Ma Xiangdong, Liang Wenjiang and others were packed with admirers. It can be seen that during this period, Zhang Ke naturally couldn't get in and talk to them about the successful listing of Kunteng online on NASDAQ. Wang Cailing, who came to Jianye with Liang Wenjiang, was also crowded aside. She was relaxed and sat at the bar with Zhang Ke and them talking.

Zhang Ke remembered that Zhao Yang had taken office in eastern Zhejiang as Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee and executive vice governor, and Wang Cailing's brother Wang Zhi worked in the government department of Wenzhou City. Maybe he had to go to Wenzhou for this purpose, so he talked about it with Wang Cailing casually.

Strange to say, Zhang Ke previously speculated that Zhao Yang might serve as Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee and Secretary of the Wenzhou municipal Party committee in eastern Zhejiang. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yang served as executive vice governor in eastern Zhejiang. At first glance, there is not much difference. It is to prepare Zhao Yang for taking over the class of Chen Tianbao, governor of eastern Zhejiang Province at this time. However, as Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee and executive vice governor, he is in a hurry to drive Chen Tianbao down and aggressive. Whoever stands in Chen Tianbao's position will not be comfortable.

Even if Zhao Yang wants to have a good relationship with Chen Tianbao, it is difficult to eliminate this estrangement in his heart.

Unless we start to investigate, it is difficult to figure out what's strange inside. The Yan family has a strong penetration into the party and government in eastern Zhejiang, which may be manipulated by the Yan family behind the scenes.

Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang exposed their whereabouts in 1978. Zhang Ke booked a banquet at Junhao Hotel, Xinshi street. After dinner, he went back to 1978 to let Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang communicate with countless entrepreneurs with dreams and college students' associations in Jianye.

Considering that there will be formal speeches and interviews in the morning of next year, and it is not too late, they separated.

When Zhang Ke returned to the empty apartment with a tiny Hotel, he suddenly remembered that Jingmeng would return to Hong Kong. No one would sit on the sofa reading and stick it like a cat, or walk in front of him with bare legs and slender legs. After Zhai Danqing went to Perth, Wei Lan rarely lived back in jingnian apartment. She was a day student since childhood, In fact, I'm still looking forward to boarding life. Zhang Ke hasn't seen her much these days.

After a bath, the kitchen was making coffee, sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the clear night outside the window. Even if there was some emptiness, it felt quite good. Zhang Ke went upstairs again, took down his laptop, connected the Internet cable, and wanted to see if Tang Jing had written an email at night. It was impossible to lie comfortably on the sofa and read the email. At this time, Zhang Ke felt the convenience of mobile email technology.

Unfortunately, the domestic high-end business market in 1999 was too small. Neither Telecom nor China Unicom could carry out this business. Zhang Ke lavishly invested in a service network of mobile e-mail technology, and he could not get the license of the Ministry of information industry.

Zhang Ke hesitated at this time. Canadian rim has invested in building a server network for its mobile e-mail technology BlackBerry in the United States. Will Jinhu wait for them to cultivate the market, or will it follow closely to cultivate the market now?

Although the lawsuit with the American record industry association has made IDA famous in North America and greatly promoted the sales of iPlayer, the consumption concept in the North American market is relatively rational. Although North American companies have introduced handheld computers, mobile phones and DVD players to the North American market this year, although there are some achievements, the achievements are slightly worse than expected.

At this time, there is no mature technology to launch a smart phone combining PDA and mobile communication. However, after the acquisition of goodfeller, it has been mature to implant mobile e-mail technology into PDA. However, there is no service network of mobile e-mail technology provided by communication operators in North America. Jinhu wants to enter this market, We must learn from rim and invest a lot of money to build a service network.

Zhang Ke poured himself a large cup of coffee. He never worried that drinking too much coffee would cause insomnia. He wrote an email to Chen Xinsheng, Su Jindong, Xiao Jincheng and others asking about the need to build a mobile e-mail service network in North America at this time. After sending the email, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

The mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrated. Zhang Ke thought who saw his email called to discuss things at this time. Zhang Ke took the mobile phone, but Chen feirong called. He felt strange and thought of whether something would happen to her in the afternoon.

At the other end of the phone was the anxious voice of a girl who was not familiar with her: "are you Zhang Ke? Chen feirong went to the school hospital in the afternoon and took the medicine better. At this time, her stomach hurt again and she was sweating. We didn't dare to send her to the school hospital again. We don't know what to do..."

