The disaster relief donations of Jinhu are operated through the Hong Kong new dawn charity foundation. New dawn is a charity officially registered by sun Shangyi and his wife in Hong Kong in 1996. This time, in addition to the 100 million disaster relief funds of Jinhu, new dawn also raised nearly 100 million Hong Kong dollars. These two funds will be directly used for the post disaster reconstruction of Jinshan.

Siyan Township on the East Bank of Yinma River was flooded as a whole. After the flood receded, it was a mess. Even if some rooms did not collapse, they became dangerous houses after being soaked by the flood for ten months. LiDang of Jinshan City immediately decided to transfer Siyan township as a whole into the Industrial Park originally limited to the West Bank. More than 20000 people in Siyan Township chose a place for unified resettlement. In addition to the disaster relief funds, the city will also take out a compensation fee for land acquisition.

After a period of consultation, Hongyuan Industry of Zhang Zhifei undertook the reconstruction of Chenxi paper shanty town and the affected reconstruction and resettlement area of Siyan township. The total cost of the project was nearly 400 million. In addition to the new 200 million disaster relief fund, the rest was supplemented by the land acquisition compensation from Jinshan City.

Zhang Ke came to Jinshan this time, apparently for the successful acquisition of Chenxi paper industry, but it was a foregone conclusion. He didn't need to go there in person. After he arrived in Jinshan, he lived in the provincial Party Committee Guest House. At this time, he just brought his uncle to Jinshan Hotel and talked about Hongxin construction for a long time. At this time, he turned the topic to the construction of shanty towns and resettlement areas.

"Build a brand-new town in the northeast of the paper mill. In the future, the living area of the paper mill will be gradually transformed, and the production scale of the paper mill will continue to expand. In particular, the development of the whole Siyan Township after it is classified into the industrial zone is enough to support an industrial new town with 200000 people," Zhang Ke said. "It's necessary to make a good plan here..."

Zhang Zhifei will not be careless about the post disaster reconstruction. Let alone others, Hongyuan Industry can also enter Jiangnan province. This time, he brought almost half of the project management personnel of Hongyuan Industry in Haizhou to Jinshan. In addition to purchasing tens of millions of engineering equipment, nearly 1000 construction personnel have been raised in Jinshan in the past half a month and participated in Lake Embankment Consolidation Construction of municipal projects such as river dredging, dredging of flood and lack areas, road repair, etc.

Due to the great damage caused by the breakwater of Jinshan Lake, the huge workload of post disaster reconstruction has far exceeded the load of local engineering construction enterprises. With the support of Zhao Youlun, Secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor of Jinshan, it is only natural for Hongyuan Industry to fully enter Jinshan City, and there is little resistance. Hongyuan Industry has raised nearly ten million dollars of investment from Indonesian Chinese businessmen, Almost all used in this expansion.

Zhang Zhifei's greatest interest is more than that. Zhang Ke told him that the reconstruction area should be well planned. He nodded and agreed, but soon turned the conversation elsewhere and said: "Jinshan City is in financial difficulties and is in urgent need of money everywhere. It is said that it is going to take out 200 million land acquisition compensation for the reconstruction of the affected resettlement area in Siyan Township, but the shadow of this money can not be seen for the time being. It still needs to be advanced by Hongyuan Industry. I don't know when Jinshan can make up this money to Hongyuan..."

"The two hundred million yuan of new dawn has already been transferred to Hongyuan's account. This money should be enough to cover the initial expenses," Zhang Ke said.

"There's no shortage of money," Zhang Zhifei said with a smile. "I've been thinking these days that if Jinshan's money is delayed until the project is completed and then paid in installments, it's not somewhat similar to Hongxin construction's model of" advance construction and repurchase by the government after construction "

"Well, it's a little similar," an idea flashed in Zhang Ke's mind, and orr said with a smile. "When did Uncle speak secretively and go around for most of the day before half of his tail came out?"

"You bastard, how can I show my tail?" Zhang Zhifei smiled and tried to smoke Zhang Ke, raised his hand and took out his cigarette, "Hongyuan industry undertook municipal projects in Haizhou, such as river dredging, road construction, land leveling, pipeline laying, harbor and wharf construction, as well as the construction of major demolition and resettlement houses in Haizhou. From 1994 to the summer of 1998, its net assets were only more than 200 million - Hongxin construction developed in Tianjin and Beijing in 1993. Although its asset scale could not be known, Hongxin construction is now The registered capital alone reached one billion, and after the establishment of the ICT bank in 1995, Hongxin construction, as the initiator, successively injected more than one billion into the ICT Bank - do you think people are more angry than others in this society? "

Zhang Ke smiled and said, "people are more angry than people. Hongxin construction made a fortune in Hainan property market before 1993. Besides, the water behind Hongxin construction is very deep, which is not comparable to Hongyuan - why, uncle, do you want to copy the operation mode of Hongxin construction?"

