When the car crossed the Yinmahe bridge, I met the old factory director of the paper factory, Xing Aiguo, riding a bicycle in the direction of the paper factory. When he saw the motorcade coming, he stopped and looked at the roadside. When the car stopped, he looked at the window down and showed Zhang Ke's face and said, "I said who came to let Zhao Youlun and Zhou Fu accompany you. Are you going to see the new house in the resettlement area?" he knew Zhao Youlun and Zhou Fu's car.

"Hmm!" Zhang Ke nodded. "Where is factory director Xing and the car will give you a ride?" Zhang Ke opened the door and asked Xing Aiguo to get on the car. Zhang Yi got off the car and threw Xing Aiguo's bike into the trunk. Zhao Youlun and Zhou Fu poked their heads out of the car in front of them and didn't get off.

"Will the new houses in the resettlement area be too extravagant?" Xing Aiguo got into his car and told Zhang Ke bluntly. "Last time Secretary Xu came to inspect, he also felt that the money for one building can build two buildings. In Jinshan, there are tens of thousands of affected people living in simple sheds waiting to be resettled."

"The charity foundation in Hong Kong is responsible for supervising the construction of the house. Those people of the foundation are used to the colorful world in Hong Kong and don't know much about the situation in the mainland. When discussing the standard of house construction with them, they all feel incredibly low," Zhang Ke told Xing Aiguo nonsense, "We build a house here. It's only enough to buy a corner in Hong Kong. The people of the foundation are in Jinshan, so you didn't get through with them?"

"They also dare to call Chinese people. They can't speak Mandarin. How can I communicate with them? I can't speak English or Cantonese," said Xing Aiguo in a loud voice, especially when emotions came, "However, the house is very beautiful, the community is also beautiful, and there are many greedy people... Zhang Yi arranges my family to Tang Xueqian. He also knows that Zhang Ke doesn't like running to government organs in the daytime. At this time, it's still early for dinner, so he asks his entourage to take another car back, and the driver drives him and his Secretary Xu Ruiping directly to the east pond of Jinshan Lake.

Hung up the phone and separated from Xing Aiguo. Zhang Ke went out and took a car back from Yinmahe bridge, crossed the new urban area and drove to jinshangtang. On the way, they met Tang Xueqian's car.

Bypass Jinshan Lake and go to Dongtang town. The terrain rises and falls. It is a typical combination of hills and plains in the south of the Yangtze River. There are many low hills on both sides of the road. This is the suburb in the south of Jinshan City. The buildings in the junction of urban and rural areas are scattered and messy. In the cold winter, those mountains have light brown to golden colors, and the scenery is quite pleasant.

Dongtang town is in the suburb of the south of Jinshan City, only ten kilometers away from the Central District of the city. It's only four o'clock. The winter sunset hangs on the clear sky in the West. Zhang Ke and his team parked their car on a slightly higher hill and looked at Dongtang town under the setting sun. A large number of birds fluttered and danced in the setting sun, which was very spectacular.

"If you want to see birds, you should come to Dongtang," Zhang Ke did not see any manners. He squatted on the top of the mountain and squinted at birds. "It's really good to hear others talk about this in school."

Tang Xueqian didn't squat down and put his hand on his waist. He also felt that the scene of birds flying in front of him was very magnificent. He smiled and said to Zhang Ke, "I thought you loved the 20000 mu forest land submerged. I didn't expect you came to see the birds."

"Did the governor of the Tang Dynasty come to Jinshan and have a chance to go to Dongtang?" Zhao Youlun asked Tang Xueqian with a smile. "Dongtang can be said to be the essence of Jinshan's scenery. The Jinshan Lake on the right side is only a few years of ecological damage, but the foraging birds in the dusk are several times more spectacular than before."

"20000 mu of forest land can't support a large pulp mill. It's a pity to be flooded," Zhang Ke said, pointing to the birds like clouds in front of him. "In a few years, when these ecosystems are restored, can you come and have a look at the birds from time to time? It's more valuable than 20000 mu of forest industry."

Xinguang forestry has nearly 3 million mu of industrial raw material forest in the East China Sea, and the scale of forest management in Jiangnan province is even larger. However, the construction of the pulp factory can not be started until two or three years before the industrial raw material forest comes to the rotation period. According to the plan, it is time to plan the pulp factory in another two years. 20000 mu of raw material forest can only support a small pulp factory, and the paper industry is capital intensive The larger the scale of centralized industries, such as paper mills and pulp mills, the more economies of scale can be reflected. Small pulp mills can neither alleviate the demand of Xinguang forestry for raw wood pulp, nor produce much benefits. These 20000 mu of forest land can not be flooded, which has no impact on the whole.

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