As far as playing chess is concerned, Wang Zhi's chess style is much sharper than his father, which is inconsistent with his weak and thin appearance. In addition, Zhang Ke is not more impressed by Wang Zhi. Liang Wenjiang is good at technique and speech. Without him to actively make peace, Zhang Ke and Wang Zhi, who met for the first time, talked only about current events.

Zhang Ke was distracted by several phone calls. When he reached the middle set, he calculated the wrong key son and lost the upper hand.

After playing a game of chess with Wang Xuchen, his brother-in-law Liang Guosheng had no time to play another game, so he took the pieces and went to the living room to watch the chess. When he went to the living room, Wang Xuchen saw that Zhang Ke's chess was at a disadvantage, so he asked Liang Wenjiang, "how many pieces have you let?"

"My chess ability is not as good as brother Wang, and I'm struggling to cope at this time." Zhang Ke smiled at Wang Xuchen. He noticed that Wang Xuchen's words made Wang Zhi's face a little unhappy. He thought that the relationship between father and son was really strange. What he cared about most in his past life was probably his father's affirmation and recognition, Wang Xuchen's words really touched Wang Zhimin's mind.

Wang Xuchen did not give face to Wang Zhi, who had already married and established a family. He snorted disdainfully and talked to Zhang Ke about the overseas listing of Kunteng online: "The opinions of the Ministry are also quite contradictory. I think Kunteng had better be prepared. Some businesses can be listed overseas, and some businesses may be spun off. The Ministry has repeatedly stressed that information security should be given priority..."

Wang Xuchen did not name the two sides who had conflicting opinions on Kunteng's overseas listing. Zhang Ke also had a deep understanding of the Ministry of information industry. It is not difficult to imagine the twists and turns: when Geng Chongyang was in charge of the Ministry of Posts and telecommunications, he had been vigorously promoting the national monopoly of the telecommunications industry on the grounds of national defense information security. Although Yi Yunfei wanted to help Jinhu, once others raised it His attitude can not support the banner of national defense information security, and compromise is the only feasible way.

If Kunteng online wants to be listed overseas, the approval of the Ministry of information industry is an essential condition. If it wants to become the first Chinese Internet enterprise to be listed overseas, it naturally has many more obstacles to overcome than its followers.

No matter whether Wang Xuchen said this at this time or not, he always wanted to meet Yi Yunfei when he came to Beijing this time.

Zhang Ke has also considered these issues before, and specially registered two offshore companies to spin off all businesses of Kunteng online into the framework of the two offshore companies. Finally, he can only be listed overseas in the name of one offshore company, and the businesses that cannot be listed will be placed into another offshore company, so as to avoid the risk of domestic policies.

Zhang Ke explained these to Wang Xuchen slightly. Wang Cailing was quite surprised: "can you understand the situation of all companies under Jinhu?"

"It seems that it's a little worse than this level, so it's not qualified," Zhang Ke joked with Wang Cailing with a smile. "Do you only know how much Wenjiang's shares can be worth after Kunteng's overseas listing?"

"Go, who cares about his stinky money!" Wang Cailing said to Zhang Ke, a little embarrassed, with a pink face.

At this time, the Internet industry is in a more ferocious era than anyone who burns money, and there is no shadow of profit. Calculated by the stock price of the second venture capital financing, Liang Wenjiang's Kunteng stock is worth $1.2 million, but before listing, the management's stock can not be circulated or transferred. Without profit, naturally there will be no dividend. Liang Wenjiang mainly depends on it Kunteng online has a monthly salary of 3000 US dollars. Whether the paper wealth under the management of Kunteng online can be transformed into real US dollars depends on whether it can be successfully listed overseas.

In Zhang Ke's impression, there have been two upsurge of overseas listing of domestic enterprises. The first is that before 1997, a large number of state-owned enterprises listed on the Hong Kong stock market, creating the concept of red chips. Then there will be the Asian financial crisis that will be remembered in the next few decades. The second is the new economic concept enterprises listed on the North American stock market from next year Fortunately, there will soon be a wave of technology stocks that will still be remembered in the next few decades. The NASDAQ index of the US has dropped from more than 5000 to more than 800.

Wang Zhi's chess style is sharp and his chess power will be much weaker at the end. Zhang Ke pulled back his disadvantage and won a small victory with half his eyes. Wang Zhi is quite unwilling and wants to ask Zhang Ke to play another game after dinner to try his chess power. Wang Xuchen taught: "do you think anyone can have a leisure worker like you to grind on chess pieces?"

Wang Zhi was unhappy and silent. He went downstairs with his four-year-old daughter in his arms. The hotel for the meal was just outside the community building, and there was no car. It was only a few minutes' walk. With Wang Zhicai's four-year-old daughter, there were only 11 people, crowded into a table. Although it was a private banquet, the ceremony was not very formal, but the elders gave Liang Wenjiang and Wang Cailin nothing Little, Zhang Ke came here this time. His mother and his uncle Liang Guoxing specially wrapped a red envelope for him to bring along.