"This model needs the support of financial institutions. With Hongyuan's financial strength, Hongxin construction can only operate one or two projects in the same period. Hongxin construction relies on financial institutions such as ICT bank, and can operate dozens or hundreds of such projects at the same time," Zhang Zhifei shook his head and said, "it can't be copied..."

In China, the first mock exam is not a special case because of the shortage of funds from the investors. In his impression, the domestic industry seems to be developing the mode of large-scale development. It also specially deals with government departments that are short of funds and are eager to take up the project.

In this cooperation mode, government departments are usually willing to ensure a higher profit margin of engineering companies. Even if the average net profit margin after deducting financing costs does not exceed 10%, with the financial support provided by ICT bank and other financial institutions, Hongxin construction can operate dozens or hundreds of projects at the same time, and the profit scale can reach an amazing level.

"My uncle is a little moved..." Zhang Ke leaned his head against the high waist back of the rattan chair, and orr stood up again and said, "I want to support you unconditionally, but the interest relationship involved in all aspects of Jinhu is more complex than before - let's say, uncle, you transfer 20% of the shares of Hongyuan Industry to Jinhu commercial!"

"This is no problem at all," Zhang Zhifei asked again. "Will 20% be too little?"

"Sun Shangyi, ye Jianbin and I established a principle when establishing Jinhu commercial. Jinhu commercial should promote the all-round development of all links of the industrial chain. In order to do more things, we should make full use of the limited capital. Even if the profit is high, the participation in relevant enterprises should not exceed 20% - 20% of the shares is enough," Zhang Ke added, "In addition, the development direction of Hongyuan Industry should follow the overall interests of Jinhu commercial. Uncle, do you agree to this condition?"

"I'm not very clear about the overall interests of the so-called Jinhu business," Zhang Zhifei said with a smile, "but I promise you. Can I still distrust you?"

"Just promise," Zhang Ke smiled and stretched. "The reconstruction of shanty towns in the paper mill is Hongyuan's memorial archway project, but we should do it seriously."

"What is a memorial archway? It must be so ugly! Then I'll transfer Liang Jun from century Jinhu."

"Hongyuan's next direction adjustment span is very large. If Liang Jun can be adjusted, I think Liang Jun should follow you. Hongyuan's development has a certain scale, and there will not be only one or two people available," Zhang Ke said, "I asked Jinhu commercial to transfer at least US $50 million to Hongyuan in the name of corporate bonds. Hongyuan's main goal during this period is to acquire engineering companies experienced in harbor construction as much as possible..."

In the summer, Jinhu commercial raised more than $500 million from the Chinese capital evacuated from Indonesia. Of course, Jinhu commercial has to pay tens of millions of dollars of debt interest every year, which is one of the operating costs of Jinhu commercial.

Jinhu commercial will not directly participate in the operation of the industry. In addition to overseas trade business, the most important operating income of Jinhu commercial in the future will come from creditor's rights and equity investment.

In addition to injecting a small amount of funds into Hongyuan in exchange for 20% equity, Jinhu commercial will lend us $50 million of corporate bonds. A certain proportion of debt interest will be charged for us $50 million of creditor's rights. The debt interest income can maintain the daily operation of Jinhu commercial. When Hongyuan Industrial has achieved great development, the return on equity investment of 20% in the future will be the big head.

Equity investment is not profitable for a certain period of time. Jinhu commercial cannot arbitrarily increase the proportion of equity investment funds. The limited equity investment funds should penetrate into the whole industrial chain as much and as deeply as possible, and the shareholding proportion of specific enterprises should be strictly controlled - in addition, if the equity investment exceeds a certain proportion, it must directly participate in the operation, which is not in line with Jinhu commercial The original intention of Lake commercial establishment.

The main purpose of Zhang Ke's visit to Jinshan this time is to talk about the construction of port on Dongshan Island. Instead of talking with Xinting, he should first make preliminary communication with Xu Xueping and Liang Weifa. The initial panic of disaster relief work in Jiangnan province has passed. Although the post disaster reconstruction work still has a long way to go, it has at least been on track. Next, he should focus on the issue of economic development - sea On the other hand, Su Yiqun was transferred to Haizhou and transferred to Suyang in the north of the East China Sea as mayor. It is said that Suyang is in a flat tune, but how can Suyang mention and transfer with Haizhou? After su Yiqun's transfer, song Peiming was appointed as Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and acting mayor, which can be regarded as paving the way for Tang Xueqian to leave Haizhou.

Zhang Ke suspected that Tang Xueqian didn't even need to wait until the end of his study in the Central Party school to determine his new position. He talked with his uncle at Jinshan Hotel for a long time, looked at his watch and said, "Uncle Xu may be going back to his residence. Uncle, come with me... So you will know the direction Hongyuan industry needs to adjust."

When Zhang Ke went downstairs, Xie Jiannan, Lin Xue and Wang Haisu had just finished their conversation in the lobby cafe and wanted to leave Jinshan Hotel.

Zhang Ke glanced at Xie Jiannan and didn't say a word, so he got into the car under the crowd.

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