"Please help her down the dormitory, and I'll come down to your dormitory building to pick her up to the hospital..." Zhang Ke didn't know what disease Chen feirong had. After taking medicine, his condition would suddenly worsen in the middle of the night. He grabbed his mobile phone and car key and drove downstairs to the girls' dormitory. He saw several girls in Chen feirong's dormitory waiting anxiously for him to drive downstairs. Standing under the street lamp, Chen feirong pressed her hand on her lower abdomen. Her body was slightly bent with pain. Her face was pale and her lips had no blood color. At night, the weather cooled down, but her forehead exuded sweat beads as big as soybeans. Her hair was messy and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. She was different from her usual beautiful and bright, At this time, those eyes looked as pathetic as a newborn dog - seeing such eyes, Zhang Ke was shocked and said to the girls in Chen feirong's dormitory, "you have an exam tomorrow morning, I'll take her to the hospital..." open the door on the right and let them help Chen feirong to the car. He wiped the sweat on her forehead with his hand and felt a little hot, Seeing that she was helpless like a child, I helped her fasten her seat belt. I couldn't help but didn't ask her how to see a doctor in the school hospital, and I didn't have time to see the medical records of the school hospital put on the dashboard by the girls in her dormitory.

Zhang Ke had acute appendicitis when he was in junior high school. He felt that Chen feirong had some similar symptoms. The key is that she was uncomfortable in the afternoon, but she has been dragged until now. She drove directly to the nearest municipal Third People's Hospital and took Chen feirong to the emergency building with almost half of the medical records of the school hospital.

The doctor who diagnosed Ye was a woman with white hair. She was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. She looked through the medical records of the school hospital brought by Zhang Ke, frowned and threw them aside without saying anything. Zhang Ke glanced at the medical record and wanted to tear the doctor who treated Chen feirong in the school hospital into pieces. The medical record even issued painkillers. No wonder the female doctor frowned and didn't say a word.

Zhang Ke helped Chen feirong to the observation room. The bathroom was on the balcony. Chen feirong took the sick suit to the bathroom on the balcony to change it. When she came out, she covered her stomach and was about to curl up. At this time, a tall, white and fat nurse who came to prepare for the operation scolded Zhang Ke when she saw her mouth open: "the patient should sit half at this time. You won't pull up the quilt to cover her and help her change clothes?"

Zhang Ke only nodded "Hmm" and admitted his mistake. How dare he answer back? He took Chen feirong to the operating preparation room for preoperative preparation. He helped Chen feirong lie on the small bed and wipe the sweat on her forehead. At this time, a young nurse came in.

When the nurse saw Zhang Ke standing still in the room, she raised her eyebrows and said, "we need to help her prepare her skin. Are you a big man going out to avoid it?"

"..." Zhang Ke suddenly remembered the ugly behavior of preparing skin and shaving for a little nurse who had been in appendicitis surgery for ten years in junior high school. At that time, he suddenly had sexual consciousness. Raising his eyebrows to the nurse, Zhang Ke smiled awkwardly, pushed the door and went out.

Chen feirong laughed when she saw Zhang Ke embarrassed, but her mouth was cold and her stomach hurt more.

Chen feirong was operated on by a short and fat female doctor. She took the operation notice and asked Zhang Ke to sign it. Because Chen feirong's condition has been delayed for nearly a day, there are signs of transition to diffuse appendicitis, and the operation is still dangerous. Zhang Ke couldn't think about the possibility of 1% or 5%. At this time, in addition to believing what else the doctor could do, he signed the operation notice and sent Chen feirong into the operating room.

1% of the situation did not happen. The operation went on very quickly and ended in less than half an hour. Chen feirong's face looked better than before entering the operating room. It was not so painful. It may also be due to local anesthesia.

With the help of the nurse, Chen feirong was transferred to the hospital bed. Next, the nurse said a lot of precautions for post-operative nursing. Although he also suffered from acute appendicitis in junior high school, he was a patient at that time. His mother ran before and after, and he didn't eat or drink water for three days. Except for skin preparation, this is the most profound memory.

Looking at Chen feirong's haggard face and messy hair, Zhang Ke went out to fetch some water. A middle-aged woman taking care of her daughter in the same ward lent him a brand-new towel to wipe Chen feirong's face.

Chen feirong leaned weakly against the blanket and watched Zhang Ke busy with his hands and feet. She had no strength to speak.

Zhang Ke looked at Chen feirong's usually firm and stubborn eyes. At this time, he showed a pitiful taste. He smiled, took out the blanket with her neck and back, and said, "go to sleep. It's better to wake up."

"Can't sleep..." Chen feirong pursed her white lips and said, "why don't you help me make Xiaojing angry and let her talk to me for a while."

Zhang Ke called Tang Jing and woke her up from her sleep. He told her that Chen feirong had just had an operation. He complained to Tang Jing over the phone about not informing her in time. Zhang Ke quickly plugged his headset into his mobile phone to help Chen feirong put it on and adjust her posture. He went to the balcony to smoke.

