Zhang Ke and ye Jianbin went to the night stall square in the gate of waihua to find a restaurant for supper.

Remembering Wei Dongqiang's performance today, ye Jianbin was still a little angry and said, "this guy is not authentic and his eyes are very poor."

"People will get into trouble," Zhang Ke smiled. "Just ignore it. What do you do with him?" he really didn't want to talk to Wei Dongqiang.

"Hum..." Ye Jianbin smiled disdainfully and asked Zhang Ke, "you said that foreign brands such as Samsung may pry open the door of CCTV this year?"

"It's possible. Even if the previously implemented price discrimination barriers cannot be completely eliminated so soon, they will be much lower. Overseas brands such as Samsung and Sony have rich product lines, and their expansion is comprehensive. In order to cross this barrier, they may be willing to pay a certain premium, as long as the premium is within the range they can accept. We don't agree Can you wishful thinking that CCTV can firmly block this line of defense, "Zhang Ke reached out to Ye Xiaotong and knocked on the table," your holiday is over... "

Ye Xiaotong glared at each other, even the honeymoon, and even the normal marriage leave was ruined.

Xi Ruolin thought she was going to some high-end restaurant. Unexpectedly, the car turned two corners and turned to the night stall square inside Donghua gate. Not only another Mercedes Benz and the big crown, but also a police Santana stopped in front of a night stall and walked in. He Jiyun, the head of the Malian Street police station, also just brought a plastic stool and sat down. He looked back at her and smiled: "Teacher Xi also came to have supper?"

"Ah, you've known each other for a long time." Xi Ruolin was a little embarrassed. She was unfriendly in the police station, subconsciously waiting for Meng le to go first.

Zhang Ke asked the shopkeeper to bring some more plastic round stools and let Meng Le, Du Fei and Xi Ruolin sit down.

Zhang Ke couldn't squeeze too many people in this table. Ma Hailong sat at the next table. Xi Ruolin was shocked. Those people at the next table were dressed in suits and shoes, sitting upright and like bodyguards. They used to be with Zhang Ke.

He glanced at Ye Jianbin, who was tall, with a national face and a thick eyebrow around Zhang Ke. When he was at the police station, Zhang Xiaodong and Cui Guoheng said that he was the chairman of Shengxin global electric appliance, which was famous in Jianye. He felt like he was only in his thirties. Seeing that Du Fei was very familiar with them, Xi Ruolin really couldn't guess what kind of relationship they had with Zhang Ke and Du Fei.

Instigating spiced mud snails, peeling spicy crayfish and talking about irrelevant words, he didn't finish supper until 1 a.m.

Zhang Ke got off the bus at Xuefu lane, and the school dormitory was locked at 10:30. In addition to the graduate apartment, it was natural for Xi Ruolin and sun Jingmeng to sleep in the graduate apartment. Zhang Ke, Du Fei and Meng Le casually laid a floor in the Chuangyu Internet cafe, sent two girls back to the dormitory, and they also had to wash in the dormitory.

"Ah, my bike was thrown into Xuefu lane at night, and it could be towed away by the garbage truck in the early morning!"

When Xi Ruolin pushed away her bike parked in front of Xuefu lane, sun Jingmeng didn't say a word. When she came to the east gate, she suddenly remembered her bike. Everyone had to accompany her back. Sun Jingmeng grabbed Zhang Ke's arm and said, "just have this animal with me..."

Zhang Ke accompanied sun Jingmeng back, casually told two ghost stories to create an atmosphere, pressed his throat and shouted, "look back, I have no legs..."

Sun Jingmeng walked in front of him without any trouble. He didn't even turn his head back, let alone hide in his arms. Zhang Ke stepped on the shadow under the light of sun Jingmeng's road quite uninteresting, and the moonlight melted into it. Sun Jingmeng suddenly stopped and turned around to look at it. Zhang Ke was scared, his nose almost rubbed her forehead, and laughed that she wanted to play a sneak attack. She hasn't said anything yet, sun Jingmeng Jing Meng's transparent lips were pasted, and she stood on tiptoe and kissed.

Touching the soft and warm lips, Zhang Ke's brain was not enough at that moment. Sun Jingmeng's eyes were lightly closed and could not see her blurred and clear eyes. The moonlight fell on her quiet and beautiful face, and the shadow of long eyelashes trembling faintly on her face as pure as snow.

