I saw six goblins, each using their own spiritual power, forming an arc-shaped spiritual circle above their leader, and then holding each other, forming a huge circle over the cemetery, which is enough to cover the whole cemetery. Then I saw that with the six goblins' arms moving slowly, the huge circle also moved slowly downward Until about one meter away from the whole cemetery, the six little ghosts jumped up together, beat the circle hard, and then flashed to Ouyang Xiasha's side and stood.

Then he saw the whole cemetery land, under the pressure of the circle, slowly turned over layer by layer, until he saw the coffin inside, and the six little ghosts took back their spiritual power together.

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, except for those tombs that had been protected in advance, the rest of the tombs and the buried soil were completely opened, just like the feeling of a stolen tomb.

"Yes, master. There's not a single omission, and there's not a single mistake. " Yu zhehan and GUI Yi went forward and checked the tombstones one by one. They found that there was no fish missing the net, and there was no mistake. Then they came to Ouyang Xiasha and said respectfully.

"Ghost, do you have something to say? You will never hesitate. What's the matter today? " Ouyang Xiasha just ready to take Xiahou Yi, they came forward, then saw some hesitating Ouyang ghost spirit beside, so doubt asked. No wonder Ouyang Xiasha will feel strange, you know, ghost spirit as a small team of military strategists in general, usually the most taboo is hesitation, not decisive, what's the matter today?

"If we go back to the master, I have been a ghost for the longest time among the six of us, so it's not surprising that they can't find out. Because even if it wasn't for being more careful and thinking than ordinary people, I just had one more heart, and I knew more about the underworld, otherwise I wouldn't have doubted anything. " Ouyang ghost spirit a face bewilderment, some hesitant say. Because the feeling just now was only for a moment. The time was too short. He didn't know and was not sure whether what he felt was true or false. If it was true, it would be better. If it was false, it would not only disturb people's hearts, but also make his master worry for nothing.

"Ghost spirit, it's not like you. Where's my decisive little military strategist? Well, let's get to the point. " Ouyang Xiasha saw Ouyang ghost spirit's appearance, and knew that things might be a little serious, otherwise ghost spirit would not be like this, so she frowned and asked rigorously.

"Yes, master. When I first walked in here, it was very strange to find that there was not a ghost in the graveyard of a big family. However, I didn't think much about it when I thought that maybe they were so lucky that they all had the one percent chance to go to the underworld for reincarnation. However, how could it be completely occupied by a family? Although I didn't think much about it, I still paid more attention to the changes in the surrounding environment. Just now, when I opened the coffin, I felt the fluctuation of spirit in the corpses. Although, only for a moment, but I still feel the familiar feeling. And the reason why I hesitated and didn't dare to tell the master is that there was only a moment, and the time was too short for me to be sure. " Ouyang ghost spirit thought of the feeling just now, said in horror, if it's true, what does that mean? It's terrible to think about it.

"That is to say one by one," Ouyang Xiasha said in surprise.