Zhang Ke came back from smoking. Seeing that Chen feirong's eyelids were soft, he took her mobile phone and let her rest. He went to the balcony to talk to Tang Jing. After the operation, Chen feirong's situation was no longer serious. Zhang Ke told Tang Jing not to come back. After talking for a while, he hung up and sat by Chen feirong's hospital bed.

At night, Chen feirong woke up once. When it was dawn, Zhang Ke couldn't hold on and slept by the bed. Even if it was so hot today and Chen feirong didn't take a bath, she still had a faint smell of good taste. She had a dream. Tang Jing and Chen feirong walked in the boundless sea of grass with both hands, walking aimlessly all the time.

When the nurse came to patrol the room, Zhang Ke woke up and found that her hand was really held by Chen feirong in her sleep. The nurse came to see the medical record card hanging at the end of the bed and woke Chen feirong from her sleep. She released Zhang Ke's hand.

Zhang Ke brought water to wash Chen feirong's face, combed her hair neatly, and said to her, "let me ask if there is a senior hospital bed?"

"Forget it, it's fine here. There are many people and it's more lively," Chen feirong shook her head and said, "you have something to do in the morning. Go back first. If there's anything, I'll find a nurse or ask someone in the ward for help..."

In the morning, Zhang Ke told Du Fei, Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang yesterday that they would take part in it, and they couldn't assign anyone to take care of her. He said, "well, I'll go back and deal with it first. It won't take long. Call me if you have anything."

Back at school, I talked to Du Fei about Chen feirong's operation at night and appendicitis operation. Du Fei and them couldn't run to visit at this time. Zhang Ke met Ma Xiangdong and Liang Wenjiang in a hurry and rushed to the hospital. On the way, she stopped to buy some daily necessities for Chen feirong. She would like to stay in the hospital for a few days.

East Fork and west fork, it's past ten o'clock in the hospital. There are many people in the hospital. Zhang Ke passes through the outpatient Hall of the complex building and stands in front of the elevator. The elevator door opens and he Xian comes out. He is startled: "how are you in the hospital?"

"I'll take care of Chen feirong with Su Yiting?" He Xian said with a smile. "Don't you think we're in the way?"

Zhang Ke smiled silently. Chen feirong and Su Yiting have been classmates at the same table in high school for three years. They have a close relationship. Su Yiting and he Xian have been classmates in the same dormitory in the University for three years. Her relationship with Chen feirong is also quite familiar. She and Su Yiting have nothing to do in the morning. It's no surprise to come to take care of Chen feirong.

"Have you bought all the things?" He Xian leaned over slightly, reached out and opened the plastic bag held by Zhang Ke, looked at it and said, "we have all brought some things. You don't have what we want. I have to go to the supermarket again - Su Yiting is taking a bath for Chen feirong. You can't help me upstairs. Go to the supermarket with me."

Zhang Ke took the plastic bag and followed He Xian to the outside of the outpatient hall. At this time, there were many people. At this time, the temperature outside rose, showing the power of Jianye stove city. Fortunately, the comprehensive gate was newly built and the air conditioner was fully turned on. Otherwise, so many people who saw a doctor would feel hot and faint one or two people.

Suddenly, a little boy came out from behind. Zhang Ke's arm was hit. He took off the plastic bag for a long time, and everything spilled out. Zhang Ke also wanted to remind the little boy to be careful not to bump into others. Before he could speak, an old lady with her left leg in plaster and looking elsewhere on crutches rubbed the little boy and lost her center of gravity, Fell to the ground.

He Xian stood next to the woman and subconsciously wanted to help her, but he didn't help her. Zhang Ke didn't care to pick up things. First, he Xian helped the old lady up with He Xian and asked her whether it was important or not?

The old lady frowned slightly and leaned against the column in the hall. She nodded her left leg in plaster with some pain on her face. Zhang Ke helped the old lady pick up her crutch and gave it to her. He Xian helped the old lady hold her. He picked up the spilled things back into the plastic bag, and the onlookers dispersed. At this time, a young girl in cowboy shorts and high heels came up, held the old lady and said angrily, "Why are you so careless? If you break your leg again, who will pay for you? Do you know how much we have spent for you?"

Zhang Ke saw that the young girl was very beautiful, but he was not good at the old lady's tone, but it was someone else's housework, and he didn't bother to take care of it. He said to He Xian, "let's go..."

"Why do you want to leave when you knock someone down?"

Zhang Ke and he Xian didn't go out for a few steps. The young girl suddenly rushed over and grabbed his and he Xian's clothes to prevent them from leaving. Zhang Ke Er turned back and said, "it's the little boy who rubbed her just now. It has nothing to do with us..."