The girl seemed to think that even if her lips touched together, she would kiss. Zhang Ke hesitated for a while, her eyes narrowed and drooped. Sun Jingmeng's coat was open with lace frills, with slender bones and shoulder sockets under her neck, and her skin was as warm as jade. Zhang Ke considered whether to stretch out her tongue to open her teeth and suck out her sweet tongue, or touch it for a long time It's the same thing to put your hands in the air. If you want to hold sun Jingmeng tighter, you need a support point. Zhang Ke decided to touch sun Jingmeng's elastic hips first. As soon as his hands fell down, sun Jingmeng's closed eyes suddenly opened, stared at Zhang Ke, separated his lips and asked him, "what do you want to do?" He broke off Zhang Ke's hands, which covered his hips and had not yet begun to knead, and questioned him, "how can you do this?"

"The ghost is on the body?" Zhang Ke looked at sun Jingmeng puzzled. "You kiss me, I have to do something to cooperate?"

"Oh, I thought kissing with you would be different. It turned out to be tasteless, and you're no big deal..." sun Jingmeng turned and walked towards her bike, bent down to unlock it, then sat on the back frame of the bike and waited for Zhang Ke to ride to pick her up.

Zhang Ke wanted to teach sun Jingmeng how to kiss, but he couldn't figure out her temper, so he took sun Jingmeng to the east gate.

"You splashed tea on H Guo's face. Your expression was beautiful at that time. It was like moonlight in the night sky," sun Jingmeng asked, holding Zhang Ke's waist and sticking his face to him. "Am I doing well today?"

What metaphor? Zhang Ke looked down at sun Jingmeng under his arm. "That's why you just kissed me but didn't allow me to touch you!"

"You are so playful. Who is not good to touch? You have to touch me?"

After hearing this girl's words, Zhang Ke scratched his heart and lungs. What kind of truth is this?

"Don't think about what happened just now. You have to sleep and forget it tomorrow; you can't have any ideas about me, and you can't have sexual fantasies about me," sun Jingmeng threatened Zhang Ke's waist. "You promise me..."

Well, even if I flirted with the accident today and parked my bike in the shed in front of the graduate apartment building, Zhang Ke smiled and asked sun Jingmeng, "are you sure it wasn't your first kiss just now?"

"Don't think about it again!" sun Jingmeng glared at Zhang Ke and reached out to pinch his mouth. Zhang Ke dodged and slipped over to the stairwell. Sun Jingmeng deliberately trampled the stairs, causing anger and resentment on two floors, but she quickly hid in the dormitory with Zhang Ke.

Xi Ruolin heard two other male director assistants talk about the luxury of Zhang Ke's and Du Fei's dormitories. The dormitories between four people were transformed into double rooms before school began, just like the business rooms of four-star hotels. She couldn't go back to the dormitory so late. She slept here with sun Jingmeng, Du Fei and Meng Le, and let Zhang Ke, Du Fei and Meng Le go to the undecorated Chuangyu network platform to make a floor shop. The plan was like this, but after entering the dormitory, everyone was not sleepy. Du Fei took out playing cards and five people played cards until the morning.

Xi Ruolin goes back to her dormitory to make up for sleep. Meng Le has to go to class, and Du Fei has to go to the construction site.

It rained in the morning, and the rain outside the balcony was ticking. One of the two umbrellas in the dormitory was taken away by Xi Ruolin and the other by Meng le and Du Fei.

Sun Jingmeng was trapped in her graduate apartment. She planned to stop riding her bike. Even if it didn't rain, she didn't bother to walk back to the dormitory of the Conservatory of music. She borrowed clothes from Zhang Ke to take a bath in the bathroom. Zhang Ke was too lazy to take a bath. She had to get into bed and go to bed first, but she kicked sun Jingmeng: "you sleep in Du Fei's bed, I want to sleep in your bed."

Zhang Ke was completely hopeless. He was extremely depressed. He held Du Fei's quilt and slept with his head covered. He didn't wake up until noon. He didn't see sun Jingmeng sleeping in his bed. He thought the girl had got up early and left. He got up to go to the bathroom. When he stepped on the ground just now, he saw sun Jingmeng sleeping on the floor between the two beds, He rolled down from the bed. Zhang Ke's Plaid brocade shirt was used as a nightdress. A bare snow-white thigh pressed the quilt, and half of the snow buttocks were exposed. He curled up and fell asleep. Like a baby, he rolled from the bed to the floor without waking up. His beautiful long hair covered half of his bright and charming face, and his cherry lips were slightly open, You can feel the soft, warm touch and faint girl fragrance left between your lips last night.

Zhang Ke wanted to take sun Jingmeng to bed. She leaned over and woke up. She looked at Zhang Ke for a while with her confused eyes. Only then did she find out her situation, rubbed her bruised elbow and said, "I said how could I beat you violently in my dream?" the next behavior seemed that she completely forgot what happened last night, Even after lunch, she rode the orange bike she vowed yesterday that she would never ride again.

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