When muqingchi took the two men to avoid the attack of "cross wind blade", Ouyang Xiasha quickly closed the "soul fan" and carried it behind her.

Then he quickly made the seal with both hands. First, he used the illusion barrier of "water art" to set up a small border in front of him, confusing their senses and vision of muqingchi, so as to prevent the possibility of muqingchi deliberately leading the "cross wind blade" to his own direction.

Then, she used the earth sting, the wood thorn and the glacier of the water skill to not only seal all the passages around her, but also protect every corner of the killing array. The most important thing is that she separated the battlefield they were going to fight in a short time from the one behind her Chen, Sheng Sheng is isolated.

In this way, the most direct result is that the first is to strengthen the protection of the killing array, so that the killing array is no longer the chicken rib array that can only trap the enemy without any barrier protection. The second is to instantly narrow the scope of the battlefield.

And the benefits of these two most direct results are, of course, enormous. Not only can they protect the relatives and brothers they care about well, even if they have the chance to break the killing array protected by the triple blockade of thorns, spikes and glaciers in muqingchi, but also because of the small scope of the battlefield, she can rush to rescue at the first time.

Moreover, it blocked the retreat of the three of them in muqingchi. Even if they wanted to escape in the end, it was not so easy for them to do so. Therefore, they did not have to worry about the secret of "sacrifice soul fan" leaking.

Of course, the most important point is that she can concentrate on dealing with muqingchi and the three of them without any worries. She doesn't have to stick to the position before the battle and dare not move.

It has to be said that Ouyang Xiasha's luck is still very good. At the moment when the "cross wind blade" shot down the third time and disappeared, Ouyang Xiasha's measures and Magic were finally completely released. Let her have been because of excessive tension, worry about the lack of time, magic can not be completely released and nervous tension, also instantly relaxed down.

Of course, Ouyang Xiasha did not relax her vigilance because of these measures. At the end of these spells, even though she didn't feel weak or exhausted, she swallowed a few pills to supplement her spiritual power in order to ensure that there was no such thing as that. Because, after all, this battle is about more than 40 lives, not a joke.

"Miss Ouyang is worthy of being Miss Ouyang. Even the two-sided thinking of people can be calculated so perfectly. It's a good way to kill two birds with one stone to make use of only one attack to change from being passive and unable to move half a step to the most advantageous position where you can move freely! It seems that from the beginning, no matter what I think and how I decide today, and no matter how they live or die, Miss Ouyang can achieve her goal of dealing with me, or me and these two idiots. Good calculation, it is good calculation indeed! No wonder Miss Ouyang can occupy such an important position in the Xiahou family and the Ming Palace as a woman with a different surname. If I had half of Miss Ouyang's skills before, maybe the little master of Mu family would have been in my pocket. Are you right, Miss Ouyang Heavy left the hands of the two people, clenched his fist, resentful to Ouyang Xiasha said sarcastically.

If at this time, muqingchi still can't see what Ouyang Xiasha is calculating, then she has really been in mujiabai for so many years. But just because she saw Ouyang Xiasha's calculation, she became more angry and unwilling, and her jealousy to Ouyang Xiasha became more and more serious, so she wanted Ouyang Xiasha to die.

"Admit it, thank you for the praise of Miss Mu Qingchi. Oh, I'm sorry for the praise!" No worries, Ouyang Xiasha's mood of course much better, much more relaxed. This relaxed down, that love to play, love to tease the enemy's problems, also can not hide. This is not, clearly know muqingchi at this moment, in the heart how unwilling, how angry, how jealous, how resentful she is, Ouyang Xiasha also knowingly asked to pour oil on the fire to stimulate her.

Ah, I have to say that Ouyang Xiasha's nature is really bad enough, but to tell you the truth, it has been restrained. If it is not that she has experienced too many things in her two lives, and her nature has been suppressed for some reasons, then her most primitive nature is definitely more than the present level. In fact, muqingchi should be glad that she didn't meet the most primitive Ouyang Xiasha. Otherwise, she would be angry to death. She didn't know why, so she would be guilty.

"Don't talk nonsense. What's the use of a strong tongue? Let me see if Miss Ouyang is really as strong as her mouth. You two, please stand up for me and learn from Miss Ouyang. " Quickly picked up the body is not very familiar with the power, while facing Ouyang Xiasha and the two people sneer loudly said, while directly toward Ouyang Xiasha attack in the past.Muqingchi is very self-conscious. If she talks, she will not be the opponent of Ouyang Xiasha. If she goes on, she will suffer losses and be half killed. That's all. She can't talk, but in terms of real Kung Fu, she doesn't believe it. She pays a huge price for her cultivation power by using taboo techniques, which is not as good as Ouyang Xiasha, a 11-year-old girl.