After dinner, Zhang Ke really didn't have time to play chess with Wang Zhi. A little after eight o'clock, the car came to pick him up to meet Ye Zhenmin. Although Zhang Ke was sure that the most difficult moment of the Asian financial crisis had passed, ye Zhenmin and the top of the State Council were still worried about repeated, even if not repeated, the domestic economy would have to overcome a series of difficulties such as economic contraction.

It is precisely the economic contraction that forces the central government, which pays attention to the economic growth rate, to continue to liberalize the policies of private enterprises and encourage private enterprises to extend to previously inaccessible industries, such as steel, oil, equipment manufacturing, aviation, finance, port and other basic industries. If this opportunity is not seized, it will be delayed until 2002 and 2003, when the economy recovers and there are worries about inflation, The opening of these basic industries to private enterprises will shrink sharply.

In the final analysis, Jinhu's successful acquisition of Chenxi paper and its involvement in the construction of Dongshan port this year depend on the fact that the domestic economy is in a period of austerity. The state needs to encourage a large amount of investment to stimulate economic growth. If it is advanced or delayed a few years, even if the political environment has not changed, the degree of difficulty will be far different.

After sitting at Ye Zhenmin's home in Beijing for nearly two hours, when he left, he found Yao Jian waiting for him in the car.

"What's the good thing? You have to wait for me here?" Zhang Ke ducked into his body and asked Yao Jian with a smile.

"Samsung will hold a new product launch in Beijing before New Year's day. Their posture is still very grand. Many senior personnel from Samsung Electronics headquarters in Hg have come, and some of your acquaintances - the company's employees fly back to Beijing from Jianye and see Miss Li Xinyu of Samsung also sitting in business class."

Seeing Yao Jian's appearance, it seemed that the last sentence was the focus of his personal report. Zhang Ke smiled and said, "believe it or not, I'll take something to smoke you?"

"Do you want to change the hotel to the Wangfujing Hotel next to the Forbidden City," Yao Jian said with a smile, "Ke Shao, you won't really smoke me?"

Zhang Ke pulled out a newspaper from his pocket and tried to smoke Yao Jian. Seeing him Dodge, he said to him, "did Samsung invite us to the new product launch?"

"One has been sent to the branch office. There are still three days left. Ke Shao plans to stay in Beijing for three days?" Yao Jian asked.

"My uncle-in-law is in Beijing, and I always want to stay with them in Beijing for two days," Zhang Ke said. "This is also Samsung's first new product launch after adjusting its China market strategy. Maybe something surprising will appear, which is always worth seeing."

After Yao Jian left, Zhang Ke sat in the car and called his cousin Liang Wenjiang. When he left, he didn't ask his brother-in-law which hotel they arranged to sit in. Since he had time to spend two days with his brother-in-law in Beijing, it's better to stay in the same hotel.

"We're at Wangfujing Hotel. Do you want to arrange a room for you?"

"You don't have to go downstairs. Let's just go there." Zhang Ke thought it was a coincidence. He hesitated whether to call Li Xinyu or wait until he bumped into him?

"We just got to the lobby..."

"Then you just sit in the lobby and wait for me, and the room will be arranged by me..." Zhang Ke said, thinking: you can see the Forbidden City in the room of Wangfujing Hotel. Liang Wenjiang and Wang Cailing arranged their little uncle there.

When he arrived at Wangfujing Hotel and saw that Wang Xuchen's family were all there, Liang Wenjiang pulled him aside and whispered, "it's not polite to talk to you. I don't have enough money in my card to pay for the luxury suite..."

"It's all said I'll arrange..." Zhang Ke took Liang Wenjiang's shoulder and asked, "Wang Zhi and his family also live in a hotel?"

"Well," Liang Wenjiang nodded and said, "Cailing's brother stayed in Wenzhou to work after graduation. Cailing's father is very opposed to it. It is said that her brother's work in Wenzhou is not satisfactory. Although he has been hanging out in the government for several years, he doesn't want her father to transfer his work to Beijing - after you leave, they have two more words about it."

If Wang Xuchen or Wang Zhi directly mentioned the difficulties at work, Zhang Ke could think of what the relationship would be. However, Wenzhou in eastern Zhejiang is the site of Yan Family and Hongxin construction. What relationship Wang Zhi has with Jinhu may add greater resistance. Zhang Ke smiled faintly and said to Liang Wenjiang, "if you have nothing to do tomorrow, you can stay at night. I can play chess with you until the early morning..."

"That's OK. I asked for two days off to accompany my parents. The big deal is to let Cailing behave more tomorrow. I hide in the car and sleep." Liang Wenjiang said with a smile.

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