"There are no little boys here. I saw you hit people." the young girl loosened Zhang Ke's hand, grabbed the corner of He Xian's clothes with one hand, grabbed her arm with the other, and insisted that he Xian had knocked down.

"You let go first." Zhang Ke grabbed the girl's wrist and asked her to loosen He Xian and block him in front of him. He turned his head and asked the old lady, "you said who just knocked you down."

Seeing the girl staring at the old lady, Zhang Ke wanted to slap her to death; The old lady immediately changed her mouth, pointed to He Xian and insisted that it was her: "it's not you, it's her! She knocked me down." she sat down on the ground and cried out in pain and complained to the people around.

Zhang Ke kept his anger down so that others would not fall into passivity. He loosened his hand and showed the plastic bag to the onlookers: "I also bumped the little boy. The plastic bags were broken and the things were spilled all over the floor. I just picked them up - the old lady fell and didn't see clearly, but the woman came. The old lady had stood up for a while. Which eye of her saw us bumping?"

"You said I blackmailed you, you said I blackmailed you!" the young girl suddenly started to rage and took down the handbag she was carrying on her arm. "Your eyes are wide open. What bag is this? It's Gucci, Italian Gucci. Your horse can't afford to sell it!" she opened her handbag and took out her hand excitedly, "The eyes are wide open. What kind of mobile phone is this? This is IDA i380. Your horse can't afford to sell it!"

"Why do you talk like that!" He Xian blushed with anger and stood up to confront the young girl angrily. "The old woman was knocked down by others..." she had never been wronged. Her eyes turned red after two words.

The young girl reached out and grabbed He Xian's sleeve. With her mobile phone in her other hand, she began to dial: "He Yong, where are you dead? Come here, someone knocked your mother down, and her legs may be broken again. The two people who hit your mother still have to slip away. They are being dragged here by me. A man still wants to touch me..."

The old lady sat down on the ground, he Xian was in tears, and the onlookers didn't know what the truth was.

Zhang Ke looked up and saw a camera facing here in the hall. Unexpectedly, the new hospital complex building in 1999 was equipped with a monitoring system. He didn't want to intensify the contradiction at this time. He grabbed the woman's hand and pointed there: "keep your eyes open. That camera has photographed here! Shall we find the hospital security guard to see the surveillance video?" Suddenly, she threw away the woman's hand. The woman was stunned there. She didn't expect that there was a camera facing here. She didn't find it for a while.

The expressions of the young girl and the old lady were all in the eyes and immediately roared.

Zhang Ke thought about it and hated it. If it weren't for the camera, he really couldn't explain clearly today. He couldn't beat a woman under the crowd. He had to change a place, whether it was a woman or not, and slapped him: "you're not blackmail, you want to blackmail, all these things are for you!" he threw the plastic bag and its contents into the woman's face, "It's disgusting to see you dressed like a dog and a little beautiful!" they were in no mood to go out shopping again. They were all anxious to tremble. They took he Xian's hand and walked to the elevator.

Back in the ward, Su Yiting just scrubbed Chen feirong's body and watched Zhang Ke come in with He Xian's hand. Her mouth was so open that she couldn't imagine pointing at them: "you..."

Zhang Ke found that he was dizzy with anger. He Xian's hand had not been loosened. He Xian grabbed the resentment and said the thing he had just encountered in the hall. Even when he got upstairs, he was a little trembling with anger.

Zhang Ke took out his mobile phone and asked Chen feirong, "I bought something for you. Just now I was angry and lost it to the woman. I asked someone to buy it and send it back. What else do you need?"

"You have a rest first," said Chen feirong with a gentle smile. "It's not worth getting angry for such people..."

Zhang Ke called to tell people to buy some daily necessities again, because Chen feirong can't eat for a few days. He, he Xian and Su Yiting had better go out to eat at noon. Eating in the ward can kill Chen feirong.

After about half an hour, I heard the noise in the corridor. I don't know what happened on this floor. Zhang Ke and he Xian walked into the corridor and saw the woman and a man in a flower shirt and two people in security uniforms coming out of the next ward. She saw Zhang Ke and he Xian show their faces, pointed at them and shouted: "He Yong, it's them. It's them who knocked down your mother and hit me in the face."

Zhang Ke was furious, but he also knew that the man and woman at least had to confirm that the surveillance video evidence had been eliminated or that there was no evidence left in the surveillance video before they dared to come to the door again. Either way, it showed that they were in collusion with the hospital. Zhang Ke wanted to hold back and clean up these scum when the informer came, but he Xian could not control it and stood up and pointed at the woman "Why are you so shameless?" he said

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