such things less. At this time, they are on their own territory. They can also use it to please Ouyang Xiasha. What are they afraid of?

The vast majority of the people present are smart people cultivated by various families as successors. Who hasn't seen such a scene? How many of them have clean hands? Ouyang Xiasha, however, just moved the dark side that had been hidden behind her to her body and exposed herself to the sun.

In fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you can find the twists and turns. You can understand that they are just robbed by Ouyang Xiasha, but even if you know, you also choose to shut up.

Apart from these smart heirs, the rest of the children of the big family are also clear-cut people who know the truth of "the people do not fight with the officials" and "the little nobles do not fight with the big nobles". They say that they want to take the opportunity to please Ouyang Xiasha, that they are greedy for life and afraid of death, that they are afraid of Ouyang Xiasha's means, that they are aware of current affairs and do not want to waste their lives, For Ouyang Xiasha's action, not only no one said half a word of opposition, but also without hesitation, determined to get on Ouyang Xiasha's boat, as expected, it's good to rely on the tree to enjoy the cool!

In Ouyang Xiasha's opinion, ITO guangxizi's injury is absolutely not good without three or two months. Since the injury is not good, she should not be able to do anything when she is alone in a foreign country. Therefore, she decided to wait until after military training.

Then, like ordinary students, she kept practicing standing posture, endurance running and so on. Although these exercises were simple, they were extremely interesting in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes. In addition, she was the instructor of instructor Peng, so instructor Peng didn't have the courage to toss these students. Therefore, the military training was very interesting, which made Ouyang Xiasha really aftertaste I've spent a lot of time in military training, of course, at least in Ouyang Xiasha's eyes. However, Ouyang Xiasha ignored, or never thought about, how crazy a woman's jealousy